Saturday, June 20, 2015

Presidential Image and assumptions in men's fashion


Sampson I.M Onwuka

The lack of character in these cloths and from London Fashion does not defy men's fashion. The images below cannot compel the image of the male, without or without the bestiality of urbane dressing characteristic of men, or suit for the occasion enamored for ceremony and the grandiose.


We can not help but presume incognito that the men's fashion in real terms and recently do no suffer
in quality. It may egoist and through-going to make it true that the nature of political personality demands attention, but failure to proud display your male side is two type difficult to disband for - (disperse).

Mitchell Obama and Barrack Obama

Part of the reason is the connection between social expectation and expression where in my opinion London Fashion week does not solution the demand curve for better dressing for men.

That the character fades and chocked by a fitting collateral for modern society; genderless. It is a failure, it inspires very docile almost lacking energy.

Below is the image of the president in very charismatic and unusual suits for the White House, but it is fitting in terms of what suits are all about for me.

If designers take more interest in Presidential suits and how politicians and others dress, or take adequate time in looking at some of the faults with the men's fashion industry, they would have seen that fashion is one thing that can help re-program our basic psychology for some occasion.

President Barack Obama in White House dressing that compares to George W. Bush during his time in office. It is the shoe that stands out, the pants stand out and the cotton shirt is also interesting. It is not about the President, it is the confidence of arbitration.

Nowadays there is something foul about men seeking after fashion for men, although ultimate social badge and stereotype for such embrace is that such fashion for men as essentially gay.

The cloth lines below and the designers who differ from one pattern to another, betray the future of male market. Perhaps people differ from one form to another, that the people differ from one form to another.

There is something wrong and right for such reasons for it, with or without opting out for men and men's cloths; it is wrong to queue such denial of basic humanity as gender biased and denial of male to male understanding as progressive does not reflect the genderless era - so to speak.


The President arriving for a speech through the Air-force One

President Obama speaking to Veterans.

The personalities of interest interact and Gold legend Tiger Woods greets U.S President Barack Obama. Money talks at this level, but the nifty psychology of imposing male authority receives the anointing to tow down the expensive business.

Fashion makes a good impression on others, suits are remembered for occasions which may not necessarily be at our beck and call. It is here that we connection Presidential and First Lady's Fashion, Mad Queens Esthers and Elizabeth's dressing for specific occasion and why. What others wear for
some occasion can be a sermonizing link pattern the past, the present, and the future.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Housing and Greater Austin Black Chamber of Commerce.....


Sampson Onwuka

Italian roterie - tango bianco.

It may seem unusual to state that the picture above is gradually common place in the City of Austin,

Texas especially in its downtown areas. It impales against the resistance to low cost housing which is

sourly needed in the Capital City.

Yet in all, some of the more grasping problems of Austin Texas and Real Estate is the price range

which suffer futuristic, meaning that real estate is booming but it is approaching a plateau in a short

term, it may or may not face a term


A team of professionals from Greater Austin Chamber of Commerce.

Chamber of Commerce all of over the world is generally concerned with traveling and

accommodation of visiting professionals. Accommodation is no longer the case and the criticism

that follows makes difficult to develop an organizing plan for a City and its Planners. I take a leaf

from Greater Austin Chamber of Commerce and African American Chamber of Commerce that is the

loose-leaf is half staff with slightly demoted and alienable agenda. It holds its ground against others

and it is not for fancy when lectures on economic advantage and empowerment is active and no video


The main issue is whether or not investment can move to the City of Austin through promotional

guarantees of any kind and how well it compares and contracts with the rest of the Country and the

World. Do these chambers of commerce promote even a Ph.D. studies on Austin and Texas and do

join other Citizens for Justice in Austin and in search of financial prosperity and investment. Austin

African America community is no Charlotte, North Carolina, no Baltimore Maryland or P.G County

Maryland, it is closer to Raleigh and like Albany, New York, it seems that minority businesses in

City Capitols do not really grasp the weight of responsibility and struggle which reaches the

International and local without breaking the gold chain of income.

The total wealth of nation’s resources it’s defined by its social security wealth, and by the longer

term structure of existing financial, the issue of small scale administration gives a better and

sometimes leave on what is happening in Austin Texas and perhaps elsewhere as the case may be. It

forms a new and better grasp of equilibrium distribution in areas such as Credit, in terms of

International investment and like place such as Dubai, a functional office with exchange priority,

advice and think tank, explains the total benefit structure of Austin do reliant on real estate. 

Ronald Coarse and Disclosure act or in terms of principal economic factors such as George Stieglitz

who is not said anywhere to have intervened when FHA adopted HOLC’s ratings guiding Mortgage

insurances, what happened has never been explained carefully and successfully, for instance,

private businesses and individual including banks in Chicago and New York used Red ink to

demarcate the neighborhoods that were considered poor.

It hastened the decline of prices in the areas due to neglect, and given it’s gradually take on GDP

and it was no shock specific did not indicate some of the transition that has occurred in any city.

The Housing Act of 1934, Housing Act of 1937, created specific funds for consumption, especially in

terms of the buildings which were appropriated by the ensuing legal threshold of Association of

Community Organization for Reform Now (ACORN), the Community Re-investment Act, and Home

Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA), which for some of us was a welcome issue in understanding

Chicago in the late 30’s and 40’s.

In the end, a Chamber of Commerce - the Black Chamber of Commerce should consider some of the

assumptions in discussing the spread of human population and its labors for better life, for instance,

the American example of Mortgage Disclosure and Community Re-investment Act.