Sunday, January 25, 2015

Neo Conservative African III


Sampson I.M. Onwuka


What is the definition of Black Business one might ask, and here we take a second look at the operational dynamics of African American business men and women in many works of life and determine that a Black business is any business began first and foremost by African Americans and their relative kind, maintained with the purest intent at profit; either in concert with African American or without them – solely for interest of generating highest possible dividend for those who harbor implicit faith in such an enterprise, thirdly, that it was invested with direct see of a peculiar neighborhood, with majority of the crème of employment entirely if not particularly devoted to black employees and possible from these neighborhood. Of course the idea that wins the rest of us, including Rainbow Coalition, Pan Africanist, Black Arcana, Arcata Africana, Black fraternities and Sororities is one ultimate philosophy ‘total good for the total community beginning and ending with our kind’.

I take it that we have experience some version of I.K. Sundiata and his citing of what Black business looks like, a black pioneer presented the list of what may be called expectation with Africa American political representatives who have nothing to offer and later about the business sides, however  “that Black Americans are likely to be most successful in influencing the foreign policy of their country when ; (1) the area of the world is one in which they manifested a traditional interest and with which they have had historical or long-standing sentimental ties, (2) the area is perceived by policy makers as lying outside of the sphere of significant America National interests, (3) the interests of other American groups in the are minimal, (4) the question at issue can easily be dramatized  in terms of traditional American values and foreign policy principles, (5) organizations exist within the black community which, as a result of continuous study of International developments, can readily articulate an Afro-American position and rally the black community in support of that position, and (6) Afro-Americans establish a tradition on injecting foreign policy issues in which they are concerned into political campaigns, especially on the congressional and presidential levels.” There are other declarative intents by (1) the African Methodist Episcopal Church, (2) National Baptist Convention, (3) The African Methodist Episcopal Church, (4) the NAACP, (5) and Garvey’s Universal Negro improvement Association (UNIA), each tabled what was later considered a recipe for Black Gospel, that is the redemptive process of social gospel (Martin Luther), using every and available means (Malcolm X) towards a better future. The Black Gospel was not so much a philosophy which people can employ, it was a theology of redemption or Black Theology (origins of Humanities) from Exodus to Welfare and through Welfare into a better tomorrow. This was the hope business that explains African American businesses and lifestyle that the more they move on the more they slack, to a point that they are gentrified at every preaching and revival efforts as something they have seen before and like the age where many of their kind were in bondage and others emasculated from other process.

There is resistance of what was experimented as Black Pathology which did not recognize the weight of bitter past of American society and elsewhere or the resistance to their struggles, as such Black Psychology and Pathology (protest psychology) was replaced by Black Studies which needed the new injection of Afrocentric or the new Humanity of Africology which we can add as Neo Conservative. Whereas how the rest of the societies still values and looks upon these blacks have not changed, it seemed that when they were isolated in their little societies that found serious weight in their identity and made their greatest breakthroughs. The disasters that struck African American businesses in the 70’s and 80’s was so universal that crack could be placed in the hall of fame of the most destructive portent weapon of mass destruction - especially for blacks – since the arrival of brutally and bartered Africans from some ship meant something else. Crack and other drugs, plagued US market plus destroyed black communities that a measure of the opportunity cost of not caring for these communities is…..             

The charismatic clarity of top business men in African American encyclical, who like our ancestors Madam Walker and George Schuyler, directly trained, employed and fired African Americans more than even John and Johnson products or the latter pro-African American markets as with Ebony Magazine, put an argument that as much as these groups of intellectual based leaders of the society are concerned, passing on the legacy of men such as Andrew Brimmer at the Federal Reserve, whose competency in the reign of Arthur Burns as Fed Chairman and Richard Nixon as president is under studied.

Madam Walker and George Schuyler are effective examples of this scenario.

Because of Andrew Brimmer some of the recommendations and the changes that could take place in any society essentially happened, and because of his role in the L.B. Johnson’s administration and under Richard Nixon, there has been the issue of changes in how American perceives of the rest of the world, especially African American following the imperative of the Court decisions in landmark American businesses. The years of the civil strife gave way to other changes in the financial statements in US and in North America. Brimmer's role in establishing Federal Bank of Sudan through a lend lease project and helping to further American interest in Sudan is sometimes overlooked, no less a page or two in the book by Alan Meltzer's 'History of the Federal Reserve' 2009 (Vol. II).  

Following the 1955/56 court decision of Mayor of Baltimore vs. Dawson and of Gayle v. Brower that ended the segregation in the buses in Baltimore and trains, the Whites began to depart from the City of Baltimore and not just the City of Baltimore, in many Cities across United States including Atlanta. The Black population began to pick up.  In 1958 Thomas D. Boston mentioned that following a series of court actions involving individuals and the Cities of the United States, that some of the civil right laws were gradually broken and after that, that for instance the U.S Court “outlawed discrimination in access to Public parks in the case of New Orleans City Park association Vs. Detiege” and in “1963, the Court had to ban discrimination in access to State Courtrooms in the case of Johnson v. Virginia”

U.S Congress in 1964 enacted “Civil Rights Act” authorizing the attorney General to enforce the fourteenth Amendment…adopted ‘in 1986 to prevent States from denying equal protection to freed slaves” and the “Titles II and III of the 1964 Act forbade discrimination in Public accommodation.” That “Title IV authorized the attorney general to implement the 1954 U.S Supreme Court decision in the case of Brown v. Board of education that outlawed segregation in our Schools”

“In 1965, the Federal Government attacked employment discrimination with Executive Order 11246. This order and its amendment obligated recipients of Federal Contracts in excess $50, 000 to file written affirmative action plans, not to discriminate in employment, and to undertake affirmative steps to recruit and upgrade minorities and women”

 In Boston’s argument, mentions that in other to understand the change of business dynamics for Blacks and Minorities, we must look at the incidents the legal breakthroughs that that took place from the 50’s through 60’s, and not only that, we have to consider the impact of U.S soldiers who made it back from the front, who after risking their lives at the war were left to combat Civil Rights in their own villages and in their own towns. There was also the implied votive of Democratic Governments that created opportunities and reliefs through series of Acts one of which was the social Security. But the success of these Acts from the New Deals were undermined by the Democratic Heritage of Southern Economy which emphasized White Predominance and which did little to choke the growing age of an Invisible Empire. From farms to factories, the land and tenant contract were lifted from the pages of the grandchildren of the South who lost the Civil War and following the withdrawal of Federal Troops from the Inner South, the circle of violence gradually began and the unchecked applications of vice in places such as Alabama and Mississippi, normalized the pattern of vice which by the 40’s and 50’ were already perpetuated.

The issue of poor business relationship between Blacks and Whites in the South was transferred to the New Deals, but the promise that the New Deals held for the disfranchised southern Blacks and minority began not only a ground swell of interest for Democratic Party, and following the rule of president Taft to desegregate the U.S Military forces, Blacks and Minorities were essentially sold to the Democrats. But not until the forgoing years of the John F. Kennedy and the incipient resourcefulness of the Lyndon Jackson, that a new constituted efforts by the Courts gave reasons for segregation to cave in once and for all – at least in the Cities. The problems of the Migrations and the consequent presence of the many mouths to feed, and the diatribe over Voting Rights forced a reaction from distressed Americans – many of them Whites but the death Martin Luther King and the riots in Chicago and Detroit, created a new emergency of what Richard Nixon called ‘Black Capitalism’ in which circumstance Nixon argued that it was a way to assuage the Urban Tension among Blacks and grow business in the Urban Cities than rely on the older business structure.

Above all, there was also the issue of redevelopment of these Ghettos found in the 10 major Metropolis of the United States. In fact the issue was quite central to in his Presidential Campaign Speech delivered on April 25th, 1968, that bridges were to be created between the two polarized factions of the U.S economy, and in terms of the Black Capitalism, the U.S Government was going provide “…technical assistance and loan guarantees, by opening new capital sources, we can help Negroes to Start new businesses in the ghetto and to expand existing ones.” But it was no until his resumption of office as a leader of the Country that we notice the Great Gaps in the Business of the……..

By March 5, 1969, President Nixon issued an executive Order to develop National Program for Minority Enterprise. According to Robert J. Yancy ‘The Federal Government and Black Enterprises’; 74, “This Executive Order established within the Department of Commerce an agency – the Office of Minority Business Enterprise (OMBE) towards helping minorities – ‘both in the areas where they now live, and in the larger Commercial Community”, and Yancy mentioned that its special attention was ‘Economic Development Administration (EDA).  Financial Grants which exist in many parts of the Country today are not nearly the business of many parts of the world, but we are likely to suggest that the business associated Small Business Loans, that 406 management and technical assistance (406 M and TA) are awarded by SBA. According to a source, President Nixon awarded contract to both minorities and women on a Federal Level that in fact, the attention that he showed to Minority Business challenged the attention to the economic main event and Suburban Whites who were bemoaning the large scale Americans entering small waters.  Yet in the Calendar years of 1969 leading to Richard Nixon’s removal of U.S currency from Gold in 1971 - which has been for many years the argument of Arthur Burns - one of the greatest money experts in American and World History, SBA granted loans up to $15, 274, 173

 Richard Nixon issued the series of Executive Orders such as 11458…which sought to deal with the problems of minority businesses and according to Thomas D. Boston, it empowered the secretary of Commerce to use incentives anywhere available but like one Anthony Mason ‘Black Capitalism; Rhetoric and Reality’, argue that Nixon may have authorized the broad executive powers but did not specify which of the powers to use. In terms of the Title I – D special Impact programs for the Economic Opportunity (OEO), he placed the argument of how these loans for businesses would work, which included Granting Funds to EDA, and such Special Impact Funds were not to be squeezed (as it is now the case) by those in office in any capacity towards their privately owned business however respectable. In theory, EDA; Economic Development Administration of the Department of Commerce,  was expected match Funds for investment in the so called Public Works Act and in many respect, it was used to cover the business grounds for small to medium scale businesses in Cities across the United States.

 There was also the ERC; Economic Resources Corporations (ERC), but I - D special Impact Funds of Section 232 of the OEO ACT. There is under this group; Opportunity Funding Corporations (OFC), Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and the MODEL CITIES – PROGRAM.

Of course the total good encompasses the actor of charity and charity in power, which from the total good from the general neo-cons who are replacing themselves from the corridor of Black Conservative, whose livid crime is not exactly economical, but potentially economical for other reasons have founded out of their Black existence but ended up in the mantle with the least concerned proboscis about the death and dying in some special neighborhood. Some might ask, what is the example of Black Conservative business enterprise and how does Neo-Conservative Black of proper and legitimate meaning from both Democratic and Republican bandwidth compare and retract? An example of this Black conservative with breadth (living core of the existence being of traditional blacks) and width being of the consumer lines with emphasis on Blacks, look into their franchising and business operation, end games up employing a large retinue of even the least approbation of all classes of workers and employment to be far removed from their kind. One of which is our good and proficient business inductee of Basket Hall of famers; Michael Jordan, employee roughly 70% of his payroll of others who never bought a single pair of his overpriced sneakers through his embellished career and after… Another example is the wunderkind of hip-hop, classified as a mogul and one of the richest in the direct and equal prolix of business by talent showing in the names of P. Diddy and Sean John to be original has the same problem. His answering machines, lace of working engineers, his lobby technicians, his factories curve, his direct assistance and personnel of meaning has nothing in showing and in kind common to Sean. What a pity that mainly a stock of special and primitive type in Brooklyn and in Bronx where among the first to identity and patronize his brands. What is the motivation here? It is extreme of conversion that reasons from other acts other that street psychology of some of these African Americans and some with weak and fetish embracing of a past with no meaning who end looking down on these truly exceptional materials. In reaction to a past that seem to protect they decide to find comfort in the heads, shoulders and arms of those who take at least half as serious. But it is not these candidly and known generous Black titans that are victims of business emollition train.

There is the Oprah Winfrey whose anger easily festoons on any remote hints of infamy with her kind, yet cannot boast of anymore African Americans within her ranks than nearly others who would not even hire her let alone her type. These are proactive Americans, some of whom are trail blazers in their field and would have allowed the age to eat them up had they for a minute shifted in their personal and total commitment to brand and quality. It is however an emollition train given the tendency to fret and deliver without a prospect for longevity, as if all business such as those enacted and pronounced by Thomas Curtis (50 Cents) only graduate from local to Pepsi brand. Thomas Curtis, Earvin Magic Johnson, Ving Rhimes, and to smaller extent Oprah Winfrey but higher pecking order Michelle Obama, may be considered consummate Black Neo Cons, the first two and very last are leading eagles in the green cadre adding perhaps Steve Harvey and Tyler Perry.  This may appeal directly to business and the structure of running international or local brand names, such like those of Sean John and Thomas Curtis that are popular in US and UK, are sold with effective returns in South Africa, Brazil and Nigeria. There are other groups from mainly political and academic framework. These should include Henry Louis Gates Jr., Louis Farrakhan, Al Sharpton and the leadership members of the NAACP. The problem is how well we can integrate these groups of morality based leadership and attempts at presenting several ways of looking at the African Americans to the very idea than transcend the virtues of moral lectures to something more pro-activist through the lines of Cornell West who is not the most leadenly or the more structure based model of African Americans society in the 2000’s. J.E.K Walker should belong in this category largely for her editorial process leading to the Encyclopedia of Black Businesses. These engines of transformations do not meet or exceed the expectations for Black Neo Conservative, for at least in limelight of the actions of Louis Farrakhan and perhaps Henry Gates, there is a conservative attempt – if not ultra-right attempt reproduce African Americans of their charis

But like the many examples of the grace which prove of character afforded greats such as Michael Jordan or lateral opponent Charles Barkley, see these individuals are slightly over cast of the basic demands and expectations in riding and keeping African American business. Of course, Madam Walker is a rigid example in over-all American business idea and franchising, a pacesetter of her own right in narrating the explosive interest and profit in patronizing African American business, loosely based on well-studied introspection of what blacks and their market needs and seeking means and ways to bring their final product to the market. These triumphs which spear headed the latter day conglomerates such Walmart and Duane Reade, was in the time of Walker financed and terribly organized by African American banks. But there were others, and there were other foundations and banks,    

In the past, Pepsi has had their own share of problems with these African Americans regarding employment and employment opportunity and took long swaps independent and collective efforts to transform the enigma that was Pepsi from Pepsin produced first in North Carolina, to a company that marginally employed Blacks. Look to permit that all the franchises that encapsulate 50 cents covering all brands (more than 19) including energy products that he is one of the pioneers in its delivery rate still retain a handsome number of Blacks. It is also from Curtis – in spite of his past – that may have toed the lines of Joe Louis that was one of the earliest Black business partnership with Pepsi, torching in this case, the new and well-found assortment of fruit and crème soda variety emulated by Shaquille O’Neal who is nearer to public access than Kobe Bryant that is virtually inaccessible. Likeability is not an endeavor’s keep but from the tasting for new materials that attempts to torpedo other brands in his meaning including its promotional ability, the not-so easily likeable but total effeminate with public, Funk Flex, failed, resurrected and bolstering experiment through Ford do not meet and qualify as entrepreneur but showers excessive meaning on how well and to what extent can the general public ameliorate a star torching on his product and the identity.

He is a Neo-Conservative, majority of his working crew are comprised of several types, his automation for throw-back music is not betrayed by his choice of employees including or excluding those that toe his lines of taste, but all the same, he is patronized for the good and qualitative adhoniem and his volubility are no article of dissent. It is the beginning and not the end to argue from the lines on where to place the Timothy of Black music industries, timothy as opposed to peter, for a fact that Russell Simon addresses to new and familiar groups, that he is in Latin what he is America, and so on to the viable competent extent, that he is conspicuous messenger of the Hip-hop community and in his raconteur of the left and right of the conflicts, battles, and fathom of despairing that attempt to bar the ways of many young upstarts, he fades in his failure to mingle to the least accessible level with a more pronounced Magic Johnson and his Magic Theatre. A consummate neo-conservative Black, Magic Johnson is not just an American hero though by peril has more than placed his ink in the dubitable accounting of business life in America, from basketball snake pit to the hall of famers, he is known hero in all class of global economy. The dodge ball of CEO, now a managing partner of LL Lakers and yet a pioneer of no small measure in employing for total good of the community, African American at least in verity. In plausible that some persons of his meager do suffer from either a color-strike defined by the potentiality to co-op with his types, or in vise ridden tendency, place a formal and psychological compromise with others of similar taste but from a separate boulevard willing and able to work with such a oneiric.

Such oneiric may include the amphibian psychology types such as J Z, and the rotary of pigeon psychology types in his Roc-a-feller music rotunda, yet his shown the mantra for dealing with unfamiliar others. He is not so lucky, since every now and then some overt commissure accessing shortage in talent delivery begin to pick their nose on what fence he belongs. Such dividing lines are generally thinner with Beyoncé she is perhaps a lac than lilac, yet from imposed self-didactic she is an instrument for her more appealingly crowd. They are not far from others; the others are not far from these. For if we take into account some elders whose years in show business is long celebrated, Bill Cosby for philanthropy and another renown of Global meteoric, Eddie Murphy, these engines of new entertainment are no new comers but are toeing a line that make them seem entirely a star so from the earthly mien. It is barometer of economic and academic process that permit the old, the young and the desiring from ensuring that as long it leaves it clear that there is such a thing as business and such a thing as America which has a history, their past, present and future are intertwined that a collective idea of only shortest pieces of change is more powerful than the greatest efforts enacted by single or collective few others. In here, from all composition of identity which is still evident, these men and women mentioned, such as Mary J. Blige, do not suffer from hints of misanthropy since their ultimate enduring panacea is total possible wealth through final products that deals with challenges. For if we care to place entertain as a chief product in this case, Sport and Television Personal in the purview of American neo-conservative Blacks, we would have made a mistake. In terms of the man who feeder the country, it may presume that spirit of exclusive demonstration of one’s prolix or conversion of prolix indignation to material use did not fetch or avoid him. Going at the rate at which he has more than any President dogged all the crime littoral in Washington D.C, whose extensive cloves for kingpins are only realized of late to Detroit that was left dying for the uncounted Blacks who by the 50’s voting became part and parcel of Detroit, leading to suffering from civil and civilian abandon.

Obama as a neo-conservative is a chalk in the teeth, but with it is the arithmetic of the requisite surgical procedure that must put a lasting plaster of what neo-conservative black should look like. Perhaps the attempt to look at composition of some of the parties that gave wings to his officialdom do include many of his types but whooping number of the hands that enabled his rising to office where from somewhere else. This proof of discipline is the two and probably extended particularly of what any component or tried hands of neo-black could look represent that it measures its definition from the legs and hands that embrace its participation and what some of us who are young and may be so, may consider a direct and final meaning of these true black. No phantoms no despair, no freight, for some say ‘they serve all they triumph all’ leads two camp of self-devotions from the ashes of the past, it mirrors a comfort that do serves it meaning but meaning meeting to others. These Black Knights has no parity with this kind, among them however are engines of their past, some f of whom by name and by certiorari are both front and backing to the meaning of the word black. No measure no standard too high, leaves us with another theme that looks into America and no only that, into the larger mirror of the world. It is here the veritable standards which are propped by the histories of these United States, in fact trying to understand the role that it plays and the chief meaning of the some varied experience of his community of sojourner’s compels a new and forward meaning a neo-conservative.



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