Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Bernanke Bond Buying May Risk Rise in Prices Similar to 2004 - Bloomberg

Bernanke Bond Buying May Risk Rise in Prices Similar to 2004 - Bloomberg

1 comment:

  1. Expanding the Bond market and Debt burden of US Federal Reserve may ease the tension sorrounding the dollars, but may creat inflationary pressure.

    With US economy less than 3% growth rate, you wonder if the Inflation Targeting is working given the tension on the dollars, but you also wonder at the fact that the targeting may be 'over working' due shortfalls in US real estate market. I mean burst is already factored in.

    Then there is the problem of Food shortages already in US which was due to last years knock on wheat internationally, baited against the surplus in US Agricultural products this and Globally...then you can see what the FEDS have in mind
