Monday, December 1, 2014

European Parliament and Google Inc.

Sampson I.M Onwuka



James Cook (Business Insider) “In October, Google removed thumbnail images and snippets of text from news results belonging to a group of German newspapers. The publisher, Axel Springer, was angry that Google was reposting its content to enhance search results. But the German publishing group later scrapped its plan to reduce its Google results to headlines after traffic plummeted.”

Whereas this kind of information is better handled by the Court and through public hearing, Google for all its marginal problems of displacement is the least culpable of thumbnail fracking. It has no plausible needs to magnifying its image through appropriating people’s hard earned imaging in major domain or covets a different HTLM and imaging that is not suitable for Google customers.  Google is a data based function which IPS is not VDN essential, but it can route it if needs to offload primary data based information. To interfere with Google at the larger frame requires a special Card which anyone familiar with software is well aware of. Axel Springer would be a high profile member of the known group, which does not mean anyone has access to the pile of legislative that is dated and classic, literally for the actions it attempts to perform which is article of history and old aged.

 As such the claims of image tampering – at least one time image tampering achieved through removal of thumbnails allegedly by Google  -  by a German newspaper and publishing which is Axel Springer monopoly cannot contravene the basic operational dynamic of a carrier or large internet vendor. Put in a different way, if Newspapers and magazines shifted from paper construction, axiomatic codes and numerals to something else, it shifted from Newsprint to HLTM text or in some cases, HTTP text code which makes a carrier compactible with other networks in the ARPANET system or Internet. In essence, a draft of legislative to re-design the font and presenting of images and contents for carriers and search engines who are entering new areas, it’s an agent to ostracize Google and other text compactible with it from what it’s perhaps acceptable in Europe and from expansion. Unless the legislative torches the content materials of data based industries or vendors such as German Newspapers and the contents of an online vendor and search engines such as Google, there is a main ingredient in the Springer’s allegedly sponsored legislative which may or may not have seem obvious.       

Here why? According to the report by James Cook (Business Insider), the Parliament refined their excursion in context four major corrections, and in his words, these four factors includes

  • The way Google displays its search services compared to its competitors.
  • How Google uses content from other websites.
  • Google's dominance over advertising on search terms.
  • Restrictions that surround how advertisers can move their campaigns to other search engines.

A problem of conceit and conspiracy arises out of Entrepreneurial censorship given the working dynamics of Google and its operations lay out is bureaucratic applause of private and investigable tampering than a general policy of an entire network carrier which may not indicate one but mitigates on one. Google is a kind of Session that simple reflect or routing information acquired elsewhere, and it follows the same ARPANET module of IMP and intended receiver and above all, the more you use Google the more it expands.

 “There's no specific mention of Google in the vote, but the decision makes it clear that the EU is unhappy with its search engine's dominance. Google has been the subject of a four-year anti-trust investigation in Europe, which still hasn't reached a conclusion.”

As such when we read that “A letter published by Axel Springer chief executive Mathias Döpfner claimed that German publishers are "afraid of Google" because of its dominance.”, we are not saving the day for another police problem and network. The revolution in publishing was celebrated by Germans through the Gutenberg Press. Printing was invented by Africans, especially Egyptians who also introduced lenses very late in the A.D. The first newspapers that were produced replaced papyruses which is what the Greeks called the chief Egyptian plant which was beaten, seasoned and worked a thin white sheet for writing. The word paper literally means papyrus but a different kind of paper was later introduced which reflect the canons. Printing carried by Muslims following the experiments with new alphabets reached Venice and stood the best of times including the collapse of Genoa in 12th and 13th centuries, before making its way into Europe that would eventually face the plaque and the end of Feudal System. The end of Feudal systems in Europe and the revolutions in the Church made most pompously by Germans and their revised and re-usable Gutenberg press, created unmitigated problems for the exclusivity of Latin and the procreation of the Bible including the of the human hands considered the final agent of God’s delivery process. The German Printing Press revolutionized even Christianity and the later works on Bible; Graf-Wellhaussen Hypothesis and higher criticism all frightened publishers and the Catholic Church. But what is the result today? Google and similar products such as Kindle will not end publishing, it will actually save it.  

In US, Entrepreneurial Anti-thrust ruling, separating thin conditions (taxes on food; donuts, pizza) from complex anti-trust concerns (IBM, Microsoft, AT & T, monopolies) are usually given public premise and legitimacy of the ruling. Sometimes the Court intervenes like in recent cases involving the breaking up of General Motors, Judge Gruber ruled in the interest of Obama administration and stayed the recommendation by the administration and Steven Rattner in offloading administrative heads at GM but conserving GM temporarily from fracture and fragmentation. EU parliament is perhaps not new to these incentive and are not unprepared for defend the legal merit of the ruling on Google, but here as perhaps elsewhere, the legal ruling has a consequence which is not only legislative but also financial. Since share holder information and resources are involved in publicly traded companies such as Axel Springer’s line of companies and publishing houses and Google Inc., the actions of EU parliament merits a second hearing, at least a suspension of the legislative intent until when the legal challenges are exhausted. This would save them from allegations of judicial inactivity. It will also absorb the politicians of the blame corresponding losses to shareholders.

There are fanciful cases between margarine and butter which took long to decide the monopoly of butter. Opposition to AT&T monopoly in long distance call against MCI which ended in the 80’s and 90’s in partially victory for MCI starring McGowan and Rafer is a timely landmark ruling that premised the public as well administrative block of NMS. Time Warner, EMI Music, and BMG, combined to release music through the internet, it suffered its set back, but was not challenged by any audience. Had its problem of monopoly in the music industry but was the first time in such an effort and as such, it was forced to restructure, until Napster which was accused of doing “irreparable” damages to Music Industries and Label, accused of avoiding the “balance of hardship” which was involved in the music label and production. Their role is not incomparable to Google and their broad based network and penetration in Europe, does not mean we are to profit from it.   


But money is now generally involved. The connection between cells phones and internet permitted companies such Sony and Samsung to break into the software industries, but these companies and similar NASDAQ companies are not search engines. No one uses HTTP for Sony and Samsung and receive a directorate to a new or customary receiver. HTTP text like in Hotmail accounts or email, can be bypassed – so to speak – using a Gmail account which is closer to JVT Java and it pile of Data. A running pile of Data is what Google essentially is. LINUX can’t perform the same kind of function as a Google or a Yahoo it is not comparable to AOL/Microsoft given the role it plays in the industries, and a case not unlike Oracle and Cisco that manufacture the processor that will be prove vital to dissemination of information. The more you use Google to search for anything, the more it replicates on its information source. Above all, there is a resource center which ensures that Books from Library can be applied to the Google and enhances new entries which covers basic warehouse of data, and it essentially empowers the searches returning the same pathway used fairly recently by others.



The primary role of Keyhole logger software was to rehearse some of the bottom and keys used by a regular set of notebook, laptop and Computer electronics, it is a way to following the though pattern of the individual user, and against a running google application, the memory does not return to zero since it does not follow a regular internet profile of sender/routing to a web address, rather a measure of search engines performs a kind of reversing of the loops used mainly by Keys and the principle indication of the words that follows it, a process that span the life-span of an individual – any individual or in terms of Oracle, Cisco and Linux, most industries and factories using an index notation, test run their own programs on top old programs preforming what is called a search engine. This is possible for Google which acquired the specialty of Keyhole Inc. on October 27th, 2004, founded in 2001 in Florida and based on old Government copper and type writing expedition of the intended receiver.

It was Plex (Plexus) of a first plain, but will decongest the though pattern of the user but from an integrated data-point, it was data and search engine such Google or Yahoo that now expedites your search on the web and the run time. This was Keyhole’s specialty and as anyone could remember, Google in the early part of 2000 and now, gave you and still gives you more than one interesting choice from the search engine. Bing and Yahoo has tried with differing degrees of successes but has not succeeded in doing exactly the same thing. Google dominance as a search engine began its ability to give you more than set of choices at the same time, and the dominance is an effective dominance, it is work proficiency of the carrier and search engine and not the policy of Google Inc., For instance working the whole book available in Harvard Library to the registry which was essentially emptied into the Google by employees of the two founders.


II – EU parliament and legislative intent of the new bill


Influence games and perimeter argument on the merit of Google in operation may be viewed from the availability of their resources such as the vendors, one of which would the use of thumbnails. Insolvency of Virgilio in Italy and its acquisition by Google to lead starts and serve as areas directorate. The role of Europe based companies and banks in heading off some of the breakthroughs in many American companies with large overhead holdings, for instance Microsoft, Oracle, etc, with enough venture resources for Europe and in....

Google Earth brought Europe closer and helped to define some of the land conflicts between East and West. The problem of Google may have started with the acquisition of Keyhole Inc. in 2001 which was re-released to the public for free but the same year even through it mostly patronized by the defense.  Google publically made official statement of its profits to the public in 2000 and 2001.  Due to sensitive and combative acquisition of very similar operational magnates in the Country, Google won some enemies and some distrust given the sensitive bias with Keyhole and run off with Raytheon.

Motorola tried its hands with NSA and Secure Network System, but it was Canewood that survived the age of transition from prevailing network system and analog to newer forms of interoperability of information systems, including the permission of companies such as Google to eventually launch their Satellite. Virtually all network systems have one and looking forward with progress, Germany could launch miniature project with emphasis on pictures and presentation of the earth from any angle including up to 7 and 4 possible earth-link rotation. There is no doubt a possible and future 7 on cell phones with emphasis on the angles and perhaps newer satellite provision similar to Galaxy 5 would not make it to the market. It is just a matter of time when people get tired of IPhone 6 and its networking ability which is the craze, then an iphone 7 may hit the market. Although iPhone 4 was EarthLink to cellphone terminus and the rest is a matter of angle and exposure, and from the legislative interference of International Market Standards, there would have been a serious problem with any known and competitive cell companies out there.

Google founders and their quotes, ‘doing wealth without evil’ may apply at this point regarding the recent shortfalls in public faith and breach of reasonable public trust which was irked by iGoogle that presorted materials for the consumers. The elevating rhetoric of Max Corden may be appropriate[SO1] ly applied here[SO2]  since “Conservative social welfare function” concerning what Google should respect mirror the length and breadth of other hardware-software companies such as Yahoo in these areas of business.

European Parliament wanted to break up Microsoft, wanted to break up Walmart, wanted to ban Wikipedia over some exposures, and has now succeeded in breaking up Google in Europe or do it seems. I think it is too much interference and a complete socialist ideology, for if this is only Google, what can we say of Yahoo. This bill may be passed for one day but it is not bullet proof and may only add to the reason why doing business in Europe is not safe. It is against the law to target any one monopoly unless there are outstanding cases of over-reaching and warrantless racketeering. There are forms of politicking that has not been the due audience, one of is the competitive quality of the legislative in some argument made by others that matters here, besides the legislative intent is the issue access and majority rule, for equitable measure of market standards, names of regulated agencies, reforms, etc, list of companies that stands to be challenged by EU and why, should be petitioned to enable the public form of reaching opinion of the majority ruling on political interference in business.

This is not the case, there are serious defense issue here from pronto-calls to connections between internet connection and cell phones, unless EU is citing direct elements of defense interferences, then they should begin with SAC3 and ARPANET, break Motorola and major cell phone line since many of it came through US based CABLES and Atlantic Crossing and were licensed through US defense network and NSA to operate elsewhere and the US. Google should not take this lying down, even it mean punching heavyweight court settlement. It may pleasing to recall that Venture Capitalist as Virginia Scott (2001) mentioned, has taken the interest in Google, some of them with as much US registration as they are also active in EU, including Sequoia Capital and Kleiner Perkins that helped both Google and Cisco, including with initial venture investment. It looks like the removing of Tumblr from Google wage page as reported by James Cook is part of the reasons why there is a detrimental argument to Google, to allow it fracture and permit Tumblr and others to stake a case for themselves in Europe. Google from all its history and since the best of us can remember   

Monopoly is what EU is opposed to, over-reach is what EU is concerned about and in these cases, and we are dealing pure instances of censorship and some adolescent order to fragment. This is just Billions is losses. I mean the consequences are enormous and should not be flaunted; it is up to the individual company to fragment if they want and not have some monopoly in Parliamentary uniform dogma your process engines that will take billions out of the balance sheet. Is it possible to consider that Yahoo and Alibaba pushing for Chinese exclusion of Google and the work field will leave to US that are above all that argument? General public Access

Sandy Weill, CEO of Citi performed one of the greatest coups in America by combining Travelers and Citi-group in the 90’s before the coming of EU. These kinds of EU persuasions in America has often led to financial militia and compulsory business interest that gave them total monopoly and one of the cases like those in the 90’s created the problems of Lehman brothers and the competitive over-drive of Richard Fuld. European Banks have not been seen as the reasons before the 2008 crash but it levitates on the rest of the public on how Google is viewed with such heavy hands from EU, and whether or not the society is gradually anti-innovative. There are recorded and weighted lawsuits such as Viacom against Google over video but their acquisition of YouTube ended the issue. Such one case scenario do not represent the whole industry but compared to what is obtainable, the precise nature of business in Europe need to be redress by the general public and without reserves to China. Companies need not perform anti-trust, anti-competitive behavior, the Government can be encouraged to do something else than interfere when they can.

EU consolidation of Lockheed Martin and their presence in United States was not questioned, itself one of the greatest monopoly mergers was overlooked by Europe and the United States, which was heralded by many similar mergers and acquisition in Europe and United States including the ill-fated WorldCom, has virtually locked the industry saving for a few large companies such Boeing which outsource just as much. WorldCom was a monopoly that faced problems of liquidity and it’s crumbled from bankruptcy ushering the search engines such as Google and other carriers such as Yahoo, cyborgs as twitter, blogger acquired by Google, YouTube which began by South Africans and operated with special cameras, and Facebook based on an end of year collective called Face Book.  

That, “It's unlikely that Europe will try and separate Google's search business from its other products, but the strong message could lead to a resolution in the anti-trust dispute. Google has suggested a series of concessions, but all have been rejected. If the dispute continues, Google could face a fine of up to $5 billion” Between Andreas Schwab and Axel Springer who petitioned for the bill and were answering for it, we can historically mention these two as form axis of ridicule and hard tackle for Google, particular Axel Springer whose essays on Google are riddled with praises with no obvious intent are exporting the resistance to Google. It is actually possible that these men may be working for themselves, but the uncompromising nature of the legislative diminishes on the public premise in seeing the light from purely scientific progress which the debt and poverty in Eastern Europe exposed in 2008. 

Axel Springer is the least known of Europe’s publishing muscle-mania in US, but popular sources cite that Axel Springer is the affiliated ownership of many European and German based newspaper vendor, namely; Bild, Die WALT, Auto Bild, Auto Video Foto Bild, Computer Bild, Sport Bild, Auto Cz, Fakt BZ, Dziennik Gazeta Prawna, Watchmi, Musikexpress, etc. has shares or controlling interest at other vendors such as auteminim Zansx, Digital Windox,, and online Stepstone; with over ‘60 billion in private equities’ including a degenerate groups associated Jani Ole and his Technology Group. This group of companies under one name and family not unlike Rupert Murdoch in US is a grand monopoly in publishing far reaching and consequential than what Google may be offering. In fact, similar monopoly existed in US and for spells of paper news I was in the hands of a few.

It leaves little doubt that European Parliament members so constituted didn’t revisit some of the parallels in the argument for un-officially controlling foreign tax paying investment. Axel Springer companies are lip services to the requirement imposed on Google and other large franchises from outside Germany and Europe, but are quite active

The form of the legislative and those who authored it do not stray from control measures of the prescient party at the European Parliament, which Danny Hakim writing for BITS (Nov.26th, 2014), mentioned that Christian Democratic Union was the ruling party with majority in European parliament and the party of Andreas Schwab. Another member of this Christian Coalition Party is Axel Springer and his magazine companies and online data sources is the monopoly that may have created this so called ‘restive’ resistance to Google and other American companies. If some of the information about Axel Springer and his problems with Google is well known by the Parliament, and the legislative interest of Andreas Schwab in crafting the bill, the temptation to assassinate the role of Google in Europe may be less persuasive.   

Danny Hakim continued with his argument on ‘European Legislator who wanted a breakup on Google has ties to a law firm’  “Congressional guidelines in the United States say that the “restriction on law practice arises from the lawyer’s duty of undivided loyalty to his or her clients, which makes the practice of law particularly susceptible to conflicts with the wide-ranging responsibilities of Members.”

“But such dual roles are hardly unknown in state legislatures. New York State Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, a Democrat, holds the same title as Mr. Schwab, ‘of counsel,’ at a major tort firm, Weitz & Luxenberg, a relationship that has long drawn scrutiny.”

“Google has the majority of the search market in Europe. The resolution proposes to pry apart search engines from other businesses. It is seen as yet another move against Google by increasingly restive European lawmakers and regulators, and has drawn a sharp retort from American lawmakers.”


Law repeal cases are handled by professionals. If we look at it from all corner history, forming an inquiry into the evolution of Deutscher Commercial Internet (DE-CIX), MIX in Milan, the SIX in Seattle, the TORIX Toronto, MICE ; mid-West internet cooperative exchange, Amsterdam Internet Exchange AMX-IX, YRIX which connect together seven networks in Montana and Wyoming including Denver, require primary and secondary clearing. London Internet Exchange, whereas TGN – Pacific connects Los Angeles to Japan from Oregon and back. LINX is London based, has a penetration to US stock market that is not well worked and fully known. Although the founders who made LINUX are essentially Americans, their systems which is not compatible with Microsoft essentially dominated US industries saving for a late entrance of Microsoft into Wall Street Indexing basing the argument on an idea as some argued by a certain Michael Bloomberg who was fired Salomon Brothers for stating that computers in the late 70’s and 80’s were the future of the World. He founded his Bloomberg Terminal in 1980 for announcing the latest on Bonds and Municipal Obligations.

These informed direct lines originated from Cable and still operate with Cable networks, and were by far monopolistic in its composition that it took a different search engine such as Google to break into the Session and recreate the original staggered point. The interplay between the Cable and Internet and Cell phone usually followed a well-established routing land lines, which in US, was the AT&T and in Europe, there is a resistance that the merging of Honeywell and AT&T would necessary create a monopoly. If these days there are satellite industries and land lines and Cables adjunct processor, it was mostly important in 2001, following the whacking of Fiber glass defense systems in Virginia which replaced the old copper wire that could in fact run more than one kind of IMP. The total point on the success of Google is that the company is from beginning anti-monopoly, although Wikipedia did not route the same principles are later day carriers such as Yahoo and Google, their quietude may explain the difficulty Thumbnial was facing, for those who are seeking to enter the carrier market such Ask and even Blekko are either missing the point or have not earned enough loyalty to break into the market. The point is that Google was in fact anti-monopoly, that Bill Gates who permitted the running program foresaw Google as a Wunderkind when it was still a baby was not mistaken.

What people need is not a new IBM which essentially ushered in Microsoft and Mackintosh, is a break from Google that saw a fitting chance from AOL a point raised by Mr. Matrix Marc Andersen and latterly involved in Cloud Computing. Facebook and Twitter are both successful given its revolutionary niche. As some of us predicted, I for one, that Facebook which struggled at the meaning, spend so much time permitting people to freely use it, will surpass Twitter.  JPNAP – Toronto, Yellowstone Regional Internet Exchange, YRIX which links together its major internet exchange. Like they teach, all internet connection rely on the routing system and IP Address, and in fact no one group of person or companies could rely dominate the internet. If Google dominates Europe it is in fact due to the basic understanding of the integration processes of most European nations, especially in East Europe were capable was still a next big thing.

But in terms of adjunct processor and vulnerability of the OSS especially operating below the reliability network range, there is a possibility to show that the connection to several parts of Europe is vulnerable to tampering, including its defense system, and if the argument made by EU and Andrea Schwab that Google’s ability to reach areas that are not easily accessible to the public prevents new companies and ideas from fostering in Europe and especially in Eastern Europe, their argument may require censorship of Network Reliability and Inoperability Council; NRIC and they may motion for cell tampering and old version of the PTN, grounds enough to proceed. There are serious problems of defense minded information and acquisition which key into areas not well appreciated by local investors. But the laws created and made for Europe for conservative reasons has also injured it. What the connection lack in Europe and in US is a session that can permit more than variable in






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