Sunday, November 30, 2014

Obama's 2014 Amnesty

Sampson Iroabuchi Onwuka

President Obama on November 20th, granted amnesty to several Americas living in the United States with merits of clean records and tax history, including a grant of temporary classing of these Immigrants whose joys are not well known, may be considered a high point but not a plateau in the classic drama on immigration. This is one his executive orders that will accompany his last days as President from understanding that the Republicans are ruling party at the Whitehouse. Such actions by the President are considered in the interest of the United States or at least in his own interest, do not fly from his political legacy. There are economic reasons also. The idea of sending 5 million illegal immigrants out of United States is shortage of labor in all areas of man and woman power which remote cities in US sourly needs. It does not mean that such concession on the needs of emigrants is material reasons for appropriating jobs set aside for all asunder and for general purpose, neither does it mean that social security privileges and Welfare benefit and Food Stamps are to be expected with assurance given the tightening of US budgetary requirement. Obviously the 5 million will contribute to the growth of these United States but to the extent that they understand the nature of the privilege offered to them as opposed to moral suasion of beating the system and penetrating its border. They can contribution to the society as a way to overcome their past. You are here simply put, because your old country is not better than this country.

More than once, American Presidents have exercised Amnesty with equal amount of consideration, some of which may be celebrated and others considered a political treat. If we can look at the historical prism of the Citizenship, rights of Citizenry, which the goggles of Roman example are artificial placement of natural rights higher than a non-citizens or Resident, it become common sense to argue that established societies or formidable empires with apian ways faced with many illegal migration of peoples of world into coveted realms, every so often add bit and pieces of their good gestures to rule by granting Amnesty to these migrants and to non-citizens living in their realms. For Rome, grant of Citizens and freedom characterized some of the high points in public service and duty, no less important is the official pontification of religious assignment. Here in the United States we defer on one’s religiosity either does it officially matter in choosing to stay here.

The difference lie elsewhere which is why the threats of eviction was not taken for granted and why certain concerns about emigration will not end with the permanence of papers. There will be arguments and fights over the actions by President Obama, but it will be a precedence that should not lead to blood. We may begin to perform procedure into Obama's physical speech with extensor ancillary to the time of Christ and head of the Catholic and Christian Churches, or with the migration of Mohammed into Jeddah from his home town, that the relapse on Obama’s speeches into the clutches on Bible makes a second departure from the current problems, itself a child of the process and second meaning, that the “Scripture tells us that we shall not oppress a stranger, for we know the heart of a stranger – we were strangers once, too.”, an onerous consideration that offers as much of necessity as the factor that others flirting under the canopy of presidential office would perhaps not have done similar such for the likes of him.

Sometimes these enacted procedural discovery of process leads to opening gates to Barbarians (a name measured and based in part on some African tribe), paved the ways for the conquest and failure of the state especially when allegation of infiltration and pejoration of pastoral penetration of the empire’s rear was considered Acts of War mingled as conquest strategy. But here, we doubt that the ambiguity of many Rome and one, is surpassing to the demands of the American et al, presence and domicile sovereignty, for it looks like the stories of these United States in comparative association with Rome, shows even the failure of the State to have granted Amnesty Peter and some of the disciples including a Roman Citizen such as Paul, did not stop the large scale revolution on citizenry initiated later by Caracalla son of the African emperor Septimus Severus. The US is not different, at least Obama – who is not different from others before him – may be hedging a new page by granting temporary work license to illegal emigrants, who are asked to be part of a larger family currently challenged by the past in the course of its future years.

If like Shakespeare we quote that ‘affections make (us) false’, the statement is difficult to digest given the presumed consideration of deporting emigrants in the nearer future by the salutary opponent's party, that future was injured by the direct actions of the President who may be looking to cast a weight political blanket on the Republican, whose opposition and controlling influence at the White House inveigh with meaning on a strategy taken for granted. From Obama’s speech, we read that. “…we are a nation of immigrants, we are also a nation of laws. Undocumented workers broke our immigration laws, and I believe that they must be held accountable – especially those who may be dangerous. That’s why, over the past six years, deportations of criminals are up 80 percent. And that’s why we’re going to keep focusing enforcement resources on actual threats to our security. Felons, not families. Criminals, not children. Gang members, not a mother who’s working hard to provide for her kids. We’ll prioritize, just like law enforcement does every day.” It meets with meaning that actions of that capacity have a staying power longer than meet its dividend. For statement of this weight no more than meaning, elevates the rhetoric to a new and possibly avenue. What binds the President to these emigrants? And why was he vouchsafed by the academic example of a leading student with illegal parents? Was it a dovetailing of his past and previous experience or was it a classic meter rendered to transform the new realities of political force which the Latin Americans have found in the Republican Party.?

Such painting of the livid core of the indwelling argument about the loyalties of the immigrants do not pale in comparison to the humble experiences of President Obama’s father who was accidently granted a chance to study abroad and was bested by the scholarship he inherited along with some other Africans through the political years of the late 50’s and 60’s in Africa. He is not saved by this singular experience in of itself, he is led to consider the merits of his actions in contest of enveloping new powers at the hands of the Republicans. Together and apart, the mingling of some of the basic assumptions about immigration and the legality which the President defended do not rain hard on why he took the actions in the interest of the country, do not reach high enough for those who manage our laws for us, for such actions to be taken beyond prima facia it may point to US defenses, who are currently leading a charge against Russia without inadvertently sousing an already sensitive injury. The war on immigration is not fought by US army, the mitigation of working for those who penetrated US borders is not initiated by US army, the protection of US borders against unwanted elements is literally the work of the experts; the military.

Perhaps we have to compensate some of his rhetoric with lively personal experience only to the extent that the problems of emigration to United States and the problems of ownership has managed from the late part of the last decade to re-appear in the United States. President Obama is therefore seething with permission on his political history, but from actions he opens himself to political daggers at the White House especially from the new meaning that Amnesty is not a give-away mirrored from the enterprise of executive decision, which literally bypassed the political roundtable meeting for such an exercise. Simply put, Obama acted in sole interest of the country, which means that actions which he delayed until the last elections, may have carried far more powerful consequence than the new arithmetic of removing people from these United States. He tempers this process with magic that the temporary granting of temporary residency was a general escape from plans not well known which may not rang through. This action is not mistaken as a reaction to hints by Republican Majority leader, who is rumored to be working along with others to have Obama impeached from office.

US of A, is not severely underpopulated but underpopulated and in every conceivable estimate, we need more people in this Country. Anyone who is well traveled through these United States will see elements of severely underpopulated Canada all over it. New York City is Hong Kong and doesn't need to be, but travel to Albany, a whole State Capital of the State of New York, and you will surprised at how desperate the town is by 8 pm. Much of Upstate New York is open wilderness of snowflakes in the winter. There is nothing up there saving for some specific areas where people live and animals of kinds end running at the upcoming vehicles. This is supposed to be State of New York will the glitters of immigrants, let alone neighboring State of Connecticut and New Jersey. However, the majority of immigrants entering the US in the last 20 years and especially the last 10 years are mostly South Americans. They have their contribution in construction jobs which no one can take from them, but let’s face it, this move by President Obama is generally expected to be largely challenged by Americans, including if not especially White-European Americans, who are socially facing new challenges with these people from South America and from Mexico. Some of us wonder if Mexicans for instance can be persuaded to dump Spanish as a language of choice for American English as language of originality, for all that these people did and have done in last in the 6 (Six) centuries was to make their way to Mexico, first as immigrants including Hernandez Cortes, then as militants against Montezuma and the land has since been theirs by speech.

President Obama is left no choice but to endorse of the graft committee recommendations for immigration without compromising his own position, police, military and National position. The crux of the problem is not immigration or prepended loss of jobs, but the attitude of these people in America, especially the future role of language. Is there a future where we have two Americas, one Spanish and the other English? Are we doing away with democracy by accommodating bi-cultural, bi-racial, bi-lingual tendencies instead of multi-lingual, cultural, racial, etc, country since bi-lingual permeation of social America creates a-two America which exponentially endows Spanish speakers and propertied Latino with all the new privileges and job opportunities in names of bi-lingual, but delineates other Americans. This is the main event of American cultural and immigration reforms - not the people or the population size. For all we know, Houston Texas is toast no small pretenses to new emerging two Americas in one Country and it seems to the best of us, that a hint of conquest broods from this civil blind-folding of America. This is the main problem.

According to some Aryan theology, ‘two language is evil’ and if one is wandering how Rome replaced Greece as a power house despite the Samnite 120 year wars which was decided in favor of Romans by Greeks, the Nike that returned to Rome came from Greeks but easily became a Roman signatory a few decades later. What happened what the use of both languages in Rome and in Greece and eventually, Latin was the only language. Language as an intellectual property is resisted as a form of identity which speakers hold with special interest, for instance, migrants living in the United States for the first time, do not consider it wise to lose their native language. What however happens is that a stigma as strong as the peoples of these United States hides under the garb on speech and language with several interpretation resulting from accents and dialects. Miguel Unamuno the respected Spanish orator once asserted that “Language is the blood of the spirit”, given weight of meaning how any immigrant could either consider themselves English speaking Americans, and others Spanish speaking.

It is interesting to relive the fact that either English, Spanish or even French, can be considered native language of the Americans. These three are not, a mistake which divides and conquers people under the bag of the past history, whereas in home town of New York, there are social enclaves that are predominantly Irish and the struggle to keep Gaelic alive, communities that are predominantly Russian and Police with their levels of crimes and (Natashas), for instance Brighton Beach also called ‘Odessa-by-sea’. There are the Little Italy New York, up to Mulberry until dogged in by Chinese right up their alley from Chinatown further than Canal looking at the dearly missed Manhattan Bridge. These icons make their presence in New York as new comers and eventually break even into the State. Little Italy used to be African Town at the turn of the 19th century including downtown up to Washington park and Bleecker, a century earlier. These towns and the colossal presence of Japanese Americans at Main Street Queens New York, Haitians in Carnassial Brooklyn, Jamaicans in Gun hill and White plains road, Mexican in Roosevelt Avenue Queens, Koreans in Sunny Side, Puerto Ricans in the Bronx, Spanish in Harlem, Blacks and African in Harlem, Polish and Russian Jews at Williamsburg, Polish and Cyrillic at Upstate New York of Albany, Irish and Irish Italians in Schenectady, etc, arrived fourth, fifth, and sometimes sixth generations ago, spoke different languages but made it part of their immigration policy to protect the interest of one language. This language is American English.

We as Americans do not leave in isolation of the world, but in so far as top nations of the world are concerned, for instance Russia, we can look a better part of our history by making room for less fortunate immigrants hiding for right and wrong reason from the law. It is law that controls the movement of people, some of whom has their intention were manicured to a point that a nation is forced to weigh the price of individual benefit from the rest of the Country. If personal pursuit of interest surpasses the general interest of a nation, there is a Malthusian concern though badly applied. If measure therefore of many parts of the world such as Russia as the case should indicate, we are ahead of the curve since from the lips of Putin we heard him mention that no foreign enclaves are to be found in Russia including Chinatown characteristic of their partner. Here, we test our flair in being appreciation when for instance in US, there are more Chinatowns than anywhere in the world, and each of these towns are decorative of Chinese language and English mosaic, against the primary interest and wishes of the Country. England on the other hand is not giving immigrant population any breathing space or they permitted to climb certain special economic ladders despite what we can permit ourselves to tolerate. One Country that sees the need to permit a useful dose of others into their realm and expel people with questionable background is the United States and all immigrants and their citizenry should look at from a chance to better the country or import the best possible, to permit its staying power than make it poorer with abandon as we see in California.

Here we remove from logic, the handicap situation of future estimate under the canopy of language with other pretensions showing its mark and verity in is social aspect, an aspect that need to be dead and buried for any lengthy redoubtable threshold of co-existence is possible, stating clearly that America in the view of this author need a population two times its current size, at least half a century from now, that the quota system to electronically and politically yield section of the country after a presumed imaging – our image – is an open sabotage on the larger canvass of the country with all the new and trying premise of United States. Let it manifest from the stables of President Obama and the doctored view and emphasis on Criminal history, is as much a controlling influence on the bias of artificially pruning some new Americans of the struggles and hiding and for their American act and amnesty, whereas if prune juice is better applied in language and diction of separating one group from another, for here, the liquidity of interaction between the component parts is injured by attitude, by apartheid, and by historical acclaim which the new comers having no definitions for their actions, or lack thereof of such action emerge a new nation or formidable nation with trying expositions on language. How pathetic?


In a testimony given by Stephen J. Solarz who was for many years a member of New York house of Representative, in his testimony titled ‘Official English; A concession to Nativism’ delivered on May 11TH, 1988, threw additional light on root carnal of some the opposition to immigration – even though in the author view, we may not want it but may need it – is that language may bring people together, it may divide them. According to him, America may not be expected to be another Tower of Babel or another Quebec, to have an understanding on the importance of promoting one language. Arguing from background in New York, he monitored his privileges, saying “I am proud to say that during a walk through my district, one would hear my constituents speaking over a dozen languages, including Yiddish, Russian, Hebrew, Greek, Arabic, Farsi, Polish, Hungarian, German, Spanish, Italian, Haitian Creole, Korean, and Chinese.” Although the large and nearly colossal migration of South Americans (Latino) and Spanish Speakers to New York, has more than dwarfed every other group, to the point that every major instructions are written in both English and Spanish and almost by force, that it now compels others to grudgingly question the concession to Spanish that is proving so fatal an instrument in the death of English or others pursuant of the same language.


Since there are more Jewish people in New York than most people, it makes a kinder argument on how the Arabs and Arabic speakers would have looked at the bi-lingua factor of English and Hebrew or Yiddish. The Speaker equally gave an example, that based on the example from the WWII, that the advantages of singularity of language was buttressed in the letters sent to specific key members of the society, many of used English a common banter against the language of their old countries, that “…the office of War Information sent out publications in Seventeen different languages – Baltic, Chinese, Czechoslovakians, Filipino, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarians, Italians, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Scandinavian, Spanish, Serbo-Croatian, and Yiddish.” Each of these languages didn’t feel stymie when compared and translated through English and had no specific sense of censorship since others were receiving the same treatment. If Obama’s speech pointed that the United States is the country of immigrants, he relives the idea that Uncle Sam probably needs you and probably has opportunities for you and your gifted ability, that from history these opportunities has been sabotaged by crime magnates and syndicates, and has been poisoned by redoubtable national interest from people lacking faith in the country....






This inception of Spanish as a tool for accommodating immigrants who are still on their way to America, has become a weapon on mass destruction of American lifestyle and language. It has also created and threatened to create the culture of two Americans which is most evident in border town such as my beautiful and hostile San Antonio.  It is not that the replacement is a far less value or poison to the system as others may sanctioned it, but absence of merits in a society that is not new to apartheid. Such discourses may not be expected in Obama’s speech, it is below his office, but it is a serious and cancer ridden poison that need to be treated with its anti-dote. Such issue is raising some tension that should not be taken for granted, especial in border towns, who are percepts victims of their past, are doing themselves more harm like Muslims and their fellowship of Allah, were scattered as the sheep went their way. 


“My fellow Americans, we are and always will be a nation of immigrants.  We were strangers once, too.  And whether our forebears were strangers who crossed the Atlantic, or the Pacific, or the Rio Grande, we are here only because this country welcomed them in, and taught them that to be an American is about something more than what we look like, or what our last names are, or how we worship.  What makes us Americans is our shared commitment to an ideal – that all of us are created equal, and all of us have the chance to make of our lives what we will.” Obama’s speech (fox news transcript)



Walter Huddleston former Senator of Kentucky speaking to a joint session on the impact of language in American life, mentions that “But for the last fifteen years, we have experienced a growing resistance to the acceptance of our historic language, an antagonistic questioning of the melting pot philosophy that has traditionally helped speed newcomers into the American main stream.” If we may comment on this speech away from Obama’s recent speech, there is no such thing as ‘historic language’ in America, we become as we are part of a growing cultural of deference whose motivation in New American came through the Dutch, the English or Anglo-Saxons, the Scots who came later, the Irish as well, the Germans, Scandinavians, Italians and even the French, all speaking a language closer to English language but hints of separation especially from Latin, that English language was not chosen as a traditional language, it was the only possibly language of the New Americans from former territories called New Amsterdam and so on, who waged some war against Indians in Pennsylvania and to the territory in New York, and accepted English language as the formal expression language including the French, that at the time of their arrival in the South, even Spanish exceptions to the course took on the language. English was considered a formal language of the people and by people ahead of an equally majority French but were done in by the Dutch and Scandinavians in the North. People also spoke a different dialect and with accent in US, it is due to the influence of more than one language which their closest spoke and which added sound to the speakers, sometimes with a second meaning. The senator from Kentucky also hinted that “The unfortunate result is that thousands of immigrants and non-immigrant children are languishing in near-permanent bilingual – bicultural programs, kept in a state of prolonged confusion, suspended between two worlds, and not understanding what is expected of them.” Well Doc, this is not our problems or my problem, employers can hire whoever they so choses but no one should raise our children for you. Above all, it may further remain a problem as someone said, more than half of the newly promoted in office in the election were voted from 2010, many of them Spanish speakers and Latinos.


We may not say this is exactly the case in the United States, or would be the case in future, but the fatal grounds lost in the United States and the erosion of its primal traditions in California and in some parts of Texas, is not without the express importation and doubling up of foreign language. If we are concerned about the expansion of South Americans who have replaced African Americans are the second largest population block in less than 20 years, we may help ourselves in narrating that in so far as Asians are concerned, whose population make up a third of total human beings on earth, they are the future demographic of these United States, that say an African Country alone is three times that size of everyone in Caribbean, we are really looking at dangerous precedent, since the total population of the Caribbean-American who are reasonably close to the border do not begin to challenge the wealth of human trespassing with notice with Mexicans and with the rest of the Central Americans.


I for one, do think that Mexico has a lot to say about United States, and in my view should be prevented from reaching the States. But when they reach, there is no way of asking them to return. My argument is not new, it has been used by others, my argument is that some countries cannot removed from United States, does not mean that they are continues routing of these United States since even Canadians who share border with United States are not easily allowed to the States. In this case, it looks like traveling from Mexico to United States is a problem developed from their cultural attitudes than anything else. There is an ownership bracket which still means that the wealth of material information of people moving from Canada – many of whom are Mexicans to United States – have reached new levels, but the precedence its now given a new and striking interpretation when English for instance in Houston for in United States no longer serve a regular newspaper saving the Chronicle. This deliberate murder of English language is not obviously the murder of American way of life or challenge or opposition to it, but the replacing psychology of some of the deeply held conceptions about a society, its opulence, its respect of laws which has seen both the blacks and the whites go at each other, it’s no even considered in parts of Texas, these US laws do not apply to these new brand of emigrants.

That’s the problem. Many of these bi-lingual tigers control not only the English speaking aspect and as far rooms are created in Welfare and minority exercise of income distribution is concerned, they are cornered in names and practicality of bi-lingual – if to say, for instance, that these jobs are for Spanish and Latino speaking only and for the rest of you. With more Asian entering the Americans every day, and more population question arise, it is common sense that a good example about the laws of these Country is given a new and interpreted meaning, that majority of the leading population block, are to show example that if there is one America, two America is prolegomena to several Americans, and the house will in future be divided and of course in steed of Abraham Lincoln citing the Bible, that such house or this ‘house will not stand.’ For all magical intent of reasoning which the age of the past empires; how they fared, how they worked and failed, affords the question, whether or not we that have made it to these United States or born here as the case may be, are part of the older entity that brought us for which we must remain loyal, or we are part of the decimal number that the amounts to a new nation – with or without the definitions of the boiling pot.


A boiling pot from embers of American history to the stigma of African American lives, is a question of survival tendencies of those enumerated here, for if there is no boiling point as defined in current status quo or if there is such status quo as boiling point, does is change over time by addition of new cultures and people from the rest of the world, or does it have to be replaced in its entirely with new approaches, forms of speaking and exercise of languages which others don’t speak in the official management of the least corners of these United States? I think, a standing boiling is one that accommodates others, one that transforms itself, one that is capable to retaining its essence or whatever presumed essence the new reality of other arrivals means, but in here, far from other unreal circumstances that has bedeviled American Cities and lives, some basic tenet should not be replaced or status quo open to challenges. That one, the use or abuse of US constitution is not for a specific people however intolerable some of the assumptions are and the extent of its application which gives in and out at Court and in the Street as usually mated out by those holding the power and the weapon, that these are humans are acceptable, that these people make mistakes are acceptable, that the norms and baring limits of the application of process is the determinative of all nomenclature associated with it. The varying interpretations of the laws and constitution is not removed from the comparing that is keeping to a bi-lingual recourse, however unpromising some of the delivered responses are, it looks from all intent, that the funk with laws and the Americans constitutions begins and ends with attritions based on race, color, gender, religion, and very not dangerous of them all, language.


 If we all in future agree to speak Spanish or Latin given a swell of demand for it, it can said, that the constitution need to be interpreted in such language, if it should then the anthem must also be broken and translated and spoken in Spanish. Not in future of the nation which is a current condition definition looking forward, but in the meaning of the few institution that protect that the very inch of the country which is defined not by its past, but in the current discourses prevailing by the day. Such as a country may not take into account the new realities arrived from elsewhere by others, but needs them to see that moving to United States is an attempt to elevate some of the best reserves of the old country, that there is nothing wrong in using the language of the old country – that in fact American welcomes it, the majority of the confusion and the trouble with new people adjusting in America is how easily they rubbish the status quo by entertaining the features from past lives or denying, and replacing in the new lands of the Americans with old systems no longer as ease even in the old Country.

I take it that the discontinues availing of the circumstances surrounding the formative States such as California and Texas, New Mexico and Arizona, the wars with Spanish Army based in Mexico and employer of Mexicans situated in what was a disputed territory of Alamo, does not begin to levitate that Texas or California and the four mentioned states were all Mexican States. There is no denying that parts of Texas seem in many ways than one a part claimed by Hidalgo (Guadalupe) as a turf, but did not historically mean that it was in meanest of historical imagination Spanish or Mexican, it was not, hence the real reasons for the war. What became United States added these territory because it was illegally occupied, initially by a combination of run-away slaves and natives, and other who sought the land armistice. There is no denying that some of the assumption about these territories and why from experience many immigrants cast a long view on the South is from this misdiagnosed view of the past history of the United States. Such view may now and in time to come be considered anti-American and nearly saboteur by the standards of Word Wars, given that the black themselves and their Marranos, including people of manifest destiny, Apache left overs, Jewish families from Spain and Netherlands some of the names of these families are still the record of Texas States and other migrant Mexican with long chain families in Texas and across, no longer apply and no longer have a personalized states in these founded areas but lived it till the continental army, still has no say since the intifada at the formative early and late Klansmen ages in Texas and parts of California essentially abated with gold rushers. We therefore suggest that the history of these areas which has seen the largest population explosion may and may have added to the growing insistence of the use of Spanish language, which for deliberate opportunity of power insist and use the language, are part of the social restlessness with some of the immigrants who are actually hardworking.

The old maps assumed to have represented a portion of the Country once owned by Mexico for a start and who in the company of others following their lead dream with a vanishing grasp of remaking the State with levels of actuary that has kept others in denial, may be demised since even the very names of the States is truly Spanish closer to Teixeira than Tehocas but ultimately a separate identity, mitigate on some historical claims even to the rest of the country.  The old maps may or may not contained lines of the past, but the area for Texas subtends on the tip of Alamo and parts of San Antonio, no to the lands eventually associated with Stephen F. Austin where black soldiers initially made their home and who helped to purchase from the Spanish a healthy portion of San Antonio and the Alamo was a second matter. For all intents of academic exercises, these assumptions have new meanings, ay have led to the dangerous levels of bi-lingual application of process or method of excision, which in California has forwarded a new but diminished State regarded by many as a third world. It looks like the embarkation of some of the bi-lingual using and its soft embouchure for others without Spanish background dogs on both parties with marginal view that a society and its championing of the forward resources in the global are seriously challenged and severely handicapped as if a part of the Country is be default foreign nation, a two-kind of nation whose evidence is the disappearing of the old with something less appealingly.

If Obama is looking to placate the rest of the nation on the merit of his exercises given the predated moves in parts of Louisiana and Florida, in New Mexico and Arizona, of removing any body of suspicions physicality and accent, and profiling such persons with direct intent at exporting, he should focus on ending the public use of English and Spanish in any form and any means, either for public consumption or for free planning of the public works, for as long this invested language barrier which is sensitive to barriers in constitution is stayed and not labeled Civil violation of others, then Obama’s Amnesty is not on the same categories as others in major empires before him.  




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