Monday, November 23, 2015

Mantra - Curly Weaves for Blacks



Iroabuchi S. Onwuka

Interesting cultural fit for some occasions

Mantra - Curly Weaves for Blacks

Rochette Aytes Curly Hair. Her short weaves are cherished but as for the question of scientific thinking of hair styles, it takes a community. Like the adjacent observers including the women, the beauty of this nature hardly lose the better day. For Amateurs in hair styling, there are reasons the curls are all of a sudden important.

 Wife ? beauty and nature are trims apart. Brazilian hair is still a 'popular' kind of extension - sources say.  There are no products specified - the intent to look at the hair product which belong to its class and currency in the use of artificial hair. But there are other assumptions about hair and penetration of the market or the use of color. The styles for increasing use of curls and the attentions to details makes the case for some of better combination for young girls. For African Americans the conditions are not separately different from others, but the matching sequence and expectation in of greater interest. 

Courtesy of Curled Brazilian brown hair. The picture is interesting for make-up artist, the choice for the color is hard for a natural look.The audience is largely one piece of long dress and the all possibility, the image from hints of public information gives a look that alternately challenge.

Hot! Curvy natural hair? or no.  The inspiration to look at the natural style for these women is not the lips - perhaps it is, it is the hair, full, rump and tallies a great day. For people interested in long hair with svelte dark sheen  - there is a weave that spoils for skin complexion. Although the dark noir may please audience, the larger audience have reasons to celebrate.  

 Brandy - Afro Kinky style. The word is not really classic for a style reflect her industry but the attraction is makes for the right audience inspire all kinds of interest. How a hair is worn is useful what it does to the models, but anyone looking at the pictures closely, will see a shift from short African all natural style to something new and revealing. Although for Brandy a chapter for fashion or her latest expos for public consumption, the beauty of the dress code is illustrated by the hair.

Who say she is leading the music with voice only?

The First Lady in a School by itself, the perm curls and short waves are articles of Salon impression - Here's a look courtesy of Hairstyleinder explains the pattern for 'Short Curly Weaves' and why a model for a day and inspiration for a life time go hand in globe.    

Curly hair style. Beyonce - Destiny Child. Is there anytime her hair is not an issue? The broach to the golden tier emblazon her bronze decor and images looking to impress her fans and audience. Perhaps the skin is a language that tappers reality with nature and the hair speak a different language for a Saturday night than a Sunday.

There are no doubt, long curly weaves and the artist weave the rest to show how they imagine themselves for their audience, it is the individual that survive the view. 

Under the Udala trees - Chinelo Okparanta

Title - Under the Udala Trees

Year - 2015 - August 17th. - Fiction

Author - Chinelo Okparanta

Publisher - Houghton PRESS


Sampson I.M Onwuka

 Under the Udala Trees

A literary child of Soyinka, adopted by interest to Achebe and her work draws blood from both houses. There is color in writing; the style is 21st English – the language American than New York. There is narrative in its each page interspersed with quick and final arrival of a story of two friends at the eve of the Nigerian Civil War unaware of their biological changes and the changes taking place around them. The pages did not impress, her writing does – more like a book heavily edited to suit the tempo public interest. She hardly makes it to a genre, and one gets muddled with civil war scenario and loose the construction of her story - whereas the nature of writing is academic demonstration and it based on a further hope of the gift which must be used without fear I for one, is compelled to tickle her style. 

Taken differently, most interesting readers may be looking at the story from any given perspective, but in terms of style and authenticity of delivery - there is Soyinka to compare with. If like Soyinka, one incident from the civil war defined the book or formed the basis on her narrative, it will earn additional strip than 2 stars. There is nothing teach her than the re-affirmation that you can attack the subject as you see it.  Chinelo Okparanta has some distance to cover but not necessarily ways to go, she has some depth to descend in with story and her subject than the events that deals with her story, but a nook and tie of such nature riddled with sarcasm hardly survive the language of demonstration.

If there is such a thing as climax in writing, my impression is that hers is not such a plateau as she is a peak – the success of the book will depend on how far she walks the peak  - for instance the range between the arrival of new Pentecostal attitude in the 80’s in Nigerian and the backdrop to Ironsi’s administration.  The problem with the binary fusion in the discussion in the page is that it often fails to comport to a story line. We can argue that in writing, there are degrees of finality of personal expression which shows in any book. From such loftily the most dispassionate observer can begin to form images of her mind’s construction.

“I sucked; out of the way things had taken this unexpected turn. Out of the fact I had gone and allowed myself to marry Chibundu. Out of the fact that his job had led us away from Aba, away from Ndidi.”

“He sucked; out of the rigidness of his job. Out of the newness of his responsibilities.”

“And of Course there was again, the state of our new home. So many things old and falling apart as they were, it was a home that fueled our bad moods. If it could have done as much, the home itself would have sulked with us.”  

You are no longer looking a form of Buchi Emecheta in the first two lines, a bit of Maya Angelou in the second line and that when she mentions‘And of Course there was again…’, there is a raconteur ameliorated to Sula and Toni Morrison than Alice Walker and her ‘Color Purple’. She is not yet in this arena, she is saved by her expectations of the reader – the Nigeria; the African.
The unpreparedness of the Nigerian Civilian population is a language of demonstration that is blighted by the mirage of Pentecostal revival, there are hints of Brother Jerome and a repressed Soyinka and a ‘Hammered Gold’ but we lose tract of the author after a while. For a book with less 300 pages, the author is not a major. The perspective of living out a period and era is not easy detail, but based on Adiche, Chinelo Okparanta and her book merits an introduction.

Fatality does not always suggest hints of desperation which Adiche strong nerves, it seethes to a finish and the executive power of this author frail with impression of a young writer decided by nature crippled by scope.  But going forward --- her writing is bereft of youth – her images are no longer for this audience.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Hayatou as acting Fifa


S.I.M Onwuka

A FIFA logo is seen on the display of a TV camera

© Getty Images @Courtesy

In a line of executive procedure, FIFA officially ended some of the career directors at the world's Football Federation - Jack Warner, Walter De Gregorio, and grudgingly Joseph S. Blatter.

The enforced retirement is set in order of 2016 with Issa Hayatou as the acting chairman of FIFA.

It is not the first time or perhaps the last time that such form of transition in any industry has taken place, but the new man is not exactly new or his system of administration of process largely unknown.

The last office of Issa Hayatou is the CAF president, preceding his CAF Chairmanship is head of Cameron Football Association.

The history of Issa Hayatou is football - from playing field to referee's conduct, to players code of conduct and regulation.

He has been involved in strategic development of football in Africa and in different parts of the world and a lasting tract record in the richest and most traditional African football tournaments for men and women called the African Championship.

It may be too early to prep a small pamphlet reflecting African football against the global football federation.

Issa Hayatou as a living example of executive member of FIFA is bound to be accessed in one form or another in the course of FIFA regulatory foundation and tradition.

For a man who ruled African football for over 35 years leading to the acting Chairmanship, we can place some blames on the poor development of African football on his chairmanship.

Whereas Youths of Africa are among the toast of modern football, the continent did not produce a single country to breach the walls of quarter finals for any FIFA World Cup.

Saving for George A. Weah, there is hardly any African to have any thing of value at the World Cup let alone winning the World Best Player.

If there are other poor light which the condition of his appointment does not warrant, it will be the lack luster of African Player of the Year. A new appointment may re-generate some of the lost flames - but that happens is better than images from camera.                

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

The Control of National Resources and the control of Banks..,

How to present a picture of the future of China merits a parallel with current measures in American economic landscape or the rate at which Chinese in recent tow their economic and political economy.  Perhaps the best bait for a better future is through the study of the savings theory perhaps as reflected in conditions of international markets, and how both permanent markets and distribution of wealth become central to the economic condition. 

Item number one, we could argue that the immense coloration of the China Olympics in 2008 begins and ends with the recent transformation of Chinese past and suffers a presentation of 75 minute show of China history for 5000 years. We can argue that the presentation of that history covered (Calligraphy) to Confucius, to major invention in their China history; Paper Printing, Zhang Yimou (Zhang Yimou) and Peking Opera. The argument is not a historic inquiry since China can do better than the events from 1922 to recent times; reveals that history which beckons of their past, permits a sense of transitioning, a sense of structure and change in all history. 

The Chinese Invention of Paper printing is dubitable and the claims which they place on houses and architecture is not verified either or do we pursue the expectations and merits available elsewhere in terms of the age of their sea navigation and travels. Indeed Marco Polo travels in 13th and a supposed Chinese travels into several ends of the world begins and ends, and the questions of Dutch settlement 1577 in Macao and the increased exposure of China Western Cultures and people in that of the world. Although the transformations in China in later years were influenced by their attitude to external cultures and influences, it proved to be accurate that one of the more trying problems of the last century began from 16th century. 

It seems from different the ends of this settlement; we can officially suggest an entrance into world markets forced China to try new hands in economic development.  It must be understood that every effort to convert Chinese old ways into Western markets took such a long time, especially by the circumstances of their very existence that they were not exactly backwards and in fact the Dutch did not begin to mount trade penetration until sometime later.

Joseph Stiglitz, defends his theory that, “A new global political and economic order is emerging, the result of new economic realities. We cannot change these economic realities. But if we respond to them in the wrong way, we risk a backlash that will result in either a dysfunctional global system or a global order that is distinctly not what we would have wanted.” We have to propose that using John S. Gregory categorical arguments, ‘The West and China since 1500’ @ 2003, Marco Polo ----India in 1498, China in 1520, Macao by 1557, one of the most memorable > Yong Luo (emperor) and China sailing but ……

(1) How a culture really is, the people, these culture, the language and the how they lived – these combined to give aggregate of their culture and of their depth understanding----,

(2) These entire combine does not equal to inflation, “Between 1405 and 1433 seven government-sponsored larges Chinese fleets sailed through the island-studded waters of South East Asia to such ports as Calicut and Cochin in Southern India, ports already well known to Chinese traders, and several times they sailed further on to Hormuz at the mouth of the Persian Gulf, to Aden at the mouth of the Red Sea, and to Mogadishu on the north east African Coast. A giraffe was among the local specialties shipped back to China, and on the last of the voyages several Chinese reached Mecca, presumably as pilgrims since the Commander of most of these fleets was a Muslim, Zheng He (Cheng Ho). The fleets consisted of 60 or more vessels, many of them of a size (Over 2000 tons, 120 meters in length and 50 in bear) which would have dwarfed …” 

So how did the Dutch manage to transfer their position in China from settlers to other groups of people in the world, and how did a superior culture who were self-interested and protected succumb to these ragtag visitors such as the Dutch, the English who came much later, the French and the Portuguese and who settled in Canton.  Perhaps the experience was the incident of Canton which was weak at the South of China but allowed the visitors to introduce articles that proved easy for the company and later not so easy.  There was also the issue of Manchu Dynasty whose influence in the South was not sufficient and sufficed with ambassadors from (1666 – 1670) (1678 – 1687) and for reasons which are gradually obvious and Opium Trade in Canton in 1839 suggested that there was such a place like East India Company.  

Apparently Professor Stigltz major concern is extent that government market polices affect international affect the global world, and to what extent that the new powers who production discipline define the future of global economy and how.  The idea in this sort of reaction is to throw light on a dissent about the future of world markets but on the dissent which falls in right place, the academic assessment of saving glut and the production challenge makes the ready the comparative reason between savings as a form of investment and the employment or labor driven psychology of factor production, especially as they move from one form of economic government to another.

 A China story is a history of its struggles and courage, it is Chinese story from beginning to the end since they have often inveighed against excessive International interference going back to the earliest Hans, Romans, Syrians, Jesuits, Indians, Cambodia and were more than once invaded by Tibetans, transforming China into formidable powerhouse that reached several eponyms during Kublai Khan.
Of course the waters divide between Sino-Chinese regional blanket and Cathay Pacific. 

If we isolate the history of China at his period, we would have seen how difficult it is to appreciate that Cathay was the holy grail of Medieval Europe and Christopher Columbus, that Cathay was ultimately China.  It is a not a small story it is China Story concerning their survival. China Story is also about the world that exists in spite of Kuomintang outrage that foreigners have always bedeviled China, that China was better off without foreigners. A good narrating of the so called ‘glut’ either in labor employment in China preceding the coming of Europe and the United States gives us an impression that the savings culture explicate on the device and there is no need to press new idea in the terms of the old about China. 

The failures of Communist economies to close ‘Vega’ adjusted gaps between the Stock and Bonds as driven by the market direction and procured by the leadership factor of the first and future market, is not without doubt the reasons for the general collapse achieved in the first place that brought down the Communist Russia in the 1990’s, a generation that was not prepared for the pressures were unleashed to the challenges of a New Standards.  “Since investment is the backbone of productivity, the productivity gain in the United States is much smaller than in Germany and Japan.” “Huge federal deficits and debt kept the interest rates higher in the United States than in Germany and Japan. As a result, American companies were at a disadvantage in borrowing for investment vis-à-vis their competitors.” (1) Manufacturing (2) construction (3) retail….

Russia then and now has little operational room for growth. It was never a leader in the world economy; it was a reactionary economy entirely dependent on a structure that existed with or without purpose in Europe and its world expansionary balance sheet affected the US. It is also a matter of consideration that Russia is a paradox that is mastered, explaining the fatigue of isolation and monogenetic attitude to political economy and survival, that it was challenged by management procedures or resource allocation given its size of natural endowment. 

These endowments were exploited to basis no longer the matter in world markets and its academic disciplines. In recent markets of the world, the question that refuses to be answered is the erroneous challenges of an organized society, which more than faced world indictment of conquerors and leaders. If Siberia in the latter years of the Bolshevik wars and the Russian revolution and if the Russian revolution disabled the power of the standing armies, it was the WWII and Russia’s reaction that is considered the most important issue by the end of 1950.

 Involved with local integration policies and attempt to solemnize the petit quarrels between the kingdoms going far back as Peter the Great and Ivan the Terrible, it mattered that the impact of Karl Marx in reducing the impact of European lead globalization and economic growth, Russia preceding Lenin and after Lenin - which is not the same as the Stalin years – resolved its own differences and that is the most important device of all to the land was the veneration of utility based industries as well the political union and franchise.

Of course the stories about the political economy in the United States or any economy in the world, and the influence from outside is how these economic theories move from a period of effective instability within a gini of 1% which as we argued is not always similar to 1 caliber or is it expected to be, but show considerable shifts in value as more information reach the market, then we can measure how well any market in the world is doing through its ability to stabilize between its highs and lows.  

Under all circumstance of economic meaning and pointless, the tendency to  is accustomed to its own devices it led nowhere but downwards like old company without external challenges. If Eastern Europe from the inks of say of Bernanke’s student at Princeton support that prices are affected by the national disasters, that the real price and value of any market and economy, the host market lack the stress and strain to adjust to the external pressures or open competition. 

The movement of Government owned companies to privatization as scheme perpetuated by the IMF running against the challenges of Europe in post Marshall Plan of the 50’s, there are hints that the involvement of these strategies now injured with the region single market could benefit some of these former European economies.

The debt gaps from Eastern European gives in and out on why the issue of domestic strength raised by Porter may not easily be achieved without Government policy and Government control, may not be achieved without tampering from external market but nowhere confined to Government consensus such as Washington’s, and not entirely opposed to Beijing Consensus who cannot occupy the leadership position of world markets given the level of their overall transition to capitalism; money for money sake, profit determined by the markets or exchange of goods or price as function of the markets.

 Inflation and inflationary pressure accompany heavy Foreign Direct Investment, the total amount of foreign currencies entering a new capitalizing market usually break the back of small and pedestal local rate of return, it manufactures reasons why there the bigger and more powerful economy leaning on the boundary or trans-border economy achieves new challenges and with the Shadow banking ever present with special privileges, there is a shift to Real Estate buttressed by the inflation adjusted Government Bond. Banks empower a healthy bicameral. 

 We might use the same process to show that the author, Professor Stiglitz hints on International markets, with Asia and the rest of Europe, that we “Consider the so-called Trans-Pacific Partnership, a proposed free-trade agreement among the U.S., Japan, and several other Asian countries—which excludes China altogether. It is seen by many as a way to tighten the links between the U.S. and certain Asian countries, at the expense of links with China. There is a vast and dynamic Asia supply chain, with goods moving around the region during different stages of production; the Trans-Pacific Partnership looks like an attempt to cut China out of this supply chain.” But this not the case, nowhere confined to the case and to a large extent….

The Moratorium for International financing initiated by Henry Kramer of Stein school of Business, which told from the pages of Obama Banks and the financial regulations from 2008 financial collapse, is a situation that is angst against the shadow of financial practice and leading practices to investors to the ends of economic investment, with investment from Internal Specie Banks such as IMF and the World Bank which are directly owned as if private owned by multinational bank corporation. 

American Banks until lately were not reasons too clear stipulated by the New Deal on the 30’ and of 42’s, would authorize American Banks to participate in International lending without penetration of these U.S banks. Although these banks evaded these Seagull Act, some of their actions were public reasons for world be investors to take canvass on the landscape of American Business practices. What was common to Japan, to Europe following the formative IMF was permissible in the Americans. But until lately, these practices have remained the corner stone of many economic nations, especially in the aftermath of Bretton Woods.

The temptations to master the economic triumphs of the world during and after Bretton woods is no doubt serious, for many reasons, 1, that the price allocation to product during for instance the WWI and WWII years, and following the recommendations by Bernanke, that the promotion of national products during WWII such as Car productions in Detroit was a misleading economic indicia and fostered a misplaced sense of prosperity which the Bretton Woods distorted differently and which lasted till 1971 within the compromise of erasing of gold from currency. The surpluses of foreign trade in 1971 and the sufficient reasons for the market under international composition such as free trade in Uruguay may not be factored in, but it needs not be discounted to come to grasp with the story of modern information and why.

We clarify that Stiglitz (6) “Yet another example: when China, together with France and other countries—supported by an International Commission of Experts appointed by the president of the U.N., which I chaired—suggested that we finish the work that Keynes had started at Bretton Woods, by creating an international reserve currency, the U.S. blocked the effort.”  - An argument, but with Glass and Steagull as one the reasons why the Bretton Wood accords did not go far enough into U.S, especially the role America played in rebuilding Europe after WWII – in spite of the Marshall Plans which was not necessarily by the Monroe Doctrine -, with the more demanding facts of U.S Treasury and the Paul Volcker’s attitude to misplaced European financial market, to its lending practices and its ability to reign some profits in the United States under the new banners of European Free trade agreement, and with sparing on the ability of European banks to place baits in the United States – investments, risk and bonds which was bicameral to Europe - the bias on currency basket was essentially a controlling factor in removing gold from world standards and U.S currency opening up the Uruguay round table. In the world and at least between 1971 and the end of times of Bretton woods, the rise of European Free trade agreement and the moratorium on overnight lending between London based banks and those of United States – especially in London as point of embarkation of these wired transaction and Chicago, the ability of Europe to corner U.S industries was quite profound.

These experiments in U.S, between European banks and those of Asia, between Sovereign wealth in Asia and several parts of North America, and the International markets were new world markets and order that was significantly lenient on debt, free trade agreement and regional policies. A motivation that ended the currency basket for International Markets, and a motivation that led to single currency consideration and motivation, was a gravity so appealing that the factors that affected one action in the 1970’s could not in anywhere be considered a parallel factor leading to the creation of European single currency. 

With the prospect of the Foreign Reserve corporation and the role of U.S Banks in gifting America a single Super power position since the 70’s and in fact since the Vietnam wars, the opening of the American economy to the rest of world enjoyed new levels, gave Japan a boost of unprecedented proportions, mainly due to the sufficient opulence of American industries and its disbursed interest in dollar single motor. 

In mere light of the promising interest of a struggling economy such India and such as Singapore, both of whom were witnesses at the changes that were apparent in Europe and for all the right reasons in Asia when International Companies made their day, the problems of transfer of wealth and the creation of new economies in Europe was expected to have easily faulted given the age of the economy, and the promises that even the stability pact held for new-comers in the economy may or may not have compared with the successes in the world, economy, leading to the rise of the dollars as a replacement for any such baskets which was not transferable to regional market and premise of single currency – at least in Europe but sparing with ECOWAS.  
In spite of the questions of quantity and the foreboding percentage of International trade and reserve receipts of Central Banks to National GDP, it may seem gradually useful to compare these changes in the national reserve rate to the power of central banks in controlling the economy – or any economy, and that power can also be compared to the general expectation of world markets and financial markets around the world, to a point at least the rate of growth to reserve should fluctuate with cycles event to the least 3 months or at least a standard year on year, that a 10% reserve rate for United States or any country should correspond to the rate of economic growth. Perhaps a function of reserve rate to the national GDP reverts to the diffusion and inflation rate, which in turn recognizes quantity of money and the discipline of Fund’s rate.

A parity is easily achieved through crude oil but when there is more reserve rate in any economy and power of banks reduced to quantity of money, the old arguments about the quantity of money and M1-M4, applies to the unforeseen consequences of having an economy that was largely controlled by Banks. If in rear light that we put the recent problems of economic consequences of Greece debt into the orbit of world markets, compared either Spain or its entrenched penetration into U.S and Mexico by proxy, you discover that GDP shift has more than improved the outlook of Spain to Greece and to the rest of Europe. 

It does not mean that Spain is out of the picture as we speak, does not mean that the unemployment rate in Spain is not within the same level as Greece and perhaps Cyprus, but measures the rate at which ECB and Federal Reserve Banks both in China and in the United States can have effects in the economy, why their central role in reserve should be reduced to a baring possibility and how the gap between Federal Reserve and Major Real estate cartels and private investors will reflect badly on the overall economy. 

We might still looking at the economic conditions of 1971, we might still be looking at some of the applied assumptions of stress test or strain on any market, we may gradually yield to the gap that the more bigger corporation acting in the interesting in the economy finds itself between U.S Central and the earnings growth, the greater the gulf between private citizens of several sizes and several meaning, and still greater the size of problems of the U.S economy whose tendency to over-valued currency will remain inevitable.

ECB’s emphasis on European economy, and its domination from its inception as a public authority adds to this issue, that the only way forward was not the saturated banks in Europe to maintain their course, that utility and structural spending was a receipt for the future and above all, it amounted to control of economy by the few whose wealth and debt compare to some extent with the national GDP and debt.

Europe therefore will not likely survive with without alternative discipline to wealth accumulation and policy, one of which is the policy of retention and development as it affects the rest of broad market.  In all, it seem to compare to a near extent that even China in all its resources tethers on the brink of sudden decline which may sack the confidence it has borrowed from the dispersion of a suppressed cultural value asset to a wonder market in the world. 

Yet the brilliance of the labor and production based economy cannot be considered an exaggeration, since the tendency of organizing a national relief effort betrays the questions of allocation which cannot be sustained by the sentiment of patriotism as from ‘national humiliation’, for so it seems, that the rate at which the China has spurn the wealth from national savings and from private individuals accounts, maintains that the Reserve Banks in China retains up to 20% of its GDP.

It may seem that such discipline is the best attitude to this kind of process with view of inflation and that since 1971 when China began to reassert its influences in the world, we can clearly state that it has changed its currency for at least 13 times, some of it where fluctuating between a 2 Renmibi to a dollar in the early 80’s to the collapse of the currency to 13 to 1 rate, gradually the case from 1998.

At the inception of China to world markets – in their own terms – the role of its Reserve Banks has never more significant, especially when there are material reasons to suppose that 10% unemployment as a way to float the economy away from gluts – efficiency and labor glut – does not ameliorate the size of wealth at the hands of its Reserve banks, for at least lack of structural value of China’s financial corporation in the 1980s for some of us who have a near idea of it all, to the lack of bank structures and investment in the 90s when as some of us are aware that obtaining a credit for a 38 story building in Shanghai required a long tenuous process that ended in the fact that the building was not yours or can be re-possessed by the Government whereas the Banks – especially the Reserve banks did not hold that much control of China and its provincial resources. 

For all intent, a shift from production and intelligent consideration any broad market and economy to mainly real estate – especially expensive real estate in spite of toleration for household management and the basic economic demand driven incentive, the borrowing power of the big banks considered too big to fail and in reliquary the recent commissions for U.S banks to the health of the credit in these countries and why, establishes at least for now why there is such a demand curve for its market when in reality it is no- where near the standard it maintained even at the recent times.

We have some blood on comparison between the old category of economy and its real, the structure of its economy and financial literacy and what happens when the Central banks or Reserve Banks play more than 5% role in the navigating the rest of the economy. It seems that even we place the divergence and convergence conversion theme of any the economic conditions, these conditions is within meaning if rate – no less domestic numbers are bound and tied to a separate rate no less domestic or with animus foreign dominatrix. 

A miracle can be performed when there is copulation between two economies in the world such as the United States and Japan, where Japan decoupled U.S transaction guarantee under the bantam of GARIFF and the supply of system of auto industries with arcana of crude oil consumption which proved its elasticity at the end of the Shah’s administration in 1979, and under the promise of long term investment interest and comfort of penetrating U.S market – real estate – the notion that Japanese Banks were less in control of their finances as with U.S show the rate at which the economy can over-heat and over-value without climax. 
It is meaning perhaps, to measure the strength of any economy through the stability of its markets, that is to suggest that the stress test given to U.S bank in recent time by former fed chairman was not as explicit as the measure of economy through markets, and banks and their balance as a final stress of the economy given the debt and rewards, its balance sheet, and how well it is able to spinoff assets and new reserve levels when acted upon by the federal reserve or a central bank. We are certain that the markets play a role in understanding economic strength, the polarity between economic strength and power and the poise for new growth do not account for the Laffer’s observation of the effects of spending and the digestive processes. 

It looks to suggest that the health of a credit in one economy is perhaps a figure of FICO diagnostic prone to speculation and false assessment given the number of new savings and number of citizens and private investors seeking new life of investment and portfolio from any bank. It is here we can add that when Banks control more than 10% of a nation’s overall resources year to year, the country should consider reducing the burden these banks and financial institution play, consider primitive methods such as sustained disclosure on the spending part of its industries as with the hugely neglected Welfare, to a point that it should consider mounting some measure of pressure towards destabilizing the control measures in its system.

 We consider the concerns of early capitalism in the context of strange of ‘central planning’ evident of which was the generality of their impact in either the moratorium of the nation’s economy –away from private citizens- or in the case with Europe, the largee effect of having property and wealth centralized in the hands of a tiny few.

Historically, to the land of oldest financial empires and at light of historical popularity of Babylon – the lands of Nebuchadnezzar – the rise of power and new financial types challenging in Babylon and their landed gentry posed some challenge to others in Near East – Egypt for a start – but it was the stigma of few over the many and the conscription of the very few over the many that gave birth and foresaw death for new economic development. When there are measures of economy along the markets, and when there is market creating new ventures and new path for others, we can understand the chances for longer term development is an elasticity that cannot succumb to the point of the pressure from price and other ventures.

Approached from the rear, we insist that the rise of central in handling the affairs of any economy as they are supposed to do, especially when the resources are reaching the Reserve at a mitigating rate of even say 10% for reasons for explained, we can carefully document that the Banks and the government are reaching the apex, that the shift going will be mainly structural, and that structural is mainly a long view with short bias, it is an economy of that of the few managed by the rich few with mere interest of profits but these profits are so localized that mathematically, a symptom of early spirits of entrepreneur and the consequence of early capitalism that bedeviled Europe in the 19th and 20th century.

The central theme of labor is no longer a central measure of economic resurgence at this point, that employment when studied well and well enough is no longer a true measure of economic health and the job market and its rewards takes different steps from the old and therefore of the a controlling influence. Even if we can argue that such economies are usually planned by the competent few, they historically become dangerous in attempting to determine what is good for others and in all reality, it is an experiment of what is good for the provider – first and fair early in the pyramid of profit, a psychology of consideration of money management and a process of actuation – insurance etc., that is answerable to self-preservation to a long term investment which create the iron vintage for wage control given the employment of workers and pay package. 

In other to retain the workers, these few owners may or will maintain their control through attractive options and promotion, but in the end, the workers of all lenity will never meet household obligations and private needs, may never meet the case load of the employer, may not survive the competition or the market, let alone surpass the company which the aim of free market. It lends here this easy consideration that the well planned economic conditions usually favor credit health of private earners – with or without torching the issue of the distribution.

 For this reason distribution takes a central place in the course of public excitation of investments and choice, redistribution may require the august pretension of central planning. In all, the resistance that such markets can mount to the dynamics of chance is a well-studied economic balance sheet problem, for when there is a strangle hold such as saturation of banks and gluts in terms of savings and option, there is a shift to the internal decay.

In this case, the issue of wealth management, sometimes well managed by experience and with competence reduces pressure to maintain the statuesque when there are betters ways of making money, and in the end, as become most economies of the world  and in this case United States, the banks – the treasury and its bank – the Reserve, may exercise more control than necessary, may induce the markets to the general health of credit but may push the bottom on real estate and control of the economy to the economic center thereby strangling the economy – perhaps with knowing it – even at 1% fund’s rate. 

We cannot therefore fail to harvest this fact that the primary situation of current economic conditions in U.S., and the easy damage of the financial franchise may state the case clearly and better, that over centralized weight of system dynamic usually tows the line of rational expectation with the premia of risk controlled without free market influence, performs the same function as all centralized wealth functions and body in the world, perhaps above all, it measures the rate at which the society deals with expectations as part of its rational requirement – deep in the intellectual health of the society.

 This suffers perhaps one of the most critical problems of heavy weight financial car pool and controlling influences of any economy, and this is the case is with expectations meeting for economic cycles, which can prove a problem for price where ‘central planners’ attempt control price escalation and end up playing into the problems of wage control and garnishment, and above all communist driven political understanding. 

It does not end here, it compares everywhere the fact that economic cycles are central to other factors in market when money is trapped in its own institutional cycles, it offers to protection and restrain to bad phases in the market which sometimes awake the reality of human psychology and spending, that spiral, once elated, spins out of control and in any financial case, it heads downwards. 

It may seem that the premise of locally managed economies of the world leads to the re-awakening of moral reality and opening new ways or countering of unfavorable economic cycles in a term periods – perhaps 6 years for the health of any market in the world is an economic cycle what considering – that a year to year budget experiences its down turns, that the economist plans ahead of these cycles in his or her fiscal budget and meeting half of it the expectation is more than enough to ensure future growth and healthy return rate.

This is not the end of the consideration and hardly ever the case, for real, the tendency to a market and its guiding spirit is the momentum that is evident in such market. A trader is concerned about what for instance is heading north or selling in poor light of everyday market, whereas others may concern themselves with the north bound stock of real flow, most traders are also concerned about the south bound stock for real. 

Each has an attitude that is equal to expectation and cycles, but between all holidays and its 8 percent spike in profit and deducted incentive in earning from sales and prices is the reality of earning’s rate, quarterly statement and the year to year expression of the balance sheet. This is where transition takes place, which is how well we can engage an efficient market portfolio without land of control resources and bank populating its finances and draw of investment from money well spent.    

The issue of consideration for instance in the 1970’s U.S, retained a little less than 5% of the overall GDP but the late 80’s commanded well over 10% overall of U.S earnings thereby increasingly the role of Banks in running the economy without the future consideration that the MSEs, Sallie and Fannie Mae, will decide the fate of housing and real estate, creating stress on the health of U.S economy, especially in real estate dominating majority of its production economy shifting ever-closer to premature arrest of growth and the economic development and its prolix for decay, which is a cycle of at least 59 years for a start but could falter in less than 6 years given the resistance level of the useful income bracket.  

In India for example, we consider the role RBI; Reserve Bank of India, the restructure of Regional Rural Bank of India; RRBI, and CRAR. We also consider the demands of the merged entities with direct focus on reform, and the Problem of Dual Control in Co-operative Banking and the role of ‘The Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology (IDRBT)’, and from the analysis, the committee that concerned with the transiting from heavy equipment to lighter ones and the roles of new Banks both public and private, were engaged in the same exercise and for the same reasons as the Banks mentioned. 

And where also concerned with Banks with Negative Net Worth, that the for instance the role of UCB at the formative 1950’s and 60’s of new Zones, were expected to end when there is a case of Negative net worth or in principle, Banks that were considered too Big to Fail were delimited with the assumption of responsible towards profit and Banks with negative returns rate by Reserve Bank of India, and with the intractable problems of rural conflict and other institutions which refuse changes.
Some of the modified changes included (1) Low Reserve Base (2) High Dependence on refinancing (3) lack of diversification (4) huge accumulated loss (5) Persistent non-performing assets (6) Low recovery levels (7) Organizational weakness. The main point is that the emphasis on Industry is a special territory is expected to be coincidental with Rural Co-operative Credit Institutions, in forming a structure that a stage level. That is a stage level of not a requirement of the ombudsman and due diligence officers, who independently takes statistical accounting and complaints of measure of complain with the Industries and the Banks, and represent the right and interest of consumers and investors in a competitive economic environment. 

The more important reason for creating these credit based institutions, was to permit mutual funds with existing Insurance Companies, with the Government backed-savings schemes, and other forms of National Savings Scheme (NSS), or Bonds provided by the RBI and other Industries that are interested Long-term Investment. The trick is that the investors in the areas of the SEZs will be permitted to sort their opportunities through a self-critical certification group and through Long-term options that had the backing of the Government.  

The other issues of the Volatility of Mutual Funds as we know that have a way to shocking the market or testing the investor confidence since money from Banks at near zero to Stock market is usually indicative of the STRESS level of the market and the Federal Reserve. What the RBI did also was to suspend the flipping of property, which is a form of regulation that is driven by Credit based economies such as Texas or in some areas of United States including, North Carolina, only a certain level short term mortgage is permissible. Proof of that was the amount of money banks generally permit you to put down for a house as opposed to buying Apartment. 

The moral Hiatus is that cheap houses attract investors comfortable with long term investment and therefore growth should correlate Internal Rate of Return which in this case is the rate of Investment. The temptations associated with this sort of arrangement is that migrants from a different system dynamic have a Cycle of less 16 months to survive, and in terms of Houses, many of the City or Urban Dwellers usually face sterility of house value following a period of time, some of them damage over time and without repair, the sink the neighborhood a new and deadly cycle.

In fact, without short term bias of flipping as Secularized level, houses will not easily correlate production which is not exactly manufacturing. What happens in any areas there is revival driven by individual rates rather markets rates, we find for instance a short redemption of property class from what is available for instance, in North Carolina most expensive Real Estates of Durham is within miles of the probably worst and unkempt real estate in the State.  The argument borrowed from New York where securities of major companies are bought and sold at whims, the flipping of houses assumes a market rate, to the point that a house that would what half the price in Carolina will appreciate to an estimable level within a 9 year cycle or presidential two terms. 

In these areas, or assuming that New York failed to engineer an Internal Rate of Return as gifted successes its subways indicates, which delivers in close a million clients from point of the Interlocked City within days or a week, the City will not simply crumble on the weight of high, inadequate, over-bearing and over-priced houses. The fact of Internal Rate of Returns with assumptions of a City of Medicine for instance or a City of Motor Cars for instance, should widens its yield curve if without the Chief product it can generally generate money within its demand and supply.   

In other to widen the argument, R.B.I “As the lender of the last resort, the RBI helps the commercial banks in temporary need of cash when other sources of raising cash are exhausted. The RBI provides credit to banks by re-discounting eligibility bills of exchange and by making advances against eligibility securities such as government securities. The lending rate for these advances by the RBI is called Bank rate which is a traditional weapon of control money supply. An increase in the bank rate would discourage commercial banks to borrow from the RBI and a corresponding increase in the lending of rate of commercial banks to general public would decrease public borrowings from banks.”

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Perssuassion on easy therapy


Sampson I.M Onwuka

 I think it looks like Albert Einstein - this is not about him. 

Zeus speaking in the abstract!

What is the motivation of drawing so much attention when there are hardly any reasons for it? It is the question, but between imagination and reality is the answer. The problem with answer is that question was framed differently. 

It’s really possible to use the mirror to see what it is your hands asked the Igbo? And the answer is also contextual, but in the end, we can understand there is no end that a man who is deaf as the Igbo say, do not need to be told the war have started. 

In my former live said one, I shall surely do better. Perhaps, said another, but it will be in your next live. It comes to what we really want but one looking at the sky as the Igbo say would that the sky is the end of the heavens. 

But on earth as the Yorubas say, those who need to use the restroom do not ask for special permission. What it yours, you don’t have work hard for it. 


It would be redundant to proclaim that there is something wrong in placing a healthy American or any people under diagnostics, either by the Health Science department or by others with the license, and going on about the person – even there is nothing in the world of the immediate imaginations to suggest that their expectation to a corresponding to a study – what is wrong with the process is that such a person whoever innocent is victim of a different process, that people interested in any hint of damage or disgrace will switch the records of idiots exiting from T.D.C jail for instance with theirs as a way to acquire the permission to place somebody under surveillance for even up to 6 hours of the day.

To a point we are talking 24 hours 7 days and many months is not unheard off clinical exercises, it is something that is clearly outside the practice of Psychology or neuropathic medicine. I shall begin that the Department of Psychology at University of Texas, Austin and the governing office at the Mayoral cannot pretend that they have not discovered something seriously wrong and criminal about the use of this privileged source of evaluation. 

I shall mention that a Department that has not produced any specific original idea about the health of individuals in any society saving the illegal and unhealthy application of neuropathy by people whose interest may not have investigated, are not in my opinion in any way to recommend use and abuse of sexual therapy especially once that are shifts away from direct assault. 

The whole purpose of medicine is not to show that any man or woman can succumb to some nominative prescription of psychology or harsh and unusual use of these ingredients, or therapy as recommended by psychologist or any other experts are there to increase the levels of precocity and early detailed recovery and attention.

 In some sense, there are limits of application of several mind control means and substance that need not torch the land of experiment to be proclaimed true and sufficient for public consumption.

The consumption issue is an article of history that is not subordinate to one group of experts, especially when the mental health and emotional elasticity of the patient is not tried and estimated. There is also the issue of the limits of application and recommended usage. 

For if create the idea that law or constitution has no benefit for the country, we rise from the death the very definition of the framers intent and possibilities of dealing with a fair play country. In some other means, there are no limits of damages – especially psychological damages including primitive essence which Freud described as nihilistic and erroneous to death that can prevent any single individual dastardly expressing these wishes on even the least desired of patient especially when personal bias is involved and the psychological depth not easily accessible. 

There are no doubts from hundreds of studies involving the effects of alcohol of any brain and system, that conclusions will not fail to meet the expectations that alcohol like the effects of ether allows human beings to express themselves differently if possible. 

Perhaps the questions buried human emotions or psychology that are repressed from birth for many reasons other human sickness, may be able to react differently when the brain is forced to released certain chemicals in the body.

 A very specific example is the issue of dopamine, or called dope for shorts which harass the streets of big countries in the world, can serve medical purpose when and if applied differently and with permission. 

It is the job of the experts in medicine and pharmacy to test on their own or use the recommend test over periods of history to form a right composition of the drugs or specific chemical such as rich in dope that the human can handle.

In some sense, part of the primitive reason why drug business in some parts of United States is associated with poverty is because of the levels of exposure of the general poor and depended class.

If the product from nearly all the plants available in United States – all of which are perhaps a quarter of the herbs in Africa in some regions of the world – is given is right attention, some of the attention that these drugs receive are seriously misplaced. 

The release of dopamine in the body or delay of dopamine in the brain may be induced by several kinds of drugs rich in this material component, does not mean that the body cannot be manipulated to induce specific reactions which the drugs is expected to the human body. 

It is the brain that begins the development of the rest of body that the way the body operates and handles its information system is based on what the brains transmit to the rest of body. All of these information or energy as they describe as product of several situations, all of which exist as a result of the body’s reaction to its environment and how it adapts to it. 

The main lesson if we can draw straw from the ability of the body to balance itself is Bernard Claude but this ability of the body to regulate is considered a factor defined by time and quality of the genes and proteins. Consider that some people age faster than others, some of the same racial type or however classified age slower than others. 

If there are degrees of information pathways in the human body it is defined by the ability of the body to retain as much information as possible and this in turn is subordinate to the body’s exposure to circumstances of pain and injury.

Although suffering in considering undue human affliction, other creatures suffer from memories. If the rate of the body’s ability to absorb information is given its due attention - the growth potential of the nerves and its ability to repair itself relies more of the length of exposure and rate at body deals with it. Nobody who is used to a particular expects himself or herself to meet a high for any drug on earth all the time.   

Most people exposed to hard drugs from very early one, at least before the brain matures and perhaps before 12 years when the language and cognitive development has actually reached an end or expired, the speech of the child like the brain of those expose a particular strain to the brain will not change from its pathways, and will react differently to this drug in later years than strongest and most mentally developed adult who are exposed later in their lives.

 Drug addiction usually affects older people largely due to their brain’s inability to overcome what would naturally be an injury to the brain, an injury to nerve system that could have killed if enough is injected to the system at the same time. 

Our hearts and the brain has limits and however exposed to hard drugs anyone is, there are consequences that comes with forced and excessive in-take of drugs or overdose. 

All the same, experiences from the body’s ability release some chemicals that determine sensory experiences may be due to deficiencies in the body – like people has a problem of low energy and low potency – the enhancement products do serve several scanting purposes in the body. But this is only for a short period of time. The body eventually gets used to it and it wears off just as easily as urinating in the bathroom. 

We arrive from this idea that the relationship between pain and injuries do not require special translation, whereas pain or injury can have lasting effect and lead to suffering, we can be sure that pain or some pain may be induced with intent at helping the body adjust, some it can be terrified human experience but an injury is not only physical, it is emotion and characteristic of deep incision into the body. 

Intelligent lessons or lessons on Intelligence….What's the fall gap and convergence on this line and what does it tell you about the individual, - who he or she? Where is the lie in that line? How does SVO structure tell us about his or her past, age and time of conception? CAN YOU tell us what is on his or her mind and what the intelligence pyramid and industry influential to him or her? 

Came you write his or her history based on the line above and perhaps a second line? What do us some morning you are half aside and awake, or some aurora which gives you additional slumber? I can tell a history, your history, by the first two statements you make and tell who influenced you most by the last word in the second line. 

Can you do that, it is easy to determine that a rat end's begin entirely from where it started, but tell why he or she came there in first place requires some training. If you don't know yourself and what you want until you find yourself quarrel with some dead ancestors and poking finger at the right people. Imhotep is for fallen Oracles to understand....

Do you first questions begin where, or why, how, what, when, or what. What is the other of the W, and when do you in the structure of the matrix introduce your H? There are people that begin a statement from behind, the main thing is begin and where it ends is difference between a Poet and Painter, all artists in the Temple and speaks different and tireless languages....

One day I saw the little chic in Round Rock by incident, and when she me she docked in side her front seat. Since this incident I was certain that this woman really has no intentions of making the hook....I was convinced that she was up to no good, that she has plans - perhaps of her own - which must have made a victim whose actions may not have made a lot of sense to a lot of people....

She is too aware of her own little existence, fully aware of her inordinate plans, aware that if this manhood is starved of information he will probably never find out, at least for some time until it was perhaps late. 

He has to be accused of knowing, but if you believe a woman is half as smart let alone full of clever maneuver like the male counterparts, you wouldn’t have problems doubting that they or some you all know that you do not know. 

But what It was a game she was making between two walls of waters, hoping it will collapse and swamp everyone....Perhaps the whole process has a way of explicating itself, for how could anyone continue to entice the interest assurance that he just don't want to than asking their assurance to call him when his phone its off and his battery is removed. 

The party will look like they are making effort to bring the whole process to an end, for if it continues, there will be something redemption which she is looking to sign off with. 

You are sure what the insurance wants and how to meet with them, she knows you are probably aware of the dad but there are degrees in acquisition of information. She is aware that he may be forced by circumstance to check something else and exit Austin. 

That would have served her purpose; saving that no one body deep down was fooled. Perhaps she must have pretended to have called this 'dick head' and all kinds of action and ulterior intent justifiable such names, the crowd was both pleased and confusion - but as long she does not grant the measure of information which is not willing to give, the man will have himself an enemy.

For the whole world, she is this powerful human being denied of love given her size, and they all joined with history of language and play into her stadium - 'morons' which she must have called everyone, frustrated this man is, ‘he can’t really be human’ as she claims, for most humans will go somewhere else. 

Perhaps my name is not his name, but you are hero when you are not. It is even side of unequal conception, for if there is need to have met this fellow, you was history is the first early weeks. 

But unaware of the whole process it's the fact the man in the mirror and as they say 'Camera' was not 'interested in her interest', that with her docking without knowing she's being caught, docked also it’s any real interest in the world saga. 

Starved of affection, there is a long lost love they redeemed for his livid interest which must also be considered a challenge against ulterior motive - your exit from Austin - all she has to do is present you as an obstacle to the larger franchise and not her.

It was always and only about her from the beginning, always and all about her from the first day, and she was totally aware of popularity's lasting impression that you are not aware of it, that she is well aware of it, and you played it on, chime and wry a smile - these people are obviously not that retarded, but then there was a party and a dissent and a wall separate her world and the people of 

Austin and you, all of this wall its fictitious, a picture of the mind and irreverent of a party that believes against the current which we cannot champion that she was doing him whereas she was doing everybody. 

Somehow buried deep in your mind, you know you do the following when it comes, but this day or that day will also come and depart like every passing day. Power intoxicates but I have to understand that there something that intoxicate just as awesomely, injustice. 

The whole castigation and torture processes could not have meant anything other than blowing this iron bend, but there is perhaps a different motive which loss of interest did not compel me to certify. 

What are her motivations here? It seems that her world opens at night when you are far asleep and cries wolf and crocodile tears when you are not aware of it, all the same, Austin believe he is 'hard different', whereas you are expected by some estimate to have left already, making her a humbled chic whereas she is the author and architect of the headache for nothing. 

Her intelligence and con needs to be applauded but she is an employee of her own visions and of her own reality which does not need second guessing. 

I know of Pflugerville, but not much, the rest it’s a product of her relentless imagination; popularity on one hand and not even an email let alone a phone call....Did Austin know about it,. 

They couldn't have imagined the weight of evil residing with such small house, or could Austin have believed them taken for a ride, all along by the little container....perhaps....but I DOUBT IT