Wednesday, February 11, 2015

The Neo Conservative African (VII) > Andrew Brimmer


Sampson I.M Onwuka

The Physician cannot as a rule spare his patient this phase of the treatment. He must get him to re-experience some portion of his forgotten life….” Sigmund Freud. (Beyond the Pleasure Principle)

The charismatic clarity of top business men in African American encyclical, who like our ancestors Madam Walker and George Schuyler, directly trained, employed and fired African Americans more than even John and Johnson products or the latter pro-African American markets as with Ebony Magazine. I put in this case an argument that as much as these groups of intellectually based leaders of the society are concerned, passing on the legacy of men such as Andrew Brimmer at the Federal Reserve, whose competency in the reign of Arthur Burns as Fed Chairman and Richard Nixon as president is under studied, premises on how African Americans in search of their history and recollections can thrive under even the most perverse circumstances. In no way close it’s the issue of representation and the righteous but misplaced or detrimental assertion and association of other people and Americans than among the African Americans, who for instance has never left their neighborhoods most of their lives, who have specialty in killing other African Americans or destroying their businesses like Harlem in the 50’s through 80’s and Bronx in 70’s and 80’s and are mainly responsible for bringing down businesses by African Americans.

It is by recognizing leading men and women such as Andrew Brimmer and Madam Walker, or George Schuyler that some light on the structure of the society can reach the African American society and the Americans in general. It is not sad that some of the best business done in Asia and in North America or South America were not done by African Americans who do not have Banks of interest like others. Whereas as I have mentioned to people that historical Blacks; Native Indians and African Americas or Blasians, have done little outside the conduit of drugs since their earliest arrival to the United States.
A leading correspondence in the work of later views of Africans Americans in the business of America, how well they position themselves for Africa and perhaps elsewhere such as Europe, and to what extent they are said to be able to manufacture their meaning and existences, premises on the Madam Walker and George Schuyler and how well others receive them in Brazil and in Canada, how well their business relationships can foster the most enduring legacies in banking and investment strategy. What are the debts of business intelligence in African American societies and how do we structures these intelligence for business in U.S, in purchase of lands owned by African Americans, and in the survival of the race and our kind in film and investment industries.

It should matter for Americans that what Martin Luther King once considered ‘manhood’ which is integrity in business or its opponent ‘womanhood’ which Cosby narrates should be taken seriously, are serious intellectual items in business of life, that protecting this identity which nearly every tribe and culture wants to do with African Americans using their own kinds in names of color advancement, are products of the past that cannot benefit America. Our intention is not to draw blood from the historical past of Andrew Brimmer or paint a better pictures of his outstanding services in Washington, perhaps well treated by Allan Mertz in his ‘History of the Federal Reserve’ (II), 2009.

In fact, between the long chain of incarceration and longer chain of felonies are problems of mistrust in business where nearly every Tom, Dick, and Harry, yes, Mary, Louise and Tatia and Shashas, experiments on African Americans as if it is criminal or unnatural for them to be normal. There is something lacking in the whole episode, something that has denied them their intellectual currency in business and latitude in self-help which others are wringing out of America with subsumed alacrity. A good natured and disciplined African American is unduly the subject of merciless dislike and to some extent hate. He or she is acting outside the norm, he or she is acting with intent unknown as a charlatan borrowed from an era no longer part of today, as if by circumstances of the times and days of Dubois and Garvey and International Conferences of Africans (Pan Africans and Blacks), who for reasons for very clear were constantly under the vigilance of FBI and U.S intelligence, who then even now – somewhat – still cast aspersion on why an African American or African Americans are pursuing a course which is presumably outside the main stream, presumably false given dominion of government checkered by angst emerging from upbringing. 

This is why Brimmer is celebrity, and why Obamas is equally a celebrity perhaps the politician of the last two decades if not the last.

Reasons are not apparent but a society where there are over 600, 000 blacks in prison, two times the number of incarcerated in Africa and close to a million on active felony; meaning – no work – premises on the health of Black businesses which was Brimmer’s chief motivation in persuading the country and eventually the President Lyndon B. Johnson and Richard Nixon to adopt new measures to help fledgling minority businesses. Why it needs to depart this normal behavior is based on false assumptions and Americans or others quarrelling with their past, to a larger house of blacks who can add and aide the society with their experience and invention away from drugs and drug trafficking. Most Blacks who preach the gospel of ‘black power’ or positive African American attitude and so on, are usually and easily the subject of suspicions, and from a grand American, there are nurtured reasons for it, which can be treated without losing the Zeist of suspicion.

In mounting the regulation of ideas in Cuba under Fidel Castro, and in later years; the Castros, one needs to interpret better, the feelings once considered a by a certain Edward to be closer to Kafka, who was walled in Prague of German speaking ancestry, able to write, able to express but confined to the walls of restriction which was set aside for mainly Jews, and in livid ornament of his style as derived from lasting injuries and pains of Syphilis, freedom of expression is injured by suspicion and then restrictions; conventionally or otherwise is a different matter. 

The country is no stranger to this idea of trust and kindred principle of Levi Strauss, perhaps others commingled to the male structure and the society and the death of fatherhood as an open injury less deep than the loss of mother but more symbolic in question of identity, locality and ownership. None of these it’s likely to convey any greatness directly but in advancement of a society, male structure and mental place of the child it’s very important.

Because of Andrew Brimmer some of the recommendations and the changes that could take place in any society essentially happened, and because of his role in the L.B. Johnson’s administration and under Richard Nixon, there has been the issue of changes in how American perceives of the rest of the world, especially African American following the imperative of the Court decisions in landmark American businesses. The years of the civil strife gave way to other changes in………

Perhaps Sigmund Freud’s ‘Beyond Pleasure Principle’ may serve to explain why African Americans failed to capitalize on some of the doors opened by Americans or why for instance the minority business exercises did not have a staying power in African American societies. According to Freud when dealing with patient for instance with a different experience, we may suggest…”The Patient…is obliged to repeat the represses material as a contemporary experiment….” “The Physician cannot as a rule spare his patient this phase of the treatment. He must get him to re-experience some portion of his forgotten life, but must see to it, on the other hand, that the Patient retains some degree of aloofness which will enable him, in spite of everything, to recognize that what appear to be reality is in fact only a reflection of forgotten past.” (XVIII. 18-19). But this is not always the case, the past can equally be part of the obstacle holding a process. For a fact that the only variously rewarding experience from that past is the good from the struggle, especially the struggles in the good and also the bad. 

If Brimmer helped to introduce some of the problems which King and compeers bade for, we are part of the social and open experiment about the Society and about the American economic environment. In the 60’s and 70’s, there was also the ERC; Economic Resources Corporations (ERC) and I - D special Impact Funds of Section 232 of the OEO ACT that enforced some level of percentage in City and State contracting, with underlying securities but minority percentage with future fiscal exercises. Under this heading, Nixon’s programs such as Opportunity Funding Corporations (OFC), Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and the MODEL CITIES – PROGRAM, took different and differing effect. Freud is important in this attempt to broker the collapse of these attempts by U.S and African Americans in making new businesses work, but from Freud we need to take the pain and blame and repair with gradual development in spite of the false and inadequate resources.   

A list of interesting business option opened to these named famers of entertainment including mining and industries across the globe, offers new leaf on the distance that might assail in foundations and thrust that has one and ultimately destiny. In the classic examples mentioned, it looks to show that majority of these new names are nowhere confined to the Americans but these are mainly American list who are featured in many other parts of the world. Assuming we mention that the cultural depression of these African Americans in the last 20 years is not without hints of their own designs, the ultimate argument is that intentions of the author needed to be revisited, for if we look at the years we've spent in the ordinary American business – albeit with some measure of success, the lack of exposure of many affluent blacks to the ratio of many wealthy Americans compares to a sea without fishes, and for the endless possibilities measured from the least possible profit which the average successful black could achieve, the examples set in motion by Andrew Brimmer during the Richard Nixon era, Brimmer deserves a better biography along but this success has not been taken lightly not for the difficulty associated with these businesses but on the strange gripes of fitting into social containers. 
It is not your job as a black to for instance go to jail, or is it written that once successful you forget your roots, or is it said that wealth has to be forced from others. African American economy in spite of the territorial convicts between the new age Americans and the older parents where the conflict divides on both side each grudging out the definition of Black...

Following the 1955/56 court decision of Mayor of Baltimore vs. Dawson and of Gayle v. Brower that ended the segregation in the buses in Baltimore and trains, the Whites began to depart from the City of Baltimore and not just the City of Baltimore, in many Cities across United States including Atlanta. The Black population began to pick up.  In 1958 Thomas D. Boston mentioned that following a series of court actions involving individuals and the Cities of the United States, that some of the civil right laws were gradually broken and after that, that for instance the U.S Court “outlawed discrimination in access to Public parks in the case of New Orleans City Park association Vs. Detiege” and in “1963, the Court had to ban discrimination in access to State Courtrooms in the case of Johnson v. Virginia”

U.S Congress in 1964 enacted “Civil Rights Act” authorizing the attorney General to enforce the fourteenth Amendment…adopted ‘in 1986 to prevent States from denying equal protection to freed slaves” and the “Titles II and III of the 1964 Act forbade discrimination in Public accommodation.” That “Title IV authorized the attorney general to implement the 1954 U.S Supreme Court decision in the case of Brown v. Board of education that outlawed segregation in our Schools”

“In 1965, the Federal Government attacked employment discrimination with Executive Order 11246. This order and its amendment obligated recipients of Federal Contracts in excess $50, 000 to file written affirmative action plans, not to discriminate in employment, and to undertake affirmative steps to recruit and upgrade minorities and women”

In Boston’s argument, mentions that in other to understand the change of business dynamics for Blacks and Minorities, we must look at the incidents the legal breakthroughs that that took place from the 50’s through 60’s, and not only that, we have to consider the impact of U.S soldiers who made it back from the front, who after risking their lives at the war were left to combat Civil Rights in their own villages and in their own towns. There was also the implied votive of Democratic Governments that created opportunities and reliefs through series of Acts one of which was the social Security. But the success of these Acts from the New Deals were undermined by the Democratic Heritage of Southern Economy which emphasized White Predominance and which did little to choke the growing age of an Invisible Empire. From farms to factories, the land and tenant contract were lifted from the pages of the grandchildren of the South who lost the Civil War and following the withdrawal of Federal Troops from the Inner South, the circle of violence gradually began and the unchecked applications of vice in places such as Alabama and Mississippi, normalized the pattern of vice which by the 40’s and 50’ were already perpetuated.

The issue of poor business relationship between Blacks and Whites in the South was transferred to the New Deals, but the promise that the New Deals held for the disfranchised southern Blacks and minority began not only a ground swell of interest for Democratic Party, and following the rule of president Taft to desegregate the U.S Military forces, Blacks and Minorities were essentially sold to the Democrats. But not until the forgoing years of the John F. Kennedy and the incipient resourcefulness of the Lyndon Jackson, that a new constituted efforts by the Courts gave reasons for segregation to cave in once and for all – at least in the Cities. The problems of the Migrations and the consequent presence of the many mouths to feed, and the diatribe over Voting Rights forced a reaction from distressed Americans – many of them Whites but the death Martin Luther King and the riots in Chicago and Detroit, created a new emergency of what Richard Nixon called ‘Black Capitalism’ in which circumstance Nixon argued that it was a way to assuage the Urban Tension among Blacks and grow business in the Urban Cities than rely on the older business structure.

Above all, there was also the issue of redevelopment of these Ghettos found in the 10 major Metropolis of the United States. In fact the issue was quite central to in his Presidential Campaign Speech delivered on April 25th, 1968, that bridges were to be created between the two polarized factions of the U.S economy, and in terms of the Black Capitalism, the U.S Government was going provide “…technical assistance and loan guarantees, by opening new capital sources, we can help Negroes to Start new businesses in the ghetto and to expand existing ones.” But it was no until his resumption of office as a leader of the Country that we notice the Great Gaps in the Business of the……..

By March 5, 1969, President Nixon issued an executive Order to develop National Program for Minority Enterprise. According to Robert J. Yancy ‘The Federal Government and Black Enterprises’; 74, “This Executive Order established within the Department of Commerce an agency – the Office of Minority Business Enterprise (OMBE) towards helping minorities – ‘both in the areas where they now live, and in the larger Commercial Community”, and Yancy mentioned that its special attention was ‘Economic Development Administration (EDA).  Financial Grants which exist in many parts of the Country today are not nearly the business of many parts of the world, but we are likely to suggest that the business associated Small Business Loans, that 406 management and technical assistance (406 M and TA) are awarded by SBA. 

According to a source, President Nixon awarded contract to both minorities and women on a Federal Level that in fact, the attention that he showed to Minority Business challenged the attention to the economic main event and Suburban Whites who were bemoaning the large scale Americans entering small waters.  Yet in the Calendar years of 1969 leading to Richard Nixon’s removal of U.S currency from Gold in 1971 - which has been for many years the argument of Arthur Burns - one of the greatest money experts in American and World History, SBA granted loans up to $15, 274, 173

Richard Nixon issued the series of Executive Orders such as 11458…which sought to deal with the problems of minority businesses and according to Thomas D. Boston, it empowered the secretary of Commerce to use incentives anywhere available but like one Anthony Mason ‘Black Capitalism; Rhetoric and Reality’, argue that Nixon may have authorized the broad executive powers but did not specify which of the powers to use. In terms of the Title I – D special Impact programs for the Economic Opportunity (OEO), he placed the argument of how these loans for businesses would work, which included Granting Funds to EDA, and such Special Impact Funds were not to be squeezed (as it is now the case) by those in office in any capacity towards their privately owned business however respectable. In theory, EDA; Economic Development Administration of the Department of Commerce,  was expected match Funds for investment in the so called Public Works Act and in many respect, it was used to cover the business grounds for small to medium scale businesses in Cities across the United States.
New Deal and the NIRA; The National Industrial Recovery Act and the Unity of codes in companies leading to ‘cut production’ of workers and number of hours for workers and minimum wages all began as series of complaint which were unfettered by the Court process – Commerce Commission Act in 1887 – set against Big Corporation constructing…., the Sherman Anti-Trust Act (1890) – did not affect big business until sometime later, which now has its effects on big corporations in America including the very big ones. Food and Drug Acts which was first passed in 1906 ameliorated from 1887 CCA Acts which was defined by the Inter-state laws and civil right ordinance of 1875 proves all cases within meaning to have being started as private Complaint against these big corporation before it become something else. 1908 Federal Employers Liability Act were also started as a complaint.

Negro and the Organized Labor (2)  The Black Worker by Sterling D. Spero and Abraham l. Harris (3) Black Workers and the New Unions  by Horace R. Cayton And George Mitchell (1939) (4) Organized Labor and the Negro by Herbert Northrup (1944). Unions available that did not join the United Auto Workers this era also featured Philip Murray; President of the Steel Worker and the CIO who was replaced by Walter Reuther as former president of the Auto workers Association. 

(a)    Order of Railway Telegraphers

(b)   Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen (BLF)

(c)    Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen bars in their constitution.

(d)   Brotherhood of Railroad of Train Masters of North

(e)   Railroad Yardmaster of America

(f)     American Train weavers Association

(g)    American Train dispatchers Association

(h)   Wire Weavers protective Association

(i)      PWOC – Packinghouse workers organization committee – CIO

(j)     UPWA – UNITED Packinghouse workers Union, which featured a Roy Wilkins whose narrative on the premise of some of the labor laws and changes by FDR countenanced some of rights Black solely wanted from the Deal. According to Roy Wilkins “We strongly suspect, although we cannot prove, the AF of L unions have attempted to use section 7-A (of the National Recovery Act) to drive Negroes out of occupations…”

Crisis and the official organ