Saturday, July 11, 2015

Perssuassion on easy therapy


Sampson I.M Onwuka

 I think it looks like Albert Einstein - this is not about him. 

Zeus speaking in the abstract!

What is the motivation of drawing so much attention when there are hardly any reasons for it? It is the question, but between imagination and reality is the answer. The problem with answer is that question was framed differently. 

It’s really possible to use the mirror to see what it is your hands asked the Igbo? And the answer is also contextual, but in the end, we can understand there is no end that a man who is deaf as the Igbo say, do not need to be told the war have started. 

In my former live said one, I shall surely do better. Perhaps, said another, but it will be in your next live. It comes to what we really want but one looking at the sky as the Igbo say would that the sky is the end of the heavens. 

But on earth as the Yorubas say, those who need to use the restroom do not ask for special permission. What it yours, you don’t have work hard for it. 


It would be redundant to proclaim that there is something wrong in placing a healthy American or any people under diagnostics, either by the Health Science department or by others with the license, and going on about the person – even there is nothing in the world of the immediate imaginations to suggest that their expectation to a corresponding to a study – what is wrong with the process is that such a person whoever innocent is victim of a different process, that people interested in any hint of damage or disgrace will switch the records of idiots exiting from T.D.C jail for instance with theirs as a way to acquire the permission to place somebody under surveillance for even up to 6 hours of the day.

To a point we are talking 24 hours 7 days and many months is not unheard off clinical exercises, it is something that is clearly outside the practice of Psychology or neuropathic medicine. I shall begin that the Department of Psychology at University of Texas, Austin and the governing office at the Mayoral cannot pretend that they have not discovered something seriously wrong and criminal about the use of this privileged source of evaluation. 

I shall mention that a Department that has not produced any specific original idea about the health of individuals in any society saving the illegal and unhealthy application of neuropathy by people whose interest may not have investigated, are not in my opinion in any way to recommend use and abuse of sexual therapy especially once that are shifts away from direct assault. 

The whole purpose of medicine is not to show that any man or woman can succumb to some nominative prescription of psychology or harsh and unusual use of these ingredients, or therapy as recommended by psychologist or any other experts are there to increase the levels of precocity and early detailed recovery and attention.

 In some sense, there are limits of application of several mind control means and substance that need not torch the land of experiment to be proclaimed true and sufficient for public consumption.

The consumption issue is an article of history that is not subordinate to one group of experts, especially when the mental health and emotional elasticity of the patient is not tried and estimated. There is also the issue of the limits of application and recommended usage. 

For if create the idea that law or constitution has no benefit for the country, we rise from the death the very definition of the framers intent and possibilities of dealing with a fair play country. In some other means, there are no limits of damages – especially psychological damages including primitive essence which Freud described as nihilistic and erroneous to death that can prevent any single individual dastardly expressing these wishes on even the least desired of patient especially when personal bias is involved and the psychological depth not easily accessible. 

There are no doubts from hundreds of studies involving the effects of alcohol of any brain and system, that conclusions will not fail to meet the expectations that alcohol like the effects of ether allows human beings to express themselves differently if possible. 

Perhaps the questions buried human emotions or psychology that are repressed from birth for many reasons other human sickness, may be able to react differently when the brain is forced to released certain chemicals in the body.

 A very specific example is the issue of dopamine, or called dope for shorts which harass the streets of big countries in the world, can serve medical purpose when and if applied differently and with permission. 

It is the job of the experts in medicine and pharmacy to test on their own or use the recommend test over periods of history to form a right composition of the drugs or specific chemical such as rich in dope that the human can handle.

In some sense, part of the primitive reason why drug business in some parts of United States is associated with poverty is because of the levels of exposure of the general poor and depended class.

If the product from nearly all the plants available in United States – all of which are perhaps a quarter of the herbs in Africa in some regions of the world – is given is right attention, some of the attention that these drugs receive are seriously misplaced. 

The release of dopamine in the body or delay of dopamine in the brain may be induced by several kinds of drugs rich in this material component, does not mean that the body cannot be manipulated to induce specific reactions which the drugs is expected to the human body. 

It is the brain that begins the development of the rest of body that the way the body operates and handles its information system is based on what the brains transmit to the rest of body. All of these information or energy as they describe as product of several situations, all of which exist as a result of the body’s reaction to its environment and how it adapts to it. 

The main lesson if we can draw straw from the ability of the body to balance itself is Bernard Claude but this ability of the body to regulate is considered a factor defined by time and quality of the genes and proteins. Consider that some people age faster than others, some of the same racial type or however classified age slower than others. 

If there are degrees of information pathways in the human body it is defined by the ability of the body to retain as much information as possible and this in turn is subordinate to the body’s exposure to circumstances of pain and injury.

Although suffering in considering undue human affliction, other creatures suffer from memories. If the rate of the body’s ability to absorb information is given its due attention - the growth potential of the nerves and its ability to repair itself relies more of the length of exposure and rate at body deals with it. Nobody who is used to a particular expects himself or herself to meet a high for any drug on earth all the time.   

Most people exposed to hard drugs from very early one, at least before the brain matures and perhaps before 12 years when the language and cognitive development has actually reached an end or expired, the speech of the child like the brain of those expose a particular strain to the brain will not change from its pathways, and will react differently to this drug in later years than strongest and most mentally developed adult who are exposed later in their lives.

 Drug addiction usually affects older people largely due to their brain’s inability to overcome what would naturally be an injury to the brain, an injury to nerve system that could have killed if enough is injected to the system at the same time. 

Our hearts and the brain has limits and however exposed to hard drugs anyone is, there are consequences that comes with forced and excessive in-take of drugs or overdose. 

All the same, experiences from the body’s ability release some chemicals that determine sensory experiences may be due to deficiencies in the body – like people has a problem of low energy and low potency – the enhancement products do serve several scanting purposes in the body. But this is only for a short period of time. The body eventually gets used to it and it wears off just as easily as urinating in the bathroom. 

We arrive from this idea that the relationship between pain and injuries do not require special translation, whereas pain or injury can have lasting effect and lead to suffering, we can be sure that pain or some pain may be induced with intent at helping the body adjust, some it can be terrified human experience but an injury is not only physical, it is emotion and characteristic of deep incision into the body. 

Intelligent lessons or lessons on Intelligence….What's the fall gap and convergence on this line and what does it tell you about the individual, - who he or she? Where is the lie in that line? How does SVO structure tell us about his or her past, age and time of conception? CAN YOU tell us what is on his or her mind and what the intelligence pyramid and industry influential to him or her? 

Came you write his or her history based on the line above and perhaps a second line? What do us some morning you are half aside and awake, or some aurora which gives you additional slumber? I can tell a history, your history, by the first two statements you make and tell who influenced you most by the last word in the second line. 

Can you do that, it is easy to determine that a rat end's begin entirely from where it started, but tell why he or she came there in first place requires some training. If you don't know yourself and what you want until you find yourself quarrel with some dead ancestors and poking finger at the right people. Imhotep is for fallen Oracles to understand....

Do you first questions begin where, or why, how, what, when, or what. What is the other of the W, and when do you in the structure of the matrix introduce your H? There are people that begin a statement from behind, the main thing is begin and where it ends is difference between a Poet and Painter, all artists in the Temple and speaks different and tireless languages....

One day I saw the little chic in Round Rock by incident, and when she me she docked in side her front seat. Since this incident I was certain that this woman really has no intentions of making the hook....I was convinced that she was up to no good, that she has plans - perhaps of her own - which must have made a victim whose actions may not have made a lot of sense to a lot of people....

She is too aware of her own little existence, fully aware of her inordinate plans, aware that if this manhood is starved of information he will probably never find out, at least for some time until it was perhaps late. 

He has to be accused of knowing, but if you believe a woman is half as smart let alone full of clever maneuver like the male counterparts, you wouldn’t have problems doubting that they or some you all know that you do not know. 

But what It was a game she was making between two walls of waters, hoping it will collapse and swamp everyone....Perhaps the whole process has a way of explicating itself, for how could anyone continue to entice the interest assurance that he just don't want to than asking their assurance to call him when his phone its off and his battery is removed. 

The party will look like they are making effort to bring the whole process to an end, for if it continues, there will be something redemption which she is looking to sign off with. 

You are sure what the insurance wants and how to meet with them, she knows you are probably aware of the dad but there are degrees in acquisition of information. She is aware that he may be forced by circumstance to check something else and exit Austin. 

That would have served her purpose; saving that no one body deep down was fooled. Perhaps she must have pretended to have called this 'dick head' and all kinds of action and ulterior intent justifiable such names, the crowd was both pleased and confusion - but as long she does not grant the measure of information which is not willing to give, the man will have himself an enemy.

For the whole world, she is this powerful human being denied of love given her size, and they all joined with history of language and play into her stadium - 'morons' which she must have called everyone, frustrated this man is, ‘he can’t really be human’ as she claims, for most humans will go somewhere else. 

Perhaps my name is not his name, but you are hero when you are not. It is even side of unequal conception, for if there is need to have met this fellow, you was history is the first early weeks. 

But unaware of the whole process it's the fact the man in the mirror and as they say 'Camera' was not 'interested in her interest', that with her docking without knowing she's being caught, docked also it’s any real interest in the world saga. 

Starved of affection, there is a long lost love they redeemed for his livid interest which must also be considered a challenge against ulterior motive - your exit from Austin - all she has to do is present you as an obstacle to the larger franchise and not her.

It was always and only about her from the beginning, always and all about her from the first day, and she was totally aware of popularity's lasting impression that you are not aware of it, that she is well aware of it, and you played it on, chime and wry a smile - these people are obviously not that retarded, but then there was a party and a dissent and a wall separate her world and the people of 

Austin and you, all of this wall its fictitious, a picture of the mind and irreverent of a party that believes against the current which we cannot champion that she was doing him whereas she was doing everybody. 

Somehow buried deep in your mind, you know you do the following when it comes, but this day or that day will also come and depart like every passing day. Power intoxicates but I have to understand that there something that intoxicate just as awesomely, injustice. 

The whole castigation and torture processes could not have meant anything other than blowing this iron bend, but there is perhaps a different motive which loss of interest did not compel me to certify. 

What are her motivations here? It seems that her world opens at night when you are far asleep and cries wolf and crocodile tears when you are not aware of it, all the same, Austin believe he is 'hard different', whereas you are expected by some estimate to have left already, making her a humbled chic whereas she is the author and architect of the headache for nothing. 

Her intelligence and con needs to be applauded but she is an employee of her own visions and of her own reality which does not need second guessing. 

I know of Pflugerville, but not much, the rest it’s a product of her relentless imagination; popularity on one hand and not even an email let alone a phone call....Did Austin know about it,. 

They couldn't have imagined the weight of evil residing with such small house, or could Austin have believed them taken for a ride, all along by the little container....perhaps....but I DOUBT IT

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