Thursday, July 25, 2013

Carl R. Osthaus' 'Freedman, Philanthropy and Fraud; A History of the Freedman's Savings Bank


Sampson Iroabuchi Onwuka

The primary attention of this article is Carl R. Osthaus' 'Freedman, Philanthropy and Fraud; A History of the Freedman's Savings Bank. The normal process involved in any recitation like this, is to treat argument to a large possible extent and add the sources of the information at the end, all of which may be expected to improve the readers percipience of the overall book from short discourses. There is nothing wrong in doing a review on a book with due attention to what the author wanted us to accept, to the probably reason that a book reviewed is not exactly the same as a book researched,  and that it a new research on an old book only fall short of the authors major-dome.

This book by Carl Osthaus is old, and the point he raised in the book is better rehearsed elsewhere, however, the topic is central to the growing demands of African American capital past, as a way to form the direct measure of the combative forces of the present and in prospects, serve a s a comparative yardstick between that past and present. The Bank had its headquarters in New York and eventually Washington D.C and then other branches such as those in Louisville, Richmond, Nashville, Wilmington, N.C., Huntsville, Memphis, and the proceeded to other places such as Mobile and Vicksburg. It is common history that the end of the 1866 and the 14 branches had opened and had a repository of $199, 283.43. And then by 1871, the Bank has opened 34 branches. The initial deposits from New York rolled a total of $700.00 initially and carrying from other banks $7, 956.37 and by 1874 it accounted for $57 million. These numbers are also discovered elsewhere.

Once more we need to mention that this book is not new and the book is not old, it does not stand out as the better books on the subjects on Freedman banking, but the content is vital or at least one central point proved to be a litmus paper in discharging the allegations of the Bank’s failure. At the center of this litmus paper is a certain Frederick Douglass, once accused to be the hand that doomed the bank, at least the last of the Presidents to grace the top of the Freedman savings and Trust Bank, but in comparative literature as from Osthaus', we are treated to a detailed portrait of the last days of the Bank which suffered from internal bleeding from earlier on, to die on as if the managers were not aware of it.


The Bank was however accused of being directly involved in the “mammoth” buildings in Washington D.C which was to have caved in the Bank financially in spite of the warnings from the Federal Government. But then the young company had seen the 'Credits Acts' 'era of Government subsidy brought to an in 1868. The notions of failures couldn't been any stranger to the economy that repaired paper with gold, and the windfall in profit came from all corners. But just as we witnessed a tidal wave of the rushing 1869, the new forces of financial assassination gathered for a feast. When the only source of provisioning a profit line for a bank and its credit is deposit, there is a tendency towards borrowing which no wise person may overlook. But this was not to be the case of Freedman's bank or a new bank, where as other Banks for profit may be backed for consumption by Government, this one wasn't, couldn't have, since it was designed with intentions of operating a bank model.  

It’s been said that mismanagement at the Bank and its apparent lack of initiative was central to the early sickness and eventually death but here and from the author, we begin to see that both Federal Government and the redeeming class of Freed Soldiers were already with problems of payment, and it is clear that either government did not have all the money to pay at the beginning or one point that seems to suggest this connection to the lack of full capacity by the Federal Government is that the black soldiers who served in the Civil War were already complaining of lack or delayed payment by the paymasters. It was not impossible to suggest who was exactly in charge of the payment for these black freed soldiers – literally meaning soldiers who are both free from institutional slavery and those discharged from army.

The argument about who was paid and exactly when and how was an issue that dragged the Army to the public and one of the means this was to be settled was through a centralized payment system in form of a Savings and Trust.  Historically, it is been said that it was A. M. Sperry who was Army general’s paymaster that suggested that a Bank can be opened ‘Freedman Trust and Saving that would help to solve this problem of payment through Federal Government takeover but in this book however, we learn that it was part of ongoing efforts towards helping the small business owners among the newly liberated slaves, who were primarily laborers, cooks, washers, town builders and construction, waiters, butlers, potters, and rail road workers. As theory goes, it was  

These men who that it borrowed too much from Northern Alliances of Andrew Carnegie, Jay Cooke, Louis Astor and Cornelius Vanderbilt who represented the first half of the Gilded Age were the principal architects of New York’s transformation as a preferred immigrant destination to the financial and banking capital of the world.  It was a good number of these unspecified group of mostly Whites and some Jewish, that truly had a formal knowledge of the demise of the Bank. At least in this book and on several official accounts, we learn that the first 50 board of directors who authorize investment and underwrite checks were all composed of non-blacks. In other words, the board had no single Negro on board.

As we are likely to discover, the Freedman Bank had at 420 thousand repositories, all of whom lost some portion of their money. While it seems clear that a good number of these first Bank Managers which does not mean that it covers all the necessary section. For that we are left with the purpose of making certain citation with view of archiving the broad strokes of Black American business and nothing more.

Freedman savings and trust company  had close to fifty (50 board of trustees, none of them Negroes, March 16th 1865, John W. Alvord, began the first tentative arguments, (1) According to Alvord, that the Freedman savings and Trust Bank was established  as a response to the need for Blacks, to save their money. (2) The only source of dividend was Interest rate but over time, it was seemingly clear that the "the road to wealth passed through the Freedman's Bank" and for a brief decade it may have stayed that way.


Alvord letter to the Bureau, April 1867 “They changed the By Laws, and bring the principal office here (to Washington) placing the Banks, for the first time being under the special auspices of the Bureau. This, I think accords by Gen’ I Howard as will relieve us very soon of the very embarrassment. The bounty moneys…will be passed over to the claimants to a great extent; and thus we hope, by right influence, to obtain a larger amount of deposits” opens and closely the ambiance that the Bank was deeply involved with deposit line only, there was no any report on the daily outcomes of the Bank that affected those outside the management of assets.


It has been suggested that operational dynamics of Banks/Company was different from the Bureau, which was headed A.W Alvord. In a statement released by A.W Alvord, he is believed as saying that “The Bureau will favor Bank in this business all it can – but how much this will be cannot be told, until we have some practical experience”, we may tend to witness a form of connection to the possibility of a ranking bureau in charge of the day to day operation of Bank, where as we may seen have read elsewhere, A.W Alvord was part of business and management model. The Bank Ownership  “Here at Head Qrs. , we look very much like one concern – a number of Bureau officers occupying the back room of our Bank, though, as before said, we are really only in fraternity as institutions.” 

 The books cited the words of Frederick Douglass that “There was something missionary in its composition, and it dealt largely in exhortations as well as promises. The men connected with its management were generally church members, and reputedly eminent for their piety. Some of its agents had been preachers of the ‘word’. Their aim was now to instill into the minds of the untutored Africans lessons of sobriety, wisdom, and economy, and to show them how to rise in the world.” This appears on Life and Times of Frederick Douglass, and It also appeared in the ‘Complete Biographies of Frederick Douglass.’


And in similar quotation from Robert Yancy ‘Federal Government Policies and Black Business Enterprises; we read of the citation that “One ‘Daddy’ Wilson, who later became cashier at Washington was used and misused by whites as a figurehead. He served as a fine ‘buffer’ for the whites to loot the bank. One Mr. Vanderbrung, for instance, borrowed $30, 00 (from him) on the verbal endorsement of the District of Columbia ‘boss’. Jay Cook and Company, financiers, borrowed $500, 000 at five percent interest, while depositors in this same institution were paid six percent interest on savings.”


 We are not sure who this Daddy Wilson is and whether the full quote can be attributed to Douglass, there is parochialism from the text that suggest that Douglass was probably the author of the statement. There is also something of the charge in the statement about Jay Cooke, that a statement or some account exist under the name Jane Cooke as Wife of certain William Cooke may have sent the message into all kinds of direction.


Was Cooke of Jane Cooke the same as the wife of the Jay Cook and it may mean that the Jay Cooke himself is not without explicating on how he managed to pull $500 000 at the time when it was obvious the Jay Cook and Company was going under following the Panic of the 1873. In another incident, there is a note fiefdom that was equally derived from that view of the bank as a form of a Charity and when this view is factored into the running of any business, you are left with that process of sympathy and not profit, and the business dies gradually. 

W.E.B Dubois in Souls of Black folks Chapter 2, that “Not even ten additional years of slavery could have done so much to throttle the thrift of the freedmen as the mismanagement and bankruptcy of the series of savings banks chartered by the Nation for their special aid.” And there were others such as Booker T. Washington that “This bank had agents all over the south, and colored people were induced to deposit their earnings with it in the belief that the institution was under the care of the United States Government.”

The argument is not that lending excesses of the Bank or vice associated with employee’s inexperience at the earliest stages presaged its failure, or that mismanagement as the Bureau and congressional hearing attempted to show, forced the early demise of the bank. While this view has proven central to the meaning and thesis of the failures associated with the Freedman Trust and Savings, it may seem only appropriate to the more dispassionate observer that such view is derived from the citizenry unsure about the power that was devoted to the newly redeemed.


Yet it is not without the roughing the vulture of the area presume to know now the bank, i.e, true structure is likely to survive with deposit as it ultimate profits ends and it drove the hired hands in fixing the thin sheet of the deposits as if the Bank was backed by the Federal Government.

"Tis little by little the bee fills her cell;
And little by little a man sinks a well
Tis little by little a bird builds her nest;
By little's a forest in verdure is driest'

 The statement is believed to hang in front of Freedman's Bank

'No good, Solid wealth comes in a day', ‘A tree grows very slowly. You cannot see it grow still it does grow. So with your deposits” 

Measured with failures of Banks at previous eras, the failure of Savings and Trust Company hold no special meaning, there will be banks that will fail and there were other banks that failed in the same period. But measured from the promises that the bank held for newly redeemed children of ex-slaves and ex-slaves, the damage to their credit proved impossible to prefigure. It was indeed a first Bank of a company type of its kind, and it was loosely held together by measly sum of the working majority of blacks – of course they were others – but in reality it was a young bank whose capacity would be redeemed only in a time and not in the 8-10 years. 

The end judgment is that the Bank was forced to do much too quickly, it was easily cornered by those who understood the inside workout of the Banking Sector and it was not never to be survived the first few decades. Its history is overstated, its rescue mission misdirected, and its lessons are better observed from the positions of United True Reformers of Richmond Virginia and probably nothing else. If one is willing to compare the true judgments of people, especially some with background in banking and industries , it will be conscientious title ‘True Reformers’  from Virginia Black Folks who gifted the Bank its highest repository and no doubt bear the lasting epitaph reflecting a episode involving Blacks and Business, the summary of the time.


Reginald Washington research on his ‘Federal Records and African History’ (Summer 1997. Vol.29, n0.2), “The act had a clear objective and purpose; a single savings institution created primarily for former slaves and their descendants. The deposits received by the bank...with the exception of a final set aside for operating costs and other emergencies...were to be invested in “Stocks, Bonds, Treasury notes, or other Securities of the United States.” The Charter suggested that “no loans would be made” and that “all the assets of the Bank were owned by depositors in proportion to the deposits of each.”’ These point appear in Carl R. Osthaus ‘Freedman, Philanthropy and Fraud’ and Osthaus placed emphasis on the point of the Bonds and Securities, suggesting that it was given the right to invest  the depositors money but not to loan it may mean that the ‘Freedman savings and Trust’ was not a Bank but a company.  And the maintained that ”Contrary to what many investors where led to believe, the Bank’s Assets were not protected by the Federal Government” but they had branches in Vicksburg, Richmond, Charleston, Savannah, New Orleans, and Houston. 

That they used advertisement bearing Abraham Lincoln and Senator Oliver Otis Howard, leading the depositors to believe that their money deposits in the Company – which they took for a Bank were backed the Federal Government. This we can understand was not true at all, for sure, the experts including the founders and bureau that managed it by names J.W Alvords and Company would have known that Banks in the United were backed at some level by Federal Government, especially when these Banks also issued Insurance. Historically, this continued till the 1930’s of the FDRs and the slitting of Insurance from Bank operation associated with Glass-Steagall Act. 

But we are looking at the turn of the 1900 century when majority of the Banks that made a difference, made a difference along the lines of Investment Banking, where it was not easily called a company in those years, it was called a company, for instance Jay Cooke and Company, which was the largest investment bank of the time, or what we call investment Banks now, was then not a Bank and not backed by anybody saving their own Insurance and their own notes baited against the Federal Debt. Yet it seems that the success of Jay Cooke coincided with the rise of Salmon P. Chase and eventually the Morgan men at the Treasury. It will be interesting to have shown how mismanagement from the side of those who were not even in the 50 man Board will become the reason why the Bank failed. Even as accurate as it may been from the long Q and A at White House, it would have made more sense for Washington to look at the Bank sheet and exit strategy of funds from their financial main event.  

As such we can now clearly understand the role of J.W Alvord in the whole evolution of the Company, that he like many people today still believe that  That they promoted the face of the Bank along the face of the President Abraham Lincoln suggest that Alvords either in kind or with the proper wish of transforming the company into a Bank, intended from the beginning to mislead the repository and as such many people – even today include Reginald Washington and Carl Osthaus, still think it was bank where as Goldman Sachs not unlike Lehman and Bear Stearn of today was only and very lately transformed into an ordinary Bank by Act of Congress and through emergent effort of the current U.S Treasury , Timothy Geithner and Former Treasury Secretary Hank Aaron. To be clear, Lehman at that last minute asked for the same vitae for daily Bank but it was turned and used for Goldman instead.

Apparently, the structure of the Company was set up in New York in such a way as to mirror the Investing Banks such as Jay Cooke and Company, who was the U.S number of ...agter and whose greatness along with those Andrew Carnegie was tied to the Rail-Roads. As we shall discover that the many areas of the business with Rail-Roads particularly tracking the routes of champion soldiers were tied to the investment position and Branches of the Freedman Company, for instance Vicksburg, Richmond, Charleston, Savannah, New Orleans, and Houston, became as it time went on, a trouble malice because of the quarrels in between the generals, one of which was proven instrument in the Panic of 1873, the opposition of Alexander St. Claire to Joseph E. Brown in the consummate struggle over the Western and Atlantic Rail line and the ending of Vicksburg Rail Road line. 

This point whose details are to be understood as birth of the Panic of the eventual1873 does not appear in Osthaus Book or in Washington’s comparative analyses, either would anyone find it the congressional hearing and oversight committee on the demise of the Freedman’s Savings and Trust Company. While the questions about the lending of Jay Cooke and Company $500,000

Carl  Osthaus we must indicate clearly mentioned that the structure of the ‘Bank’ began with the Federal  Government taking over the Military Savings Bank at Beaufort, South Carolina, which was known eventually as ‘South Carolina Freedmen’s Savings Bank’ a pacesetter if not the pacesetter to the Freedman Saving and Trust Bank. This was where the con began, from a name or page acquired from its inability to pay the Blacks on time and retained as a gratuity to the efforts of A.W Alvords as stated from his acclaimed position of his Fraternity concerning the unity franchise of Military accounts of Blacks, some of which was escrow some of which rendered to the receiver in pennies all of which resulted from unclear and unusual practices of the designated paymasters.  There was also the problems of Regiments and the squad leaders, some of whom did not feel obligated to release the compensation of their squadrons to other people from clearly different and nearly opposing party. 

Besides, the South after unification, did not feel obligated to any Northerner let along Blacks or Freedmen, and had no qualms in confiscating their pay.

One of these soldiers who went on to help their fellow soldiers so to speak was General Benjamin Butler, who established in Norfolk Virginia a similar Freedmen Savings and Bank, and in Louisiana, there was the popular incident of General Nathaniel Banks ‘Free Labor Bank”, received from its inception deposits from African American as well as White Plantation owners. The result was the rift which led to many issues of payment and the eventual actions of the Government including the takeover of the property and Abraham Lincoln singing into law on March 3rd, 1865 “An Act to Incorporate the Freedman’s Savings and Trust Company.” There, and from the beginning and in very Blue Prints, it never said a Bank, it never said an insurance, it said a Company.


There is also a persuasion from these lines, that the incident described thus concerning the inefficacy of Banks to deliver on their payment on time to the Soldiers, may have been touted as a fault line towards the financial engineering on a new form of business or payment option, that (1) allowed the business to be owned and managed by the depositors and (2) to enforce transparency  the tuners of the new financial “were to open for inspection and examination to such persons as congress would appoint.” It may now also seem that the picture which the movers of the New Ideas, A.W Alvord and company showed to the public primarily had to do with new determination and policy from the adverse conditions of the fore-bearers, and was eventually used to plow the public of a new Bank instead of Company which would have the face and standing of the President. It may also seem that the President Lincoln would have inveighed against the indirect abuse of his names, had he survived the Ford Theater assassination. This important factor proves to be the weapon in the hands of New Yorkers.



There is no doubt that Bank of England established in 1694 followed the Dutch model of Bank Funded through Debt.  That America founded its Colony in Virginia moved the country away from the school of Banking, but eventually as many Historians of Finance has mentioned that three Americans, (1) Robert Morris (‘born in Britain) (2) Alexander Hamilton (born in the Caribbean - ‘Nevis’), and (3) William Duer (English born from Antigua) will argue for the Anglo-Dutch system of Banking that is built from Debt or Credit. To be clear, we have to mention that while there is nobody who doubts Hamilton as the Chief Architect of the American Federation and Governance, it was William Duer who was his influence on the formation of American Banks and operational dynamics. Whereas Duer failed as a copy bond manager and speculator, it was Hamilton that finalized his views of the country setting America towards that part of Bank Institution that Funded Debt. This theory of Funding from the time of American Civil War and the consequence victory that handed the North a sweeping hands in redemption and the reform of the years to come.


Already in France, following the end of Napoleonic Wars, particularly his defeat at Waterloo, two Jewish French spectaculars Nathan and James Rothschild became richer than ever by accurately predicting the defeat of the French and consummated this defeat in money times through an information delivery process as with a Pigeon. But the story takes interesting turn when French soldiers had to return from defeat and turned their attention to the paymaster by name Gabriel Julien Ouvrad. His role in delivering the money through a Bank system which installed it made him popular and served as an incentive for American Soldiers half a century later.    


In a book by Kevin Philips ‘Wealth and Democracy’ 2002, he cited this peculiar American frontiers on Funding through Debt and realigned with the rise of Rail Roads in the decade following the U.S Civil war and went on to demonstrate that the country with the government expansion and the permanence of Anglo-Dutch Banking Model, came also the necessity of the Federal Government to call for money, that is the Banks had to purchase “new Federal Bonds” available to issue “Federal Banknotes”. After the victory of the Northern Unionist of the Southern Confederates, the country discovered itself indebted to several privateers; Robert Morris, William Bingham, Stephen Girard and John Jacob Astor. 


The only name lacking from the list was Cornelius Vanderbilt. These men who were mostly from New York home to both William Duer and Alexander Hamilton, and eventually home to Robert Morris as representing his British clients, simply became the first batch of American millionaires on account of profits from war and the rail roads and eventually part of the Gilded Class. But cannot fail perform the obvious that the disappearing of the money tree may or may not have gone under with these barons like Vanderbilt or is appears elsewhere as Vanderbrung, some of which confused both the questioning committee and the very outsiders as these porters of the new redeemed ex-slaves as other Americans outside the banking circle. The struggle of the 19th century per-mulled the seeming baser others into the bliss of ignorance as bonds rose and fail without their least reckoning of it. 


But then, some names are hard to miss and if only small sources express as they appeared in Robert Yancy's book are widened from the gilt of how they managed in the first place to appear on record perhaps so deep a hand should have gloves that be others. Fredrick Douglass after his denouement with Bank's ultimate end, he bemused his fate as being 'married to a corpse'. Yet the surreptitiously cruelty of the Company bad fate on the greater black managed in the end to choke Douglass into the riddle that Freedman's Saving and Trust Company was 'black people cow, white people milk'. But in his more dislocating dismemberment of the whole cruel dealings, the one banner held the light was already among the elite in Valhallas. The myth that accompanies a life 3/4 fulfilled offered a different echo that Lincoln had lived, perhaps.... The end was not an end, it was to the "Virginian Country" folks, a beginning, since they had always opposed the Anglo-Dutch model of Banking, of forcing the hands of profit through debt, or funded debt.         


The author also mentioned that “The principal financier of the North’s triumphant road to Appomattox the great bond-seller Jay Cooke went bankrupt in 1873, pulled down by overextended railroad underwriting as well as by the scheming of the House of Morgan to gain the preeminent role in its government finance. J.P Morgan and a second financier also much involved in under-writing and supporting government bonds, George F. Baker of New York’s First National Bank,….” These men at the end of Civil War took it upon themselves to oppose the controlling influence of Jay Cooke, who historically almost single handily re-wrote the selling of Bonds in U.S, and whose company was based in New York.

In that 1873, “Railroad prices peaked in March. By late summer the Wall Street bears were clawing in the biggest arena of U.S finance; railroad stocks and bonds had a combined value of between $3 and $4 billion in a year when the federal budget came to only $290 million.”


“Drexel, Morgan and Company was hammering at the Northern Pacific financed by the House of Cooke, the biggest investment Bank in the United States and Drexel Morgan’s great rival” In all reality, the author demonstrated in his book what led to the decline of these earlier Northern frontier men, especially Jay Cooke and Company, which brought the crash of 1873, and in the empty casket of the company was never investigated leading to the money they borrowed from an a young Company. That the coming of Drexel, Morgan or the Morgan Men opposing Investment Company, forced Jay Cooke and Company into obscurity and that what followed was a tidal wave of collapse and drowning of an already over-priced rail road bond, was entirely secondary to the process set in motion by officers who had the wherewithal. 


There, within the whole structure, lies the ‘Freedman Savings and Trust Company, never Bank.    





Sunday, July 21, 2013

Black Enterprise; Guide to Investing By James A. Anderson.; 2001



Sampson Iroabuchi Onwuka

@ John Wiley and Sons

Reason why investing in Black/Africa may be lucrative.

A book of this nature is not generally a book of all seasons. For a man who prides himself as the leading expert in Blacks in Business, Wall Street and Investing, the book is half the apple. I shall indicate that writing any reason of the Blacks in economic community of these United States or in the general business of the world, usually takes time. Here in this case with Anderson’s ‘Black Enterprises’; Guide to Investing, there is a lot of information that may prove important to new people in investing in the U.S, and in the categories that may be called International, the book throws good light on general possibilities associated with Black business investing.

For instance, we may not have mastered the difference between a closed end investing category of the international and open end investing category. But from this man’s book, we learn that one "Closed end hold a portfolio of investments and rise and fall according to market conditions. They have a limited number of shares, and trade like stocks n the New York Stock Exchange"
This statement may seem unusually ambiguous to the enabled degree that some of the changes in the stock market since the Archipelago and the world market Vanguards, has given the Stock market a whole new make and has increased the investment alternatives that does not necessarily subtend with closed and open ends stock registrar.

 But the point is not missed that when investing involves elements of International or Cross Border financial engineering, it is promoted along the danger lines involved in placing private bets on this companies or playing a good card off the preferred stock if the means calls for it. In some sense, there is close end because of the Safety Net, where as many American Companies will register with Nasdaq or S&P 500 tailored different for American Companies operating in the Americans only, there are other versions of these companies that involved elsewhere and these registry are different and require some kind of Safety nets along the lines bonds which is a kind of investing.

In treating the subject on closed end funds, the James Anderson mentions that “Often enough, closed-ends funds trade at a premium or discount to their Portfolio's value, measured by the fund's NAV or net asset value" This is to set the pace that Internationals may be looking to sustain the role of investors by given a near guaranteed discount which enabled an investor earn at least his or her money back, and may even guarantee a form of profit if only there is a company that may have enough to place on a foreign basket or essentially on a lay. In common reality, there are only a few countries in the world where returns on Investment may challenge or top sale the Americans, and there are also few countries that may be a preferred destination for American Companies on a long term basis than the U.S.

This does not mean that all companies in U.S and marking better profit than Internationals, rather it goes to show that some Banks such as Bank of American and their Business outfits may be Safe in (uncertain markets) - insubordinate to investor sentiment, so holders have degrees of safety Nets, that may not by affeted by overnight dumping due to change in the market -international/world market

Here, Anderson does not only show how these companies and investors operate, he  throws light on some of the markets which should be doing better for instance, African Markets such as those in Zimbabwe, which does not. In this case, only a few companies may be successful in finding its meaning in African Countries and sometimes the attention and few may be over-stay, especially in African Countries riddled with military uncertainties that sometimes it tends to affect market condition. Closed ends would mean that such sector of the market such as oil or crude oil, industrial mining of Gold and precious materials, may be a sector only available to certain resources and long term investor interest.

That “close-end' is like the name closed, is not open to others, (diversified) involves real time magnet....”, yet anyone comfortable with long term investment should be looking to get some advisement on Closed End categories. And the author also warned that these so called these so called that carry Safety Net, usually don’t have much yield, a theme no less similar to long term investing in U.S, but for Internationals sake, we use closed end, that is people are looking profit from a low end, as such ROI; Return of Investment is relatively low.

Examples of Closed ends in Africa, at least operating as at 2000 include,
(1) Stanley Dean Witter African Fund (Up only 3 percent between 1997 and the end of 1999)
(2) Southern Africa Funds (which managed to rise 31.4 percent in the period between 1997 and the end of 1999).

Some of these companies since the coming of Euro and the subsidies offered by European companies are no longer operating, some of these companies have been acquired by others, for instance in South Africa where the mining industries under the De Beers Dutch family has maintained monopoly for almost a century in mining, make it a point of business interest to appropriate State Companies for their own investing ends. Of course, there is nothing wrong with this effort but it needs be understood that Banks such as Chase or Bank of America may not have strategic interest in Africa without the direct aficionados of a business enterprise such as De Beers in either South Africa or any country where there is a large percentage of precious metals and in such instances these, some of the registered African Companies operating as closed end businesses like the ones above, may become part of a publicly traded company with different Insurance backing and Safety Nets.


Anderson however mentioned that "Your other choice (open end), which is far less diversified and therefore far more risky, is picking up shares of a company, traded as ADRs in the United States. Most ADRs are sponsored, meaning that they provide U.S investors reports and information much as domestic companies’ world" Here as opposed to closed ends, the author indicated that events can determine the life of a stock market in open end categories. The name look exotic, but it deals with happens to a market when companies are officially trading and when it reacts to the pressing economic conditions. This sort of change take place “2- 3 days a week, a few hours, volume can mean price escalations”, it reflects on the stock of the investors.

Investors seeking to take a position on the open ends may be advised to stay local since the connection to execute a trade by the broker is better managed by the investor acting in any economy, for instance, an American in America. But here also, the author emphasizes that the world markets are stabilizing, not only in Europe but also in Asia, and African and Central Americans are not far behind. As such people can lose money in African Markets as well European markets and that these require the right crop of investors and interest. 

One of the ‘open ends’- The Calvert New Africa Funds - Shed a lot in 1990 and there is reason to believe that the company may have been de-registered from the US. Here once more, it is not common to find companies registering in the U.S in one year and then they go down the next year. This fact is better understood from the position of an International Companies seeking to make it to the Americans would have gotten some exposure before leading its investors to U.S open markets. In such, it is better to have funds from U.S or Europe participating in an International market like most African, or in BRICS market such as Brazil or China, which are challenging U.S interest in nearly every capacity
In countries such as South Africa which is both a BRICS and a International, alignment of foreign Funds from A listed country such U.S may be placed within the precious metal industries of South Africa, largely for the fact that the controlling factors in this country are U.S and Europe sensitive industrial factors. Such companies as De Beers may not exactly serve as the right on choice given their of influence of Africa’s biggest banks, including Stanbic (probably the most powerful or they say, most stable Bank in Africa), yet there are foreign companies operating in Africa that are more than a bleep in the World Investing Cloud.

And going by Anderson’s argument, some of these companies with mainly Black community drive-in operate already made financial instrument, tailored from the needs of people unsure of their investing leniency to those seeking to understand African International Markets such as South Africa. But these individuals and companies are not small matter and run open market enterprises subject to International regulations and those of the United States. But like most "Money managers will tell you that the logical next step in their business is the "retail" or mutual fund market, the part of the industry that caters to individual investors"

In reality, there are threshold in business that must be met and sometimes there are losses but every loss in the market there is also an opportunity for profit. In common reaction to the days of Apartheid in South Africa, it should be maintained that these business experts are only so named, largely for their endurance and ability to help investors in open ends markets and in closed ends, and also helping individual investors, which in Anderson words as at 2000 may sound like a well – laid plan but it does not mean that some of these measures at still useful, for sure, many African Americans are trading everyday and without help, but the emphasis on the Black Community a form of self-generating market may be outside the framework of these sales managers. 

Anderson’s book, we learn that some of these individuals as we said before includes, John Rogers, Ariel Growth (1) Lou Holland (2) Eddie Brown (3) Maceo Sloan, and as a point raised by James A. Anderson, nearly all of the above survived all kinds of businesses setbacks including the 70’s and 80’s when it was not very easy for Blacks in general to break into Wall Street, with lines such as "draw up business" "stumping" "Airport Layover" "glad handing" "sales pitches", which are applied to business investor and particularly these individual no financial backgrounds.

Sources of information includes 'Morningstar's Principia database has 164 Fidelity Funds, for Thunder Clap short duration Agency Bond will key in on U.S Agency with an average of 2 years or so and from his description, "Ariel Capital's Ariel and Ariel Appreciation Funds specialize in mid-cap stocks, the kind Wall Street doesn't keep the closest tabs on. Lou Holland's Holland Growth Fun focuses on Growth Stocks, but only if they’re reasonably priced. The Edgar Lomax Eley, sticks to large cap stocks that sell at a discount to the broad market."

Black industries Investment

(1) Barbara Bowles of the Kenwood Growth and Income Fund, 

(2) John Rogers and Eddie Brown pension Funds, money for corporations and Local Government"

Randall Eley>Edgar Lomax Value Fund dubbed by Louis Rukeyer "perhaps the best money manager you've never heard of."

We continue   

Clifford Mpare one of the advisers of African markets was one of the few individuals mentioned in the book, it is with the view of helping businesses interested in not only trading African Waters, but African companies doing business in U.S. Of course any business venture between outsiders and Americans and new comers in business unaccustomed to the relationship between Blacks in America and the Caribbean from the 50’s and 60’s, and how these people in the effort to create a required and a lot of the information need to be updated.

It is clear that book emphasis the business of the American Blacks such as Luo Holland and Ariel Brown, it sowed the seeds of interpreting black businesses as ventures that can take a long of energy and a lot accounting and training to crack. There is nothing in this book that deals on continuity and institution, which I feel would have placed the reader at the background on the source or revenue base and allow them to exercise the reserves as Blacks in Wall Street out of which they can easily indicate that 
1) Political upheavals for instance in Zaire, Rwanda, and Nigeria. 

(2) Zimbabwe (?) (3) Botswana , may or break any investment, but when there is a proven 34 billion barrels of oil in Nigeria and that Gabon and Ghana has Crude Oil, African American should not play a deaf ear to their interest in United States here and Africa.

Johannesburg with close 400 (500 in 2013)  billion dollar capitalization, is possibly the 7, 10, or 11, biggest market in the world should also interest would individuals ready to make money this business. The Rand devalued due to political themes associated (1) (Local/social...local markets. there is slow the issue of credit0 in both Thomas Mbeki and Azuma's presidency, especially the plans to empower the blacks with an 18 billion Re-Investment Act, which is supposed to enable their do well in business.

Potentiality is Nigerian is the biggest African country and market but South Africa and Egypt is shown by stress to be better placed. Real Estate in Africa is probably associated with Egypt, crude oil is associated with Nigeria , so also the removal crude oil subsidy. There is a concern for closed end, population driven markets in Africa because of the military tension arising from Terror groups and those in Agrarian coast line, but it terms of banks durability, investors usually Morocco ahead of Nigeria but these may be though the requirement than stability from experience for at least we know that South Africa is still a leader in Bank and Bank NOTES. Egypt, is a reference to real estate, where as Kenya is a booming market but quite expensive for would be investor, and there is also the issue Zimbabwe which is one of the best markets in the world, still teaming with new found crude oil reserves and new mines for precious materials.


While business of investing is the business of the investor, we are treated to some classic relativity of Anderson and investors with African American leniency. We are at once impressed with the collection of experts and their trials, but it will not be the first time that Black Stock Brokers has reached out to the general public and the general investing crowd. If the author had shown the good side as well as the bad the side, it will make a more interesting book. There are stories about these Black Business men and women, some of whom from Africa who got involved in community development and when the attention was given to them, they absconded after receiving the deals and other enhances.

There are cares of African Americans in Business, not just in business in U.S but elsewhere such as the Caribbean and as soon as the business went awry these people packed and left. There is a well known history of the fracas between Marcus Garvey and W.E.B DuBios concerning the investment of African American churches and some people with money and a result of the competition between Garvey and Dubios, the rubber plantation investment in Liberia became a total disaster. It is now known or at least suggested that Dubois may have  had a hand in Garvey’s disastrous business enterprises although there were others working for the then FBI under Edgar Hoover, some of whom engineered the downing of Marcus Garvey and some of whom did not respond to his captivity in Switzerland or thereabout and in the end, Black Investors lost a large portion of their business.

The author did not mention that African American businesses do not have a form of rating system to fully access the performance of these would be investors and why we can trust their job operative. The author did not mention that the Banks play a large role in determining the business environment that can and do sport bad business. They author did not write about the role of television and its positive value on black consumers, result is that the only daughter of Madam C.J Walker did not hold on to her mothers progress and earn a reputation like others such J.C Penny and Sam Walmart. Her daughter may have helped revival of business in Harlem and why there was renaissance in Harlem, along with George Schuleyer ‘The Sage of Sugar Hill’, but it was both the lack of foresight from her or her colleagues and other black investors that also contributed to the downfall of Harlem.

The author also failed to promote African business History which will help investors gauge the nature of business in West Africa and find how to proceed.

For instance the South Africa which is his real attentions, Investors would have been happy with the names of the companies operating the tough waters of South Africa, yet investors and would be investors of particular black descent would be better helped with learning that South Africa is the world’s largest repository of manganese – up to 80% of it, South African is also the world’s largest reserves in Platinum and in Chromium, where they have at 68% of all proven Chromium and Platinum anywhere in the world. And South Africa has 53.7 billion of the world coal reserves.

According to J.Tyler Dickovick ‘The World Today Series; Africa’, investors would have pleased to learn that South Africa world gold product since 1977 has dropped 14%  and it is down 80% since 1930’s and has shed a half a million jobs. Apparently gold on the global macro is not looking that terrific. The book maintained that there are other problems still associated in South Africa that 95% of all the precious metal industry, especially Diamond, is run by Whites, 65% of the Platinum run by Whites and 51% or thereabout run Whites, and to the author, it was not surprising that South African Government has initiated the BEE; Black Economic Empowerment, in 2004 alone, one South African Company called De Beers combined to mint 13.7 million carats of Gold  

There are reasons why studying the economic condition of African Americans is important.  By studying the evolution of business in black America and the challenges facing them from within and outside, an investor or a broker may score some profit on any number of interest in Black Community.  Black community as a market entity is difficult to analyze with the help of people James A. Anderson and without the corporation of financial publishers such as John Wiley and sons or Bloomberg Associates. In the time past, Salmon Brothers were able to effectively compute the chances for investors interested in Black Communities, some of which were largely driven through and around government programs and incentives for minority.

At the moment there are several schools of choice that are working around the year calender towards upgrading the appropriate information from sources within the Black Community, and these schools include, University of Wisconsin Madison, University of California, Los Angeles Center for Afro-American Studies, and others who are presidential on matters of Black Business Investment and are working from the more general U.S Institute for Research on Poverty – which was at some point part of Policy Analysis series conducted by Timothy Bates and William Bradford. These important groups focused on Black Business and Investing and made recommendation on how ‘to give Blacks greater economic self-determination’, especially the Federal Reserve Reports on these items and Hunts Commission Report on the general condition of Minority Businesses, particularly blacks.

In all probability, the Black Community and the consequent African Diaspora industrial and financial collective such as Black Business Networked or paper organizations such as Black Business Reserve Groups, would have at least a quarter of century to re-organize the studies on African American businesses and investing priorities since in this day and time, Black Communities are counted as general American business community.  But this is not how the world is currently operating, and the whole idea of being Black for instance in the U.S, may not be appreciated by precisely white-washed young generation, some of whom are completely nowhere in the overall business community of the Americans and having real time problems  understanding or accepting it.

While there are investing opportunities in American, it is the view of an expert that Black Communities investing in Black Communities and without the notion of Charity or on behalf of some uncle Tom or Uncle Sam, will help restore the ruined privileges of been a Black Male or Female, or being an African in Diaspora, to the point that the leaking areas of American Business may have some injection from these patronizing of Black businesses – at any length – and help to reduce the dependency ratio of the African Americans on goods and businesses that literally transform the others. In this book by Anderson, there is renewed expertise knowledge and informational ‘share’ regarding the operational dynamics of notable African Americans investors.

Here it must be said that these group listed at the end, are the not the only groups operating with due respect to African American Communities or are their services any good or better than the wider American. But it’s a point to be made by the investor community and how they fare with Night of Madison Street. What Anderson also tried to show is that the success of these people did not arrive from doing nothing, that nobody offered these gentle men and some of them women a given chance to succeed and their story serves as a kind of encouragement if nothing at all.

The case of Ariel Brown is that is trial and triumph begins and ends with effort to get South African business men and women into his portfolio. He was not the only one, there was also Lou Holland, who even spent nights in his car waiting for a client arriving from somewhere in the country. These hunters – no different from hedge hunters today – lived in the time it was not easy for Blacks to be trusted with other people’s money unless they are well proven. Perhaps due to the times in which they lived, these would be revivalist of Black Wolves in Wall Street literally forced their way into the game.

Of course, we can discuss that these are primarily T. Rowe Price and his influence in Baltimore and IRA funds, but it is the effort and the understanding that a business is a community or community is a business that now lead non-blacks to give their money to these men.
Notable African American Mutual Funds
(1)    Ariel Application Fund (CAAPX) –
(2)    Ariel (ARGFX)
(3)    Brown Capital Management Balanced (BCBIX) –
(4)    Brown Capital Management Equity (BCEIX)
(5)    Brown Capital Management Small Company (BCSIX)
(6)    Edgar Lomax Value Fund
(7)    Kenwood Growth and Income (KNWDX)
(8)    Lou Holland Growth (LHGFX)
(9)    MDL Broad Fixed Income (MLGEX)
(10)Profit Value (PVALX) –
(11)Unity Fund
(12)Victory Lakefront
(13)Sub-Advised Funds; Calvert New Africa (CNAFX)
(14)Dreyfus Premier Third Century Growth Investors (TWCGX)
(15)American Century Growth Investors (TWCGX)
(16)Globalt Growth (GROWX)
(17)Seligma Common Stock (SCSFX)

Investment Group
(1)    Coalition of Black Investors (COBI)
(2)    Association of Individual Investors (AAII)
(3)    National Association of Investors Corp (NAIC)