Thursday, March 26, 2015

Michael Jordan and the Hornets


Sampson I.M Onwuka


The year 2011-2012 is perhaps Bobcats toughest season with a 7-59 loss in the NBA. The owners of the club anticipated public outrage and were not spared the contagion of failing of basketball teams. It amounts to small story to suggest that Michael Jordan – among the coveted franchise owners of Basket Ball team - Bobcat – was not spared the vitriolic from the general public. One of the men who inveighed against the shortfalls of Bobcats – especially against Michael Jordan was Charles Barkley, - friend and foe of the celebrated basket champion, Barkley for the record is also family and also a star in his own right. 

In Yahoo Sports interview with Charles Barkley was by reported Stefan Bond to have said that "I think that Michael was upset by some of the things I said about the Bobcats – which, number one, they were true," Barkley told Yahoo! Sports. "I told you earlier, I’m going to be honest, and I’m going to be fair.

"The Bobcats - first of all, he’s doing a much better job. But a couple years ago, I want to say three years ago, when they were vying for the worst record in NBA history, Michael had not done a good job. He took it personally."  Stefan Bondy for Daily News stated that ‘Although they're coming off a surprisingly successful season -- and have since changed their name to the Hornets -- the Bobcats were the NBA's worst in the previous two seasons, bottoming out in 2011-12 with a 7-59 record. It is the worst winning percentage in the league's history.’

There is something wrong with public castigation when we are struggling with energy as part our failures. But when they come from family members or people we honor the injury is deep, quite deep. It would seem to create the impression that the few years of Michael Jordan’s stay at the realm of Bob Cat was destined to crash into different boulevards. One of these boulevards was a new name for a team and the other is perhaps the searching necessity for potential including the possibility of his Jordan’s return to Basket for Hornets as possible.

For if we compare this criticism from Barkley to Jordan in terms of the quality expended here by Stefan Bondy, we may fail to corner Jordan’s change of attitude except from when memories of a drunk day afternoons while we lull from ether of alcohol and encounter a family member and someone very close. There is something in the subconscious that speaks for its, it is our manners and how we charge from the strains of the vain ether. 

Although the reports of Jordan anger did not demonstrate that he felt it deeply, he is injured from his understanding of the needs of a team that was dying in his hands if buries with it the memories of an outstanding career.   Perhaps the change in Jordan was part of the story since from 2012 there is a change from Bobcats to Hornets. Perhaps the expectations for the new team and new name were measured by the new spirit and attitude of the basketball players. 

It is from here can we understand the evolution of the name team from Old, the old is Charlotte Hornets which resumed its NBA operation from 2014-2014 seasons but the team has since the end of 2012 have taken new and deciding turns for its own good. 

But this good did not magic an appearance on its own, for how else could any team or persons of interest be expected to explain the relocation of the team’s name from Bobcat to Hornets saving for new attitude from old.  It is clear that Hornets need some ground support, and in this case, they need originality. The strategy involved in this process and maturity of signing former NBA players such as Scottie Pippen and Dennis Rodman as part of Hornets’ managerial future may be a way to encourage the originality of their selective process. 

(2) Assuming Jordan has a strategy for making Hornets the dream home of NBA players, it is most likely a plan that will evolve through acquisition of players and improving the pedigree of players already existing.  But this area is better left to Michael Jordan and his crew of experts including General Manager Rich Cho and Steve Clifford.

The question is does the Hornets have the chance of being the NBA champions this year or anytime soon? What are the plans to facilitate this aspiration?


The difference between Jordan the player from Jordan the manager are essentially worlds apart. 
But considering what has taken place and an article by Forbes Magazine., Dan Alexander/Forbes Staff. 3/2/2015, “A record 290 newcomers joined the Forbes billionaires list in the last year as world markets defied international turmoil. While wars, diseases and currency crises made headlines, tycoons from every continent but Antarctica managed to mint new 10-figure fortunes. 

 “Michael Jordan, arguably the greatest basketball player of all time and indisputably the best-paid athlete of all time. Forbes first ousted Jordan as a billionaire last June. Most of his cash comes from Nike payouts on his iconic brand. The Jordan brand grossed an estimated $2.25 billion in 2013, earning his Airness some $90 million. But his most valuable asset is his stake in the Charlotte Hornets, worth more than $500 million.” 

 “A record 290 newcomers joined the Forbes billionaires list in the last year as world markets defied international turmoil. While wars, diseases and currency crises made headlines, tycoons from every continent but Antarctica managed to mint new 10-figure fortunes.

Meanwhile the Madam Walker example as an American business person has not faded; it is not a rigid sample in drawing aside the merits of all American business idea and franchising either. If the business started in one end of economic spectrum is expected to end as it began then such rebuke did not merit a consideration.  Then you probably not an NBA player, team or part of its future…narrating the explosive interest and profit in patronizing African American business, loosely based on well-studied introspection of what African Americans are like and what their course of interest look like. 

Their market needs and seeking means and ways to bring their final product to the market.
Michael Jordan has given back to African Americans does not mean he would have recognized need to do so, either does it mean that his name is not among the lasting eagles in Sports. But the legacy of Neo cons being the upper part of these African Americans that sustains its gravity, its one hand that trains the other hand or hands that trains other hands, in a long chain that ensure their future with best laid investment.
It better explicated through the levels of training and corporation we can generate from within and with those who we consider our kind. The future of Hornets can be divided into two now, what it wants to accomplish now and what it plans for in the future.
But like the many examples of the grace which proof of character transformed such people such as Michael Jordan or lateral opponent Charles Barkley, we see these individuals are good examples of American entrepreneurship battle with Apex of Character and in basic demands of an African American society, of the basic demands and expectations in riding and keeping African American business, ‘good is not enough’.
In the past, Pepsi has had their own share of problems with these African Americans regarding employment and employment opportunity and took long swaps independent and collective efforts to transform the enigma that was Pepsi from Pepsin produced first in North Carolina, to a company that marginally employed Blacks.
It is also from Curtis – in spite of his past – that may have toed the lines of Joe Louis that was one of the earliest Black business partnership with Pepsi, torching in this case, the new and well-found assortment of fruit and crème soda variety emulated by Shaquille O’Neal who is nearer to public access than Kobe Bryant that is virtually inaccessible.
Likeability is not an endeavor’s keep it fluctuate with the ‘taste of the pudding’ and with it the new materials that attempts to torpedo other brands in its meaning including its promotional ability, the not-so easily likeable but total effeminate with public, Funk Flex, failed, resurrected and bolstering experiment through Ford do not meet and qualify as entrepreneur but showers excessive meaning on how well and to what extent can the general public ameliorate a star torching on his product and the identity.
For if we however clear the ice of Michael Jordan and his products during his renal years at Chicago ( a personal destination) he was first and fore-mostly patronized by African Americans, which may or may be the same with Regis but to the limits of exercises of talent and publicity, it is also the case.
The needs to remain disciplined at work towards objective financial pursuit may prove a hard act to follow unless from tender ages, a private especially an African American private was trained on the merit of academic and work situation, in essence, these people do not just arise except from which by conscription we argue the triumph of a society is best explained by how well a society can progress through commitment to itself and to others, to a large extent how it secures its future.
Unless there are material issue of power and belligerent argument of resources allocations, some parties need to ensure a specific pool of African Americans, if not directly linked to the company or trained elsewhere, since the issue with people familiar with color which is not the same as been familiar with the processes mismatch and misdirect on business.
You don’t for instance know Michael Jordan or Sean John; you do not have anything in common with these eponymous of human ability and as far their business in concerned there are gaps even when there are jobs to these people.

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