Sunday, May 24, 2015

Celebrating FIFA 111th Birthday.


Sampson I.M Onwuka

May 29nd 2015 is the celebration of FIFA 65th Annual Congress which will be hosted at Zurich as hometown of the organization, but one of the main events of the year is the birthday of FIFA organization on May 21st. The organization has functioned differently and for different reasons especially in ensuring the improvement of cultural relativity and aiding United Nations agenda, FIFA is an enduring feature in securing world peace.   

Since the inception of Federation of International Football Association - FIFA - enough transformation has taken place on the field to demand the attention of the general public, especially in the outline of the games which inherited some of the social tradition from World War I and World War II. Some of the names are spent force in the history of the game - some of the names are also very new particularly in celebrated World Best Player Awards.

The theme message of fair play in achieving with the legs what the politics can't do has remained visible in the general interest of the organization. Traditional power house such as Germany and France do not shy from taking their place along with Brazil and Argentina and Italy believed to have made the highest contribution in the development of the game. But this is an argument.

The countries of the world's flags

It may or may not seem appropriate to narrate some of the assumptions in the field of Sports, or some of the changes that has taken place in the last 10 years, especially in the area of regulations such as auto-replay and use electronics in analyzing a team technicality.

One of the changes with FIFA organization is the issue of 2007 transfer to Zurich - a permanent location for the organization. One of the challenges with FIFA organization especially in the last few years is the issue of discrimination which the 65th Annual congress will be lead to discuss.

Perhaps, the greater birthday bash for FIFA which began as a play sponsoring 11 players on either side in club house in Paris is how tackles some of the more enduring problems of National Football Federations for instance Israel and Palestine. 

FIFA President Blatter meets with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

Since 1968 incident between Palestine and Israel and the international moratorium on the conflict between Palestine and Israel the problem of interference between the nations more than delayed the changes Israeli football and the some of the incidence of 1972 Olympics has long been visible in Israel and perhaps in Palestine.

In an information released recently by FIFA, it mentioned that, "The discussions followed previous individual talks held by both member associations with FIFA over the past weeks. The main purpose of the meeting was to discuss the request made by the PFA for a proposal to suspend the IFA at the upcoming FIFA Congress."

For this reason, adding perhaps the problems of identifying the chief items of the discussion between Benjamin Netanyahu - Israeli Prime Minister and Sepp Blatter and the separate meeting between Blatter, Ofer Eini IPA chairman and Jibril Al Rajoub, the President of the Palestinian Football Association (PFA) and other members of UEFA and AFC suggest a second more compelling agenda in the upcoming congressional meeting.

The length of the discussion and the meaning behind the whole item may open other areas of interest between Palestine and Israel and it may also add some of the transformation in other sports and perhaps in Olympics to the social life of Israeli-Palestinian tradition. 

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