Friday, December 5, 2014

Isabella Dos Santos and the effrontery at Portugal Telecom phone


Sampson Iroabuchi Onwuka

Isabella Dos Santos and the effrontery at Portugal Telecom phone

The recent bid for Portugal Telecom by Isabella Dos Santos makes her one of the latest to join the aspirations for the cell phone company in Africa. Her effort is important given the size of the exchange involved, that a connection between Africa and Europe is furthered tightened, including a possibility of linking to Asia via SEA-ME-WE and a cheapening of Cell phone prices introduced to Africa on one hand, maintained with mainstay in Portugal and perhaps to Asia as the markets seem to suggest. If the deal falls as the final procedures are in place, it will add to the luster of dominant cell phone companies on Africa, and given its direct opulence and mainline to Europe through Portugal the cell phone company will appeal to young people from 16 through 62, cover a geography from Africa to Europe and perhaps to Asia and may open Africa to a system process connection. Need to be part of the more integral global world. Africa best gift to the rest of world has come through South Africa – who are by far the continent’s most advanced telecommunication industry. It is not without errors that South Africa can manufacture Jet planes and automobiles, and are expects in mining and Agricultural revolutions in Southern part of Africa. They have enjoyed more opulence to Europe and Asia than the natives, that it now seems that the presence of Europeans in South Africa is serving more one purpose, that one, their lives are as a source of blessing for either sides of the Continent, much more for Europeans than Africans who’s gold and mining resources are hardly their keeping.

According to Portugal News-online, Thomas Meyer November 21st, 2014, “…a company belonging to Angolan businesswoman Isabel dos Santos, said earlier this week it had removed the conditions given in its offer to buy the holding company of Portugal Telecom, PT SGPS, that the Brazilian operator Oi considered to be “unacceptable”.

“In a statement sent to the Portuguese Stock Market Regulator (CMVM) Terra Peregrin altered the conditions that had been rejected by Oi for the purchase of PT SGPS and introduced new points, among which that the offer supposes there will be no decisions about the sale of assets that are relevant to Oi or CorpCo, the company that was created with the Oi/PT merger.”

Based on the accounts of Thomas Meyer, the names of interested parties are “PT Portugal, which is 100 percent owned by Oi, is the target of two purchase offers, one by French company Altice, which already has telecom operations in Portugal, and another by funds Apax Partners and Bain Capital.” Which we can suggest may be the names of the European Companies which Financial Times did not mention.

“All the alterations are changes in the preliminary offer and are more favourable to the recipient”, Terra Peregrin said.

Portugal Telecom has not taken official position on her bid and offer and like all business processes, it takes a new consideration and perhaps new terms and amendment to draw the conclusion necessary. Isabella and her compeers have agreed to amend the terms of her offer. By her background in Engineering and at King College London and her stake in NOs, it looks like the interest in Portugal Telecom is driven by material prospects the weight of the shares than the provisions of new line in African markets facing Europe or vice versa.

The situation is gradually facing up since the European Cable group which are privately owned are making their strangle hold on Portugal Telecom very clear, that in the names of the bid with 25 percent reduction and in terms of the acquisition of Oi whose original line is through South Africa and England is the product of collaboration between South Africa, hard and terribly purchased, it looks like the original worth is why an unnamed European cable group is offering, but in redactor, it is really in monetary terms, what Ms. Santos has offered, 1.5 billion dollars. This is therefore a hostile takeover and not a bid/ask process, which as reported by Peter Wise, subtends at “€1.35 a share, a premium of 11 per cent on Portugal Telecom” as at Nov 29th, 2014.

Peter Wise (Financial times) reported that Ms. Santos’ offer does not involve a company she is majority stake holder and already owns; NOS. Apparently, the acquisition was also conditioned by the merger between European Cable Group led by a certain company called Altice, which Meyer described as French, whose portfolio is not well known. And according to Wise, making “The bid, which is conditional on acquiring more than 50 per cent of Portugal Telecom’s shares, comes a week after Altice, the European cable group, launched a €7bn offer to buy the Portuguese assets of Oi, Brazil’s largest landline operator.”

Therefore the delay in the deal may be due to terms of acquisition and merger between the Oi and the European cable group, a kind weird pathology near to hokum since all these groups of cable networks are owned through London and South Africa. Second hokul material is the delay tactics which opened or has opened Portugal Telecom to all kinds of panic, to draw down and dilapidation of their shares. Apparently she and her company are interested in the service and audience

The Brazil’s OI group came through South Africa, and the cable which network possible is probably SA3 which came from Europe and America (Atlantic Crossing).

“Since 2010, when Portugal Telecom bought a 22 per cent stake in Oi, the price of the Portuguese group’s shares has fallen from about €10 to €1.22.” Naturally the problem seem to be a case of the original owners of Oi and Telecom. A fall from €10 to €1.22 is not normal let alone €1.35 a share, a premium of 11 per cent on Portugal Telecom, which means preferred and senior debentures on conspicuously generated shares in Telecom, that the mergers between Altice would be a kindly pyramid of 11 numbers out of a 100, given the rate of 1; 8 suggesting that Telecom probably do not have the physical cash which the madam is bringing to the table.

Such shedding between €10 a share to €1.3 pounds a share is not enough, it is about the ratio of preferred 11% to 100, making it seem from Street language that Telecom has insider information about the balance sheet of the company, that its decline in less than one week following a merger tapers off with the decline from 10 to about €1.1 or €1.2 pounds a share before the agreement is reached. She can enhance the balance sheet issue by adjusting some of her position, which is not really possible with mergers, which arms with enough tools to engage the Company.

In US, some of these kinds of transaction particular will not fail to raise awareness and reactions from the NYSC, but it is what it is, like all transactions made by Warren Buffet, involves cash and dividend with its preferred and senior debentures on nearly 25% of all his take over.  Portugal Telecom would have done better with a New York outfit and in US, but without the knowledge of West African waters and enough faith in the business which will be trapped over time, there is only one set of people who could have seen that deal and taken it. These are the rich South Africans, some Nigerian rich, rich Africans from Ghana and through to Angola, but above all, a Portuguese speaking nation familiar with both Portugal and Brazil and this group will include Isabella Dos Santos.


The Challenge I

Experts have argued, that ‘market conditions today strongly favor the use of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) components, over the Custom built solutions, in part because COTS technology is relatively inexpensive to acquire.’ 

No country better explains the accuracy of the above statement better than Nigeria, for at least, majority of its products used these days by the new age cell phone companies were acquired from older NITEL, and these companies linked us with South African cell companies and MTN, (who since TENET based in London is making all kinds of deals in Africa and between Africans and Europe) to broker new markets and career in Nigeria. There are several new comers in that part of the Continent, but the plot of Isabella dos Santos to acquire a commercially off-the-shelf company, is to assuage the traditional routes already established by Portugal Telecom and to perforce her hands in Africa and Europe across relevant time without the lessons of a JJC.

She has been involved with the Telecom industry in severing capacity but if Portugal Telecom may see the brighter shores of her offer, perhaps, they might tamper resistance with degrees of reasonableness.

There are several lines and cables between Africa and Europe, and some under water cables like Global Crossing initiated through the ACE; (African Coast to Europe), the French Telecom Marine, and ‘with ships’ from Alcatel Submarine Networks (ASN) and popular source point to a Tat Bit of 5.12 design capacity from Submarine Communication Cable completed in December 15th 2012. In Nigeria, there are key players in the One Main line Cable and with West Africa Cable, most of which like MTN are also owned by South Africans or drawn from that Cable, in such a way that these product types that are not unlike Franco-phone countries but very much like other Nigerian new network that draw from Asian SEA-WE-ME, both groups deal with ‘cost-pressure’ (of the regulated monopolies), with de-regulation (networking), whereas cost-effective production would create  monolithic environment of similar product, like similar and the same product doing fine, there are products reaching Nigeria via One Main Line or through West African Cable, or similar outfits that run the amuck from English Channel to South Africa and through to West Africa as products manufactured and delivered by TYCO sometimes require special attention.

These special interest groups in South Africa or expertise in Nigeria and Ghana, or Nigerians in South Africa are mainly depended on what resources are available through London. But with this new ventures into

Nearly all Cable networks from all of Europe and even in Europe; Deutscher Commercial Internet (DE-CIX), MIX in Milan, the SIX in Seattle, the TORIX Toronto, MICE ; mid-West internet cooperative exchange, Amsterdam Internet Exchange AMX-IX, YRIX which connect together seven networks in Montana and Wyoming including Denver, London Internet Exchange, whereas TGN – Pacific connects Los Angeles to Japan from Oregon and back, JPNAP – Toronto, Yellowstone Regional Internet Exchange, YRIX which links together its major internet exchange, can penetrate and reach West African Waters if they so choose, including already existing local vendors such as SEA-WE-ME from Asia.  

Franco Countries use ACE and the opportunity cost of thru lines across West or through Asia for Angola is closer, may be offset without Corpco or any of her old companies playing too much card. The cost of maintaining some telephone companies in Portugal is quite expensive, may be due to the use of the old SAC3 and perhaps not, but in terms of Asia and the relationship between Asia and Brazil, the SEA-WE-ME is not without consideration that is if the adjunct processors are strictly in effect or the use of BLACKER cables that permits more than one Session and variable information systems other the once available in West Africa, Portugal and Brazil.

(1) Competition

To understand the connection between OI and South African companies and the benefits and competition that Corpco will face in Africa and in Europe, we look at the revenue base and structure, that existing markets in Portugal and Audience in  book to consider on the growing importance of link-internet and cell phone services (telephone services) in Andrew Blum ‘Tube’ landline connection travels through Portugal into Africa, especially via Targus and Costa da Caparica where Tata formerly Tyco International linked the world through its ship ‘remote’ to Lagos and past of West Africa, through a ten thousand mile of undersea. There other place they appeared for the first time in Blum such as “A black Cisco 6500 series router cogent a wholesale internet provider servicing San Francisco to Kiev.”

While “The underwater telecommunication cable known as SAT-3 sweeps down the Atlantic Coast of Africa from the Western edge of Europe, linking Lisbon, Portugal, to Cape Town, South Africa, with stops along the way in Dakar, Accra, Lagos, and other Western Africa Cities. When it was completed in 2001, it became the most important link for South Africa’s five million internet users, but a horribly insufficient one.”

“Then a new cable, SEACOM, arrived. It rain up the eastern Coast of Africa, stopping in Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique, and Tanzania, before branching to Mumbai and through the Suez towards Marseille. Alston (Andrew Alston) suggested – forty times the bandwidth he had on SAT-3, same price. But the cable’s landing in the village of Mtunzini, ninety miles from Durban, straight to the Tele house in London where TENET had existing connection to more than a hundred other networks.”  

“Mumbai to Fujairah on the emirates eastern shore, and then around the Strait of Hormuz to Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, and Saudi-Arabia.”

The outlines of her bid of Portugal Telecom may not need to cover all the above mentioned, especially the emphasis of Open System Interconnection (OSI), the less fully activated open charter box (IP) and the new security demands of encryption which the wires will forced to meet.

What is the long story, the short history of long cables running from Canary Islands into West Africa may require a speciation of Blacker which separates the IMP operation from the host, as such linking the IP host to final destination may meet the demands of both SEA-ME-WE, Global Crossing, SAC3 (?), French ACE, French-American Alcatel, Nigerian-Ghana-South Africa One Main (West African Cable) all of which require x.25 operation packet, which most active cell phone and internet adjunct lines and processor in Africa don’t really have. Besides, this is only a sharp taciturn necessary for enhancing interlink between the main Cables entering Africa or existing Africa with flexible encryption for Stock Markets in West Africa and South Africa where additional ACE components may futuristically apply.

The lingering business relationship between West Africa and Spain or Portugal is due to a history that can be overcome. It will be common sense, to encourage Africans with healthy business interest to put Portugal, Spain, and Brazil to a large extent, into their portfolio.

What is a Portugal portfolio? It is a new definition that Isabel dos Santos now offers with a cell phone company linking Portugal perhaps through much of West Africa and through to Angola to Europe, it is a concierge with Brazil which can re-opened businesses of interest in West Africa and Africa at large. How does it function? It functions positively that Portugal as well Spain are key penetration point for Europe to Africa and perhaps Africa vice versa. Although our interest if the cell phone company, but it drifts to…  Europe enters Africa through its landlocked Portugal and Spain and use its propinquity to North as well as West Africa for business in Africa and in Syria which is ‘palimpsest’ of nearest Mediterranean. Countries in Africa with major under cable networks includes Nigeria, Namibia, Ghana, Cape Verde, Cote d’voire, the Canary Islands, each of these countries have working network systems and solution, enhanced by the presence of two several other cable and networks in West Africa; West African Cable System > WACS. This carrier may have contributed to the better communication network in West Africa, but do reflect the lack of connection and compatibility with ACE.


Some of the benefits of her plans for acquisition includes MISSI and the explorers experimentation to Motorola as a product of Network, the International network layer provides routing and relay from sender and international protocol, Transport; towards the end to end data processing and diagram protocol, the sessions; which encourages multiple routing of information through a single route, presentation use of internet from the internet and the application with respect to specific application. The role Portugal Telecom will be essential towards uniting parts of this structure from Portugal and Angola, and perhaps up to South Africa and back. If this cable network is left to Nigerians and their industries, it probably didn’t.  

Most encryption component may just be using Vernan’s Link-level encryption still used by US DARPA and NSA and some sensitive digital/forensic COTS software – for instance the ARPANET (the Internet), Military Earthlink (used by Google, Samsung, Iphones 6), GPS; Tom Tom, the Navigator, or the SAC3 that is perhaps Atlantic Crossing, all of which are do not directly run through Africa. Nigerian satellite for instance generates its own information, although it suffered an explosion, the new Satellite from South Africa do similar odd jobs.

But it terms of Cable and the tubes linking Africa to Europe, majority of the lines and tubes pass through South Africa who helped to procure the metals and aluminum for the 10, 000 miles of Cable running from major carrier to another. This created the issue of their dominance in Africa and why there are not without knowledge of some of the behavioral actions of some groups in West Africa. But with a line running through Portugal and Telecom, some of the OI old companies which are owned by South Africa Europe based cable and cell phone experts and operating in Brazil and Portugal, may yield to a different a master and mistress by Isabella. But it is part of the family which may not include the Simon Cooper and the prolix of Tata technology, yet the lines except the Main One Cable that is Nigeria     

There is Amazon, Yahoo, and Google to compete with, but the memories of You-Tube which was invented by South Africans and the defense network programs which were all acquired simultaneously o together by foreign companies should give reasons why the suppressed African American markets or the very expensive (that is too cheap, weak, or little rewarding) Nigerian and Ghanaian Economy can offload some of the burdens of European Cells phones with more comparative  


Benefits. II

Some of the benefits of her plans for acquisition includes MISSI and the explorers experimentation to Motorola as a product of Network, given her a breather in terms of the oppressive opposition of MTN, the International network layer provides routing and relay from sender and international protocol, Transport; towards the end to end data processing and diagram protocol, the sessions; which encourages multiple routing of information through a single route, presentation use of internet from the internet and the application with respect to specific application. The role Portugal Telecom will be essential towards ushering search engines which is slightly outside the range of Angola, but from Portugal instead of Angola, there is a chance at launching a reasonable search engine in the course of the next 10 years or as required by time. There are also issues of navigation given the role that ACE plays in Shipping industries and transportation, and in terms of China Shipping and Baidu or the newly launched Alibaba whose game plan is the Chinese products entering into USA and Europe, the role of new lines of communication connecting Africa to Brazil and Portugal is important and ready market.





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